Monopar Announces First Patient Dosed With Its Novel Therapeutic Radiopharmaceutical MNPR-101-Lu
Monopar Announces First Patient Dosed With Its Novel Therapeutic Radiopharmaceutical MNPR-101-Lu
WILMETTE, Ill., Dec. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Monopar Therapeutics Inc. (Nasdaq: MNPR), a clinical-stage biotechnology company focused on developing innovative treatments for patients with unmet medical needs, today announced the first patient ever dosed with MNPR-101-Lu. This novel therapeutic radiopharmaceutical combines MNPR-101, Monopar's antibody that selectively targets the urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR), with the therapeutic radioisotope lutetium-177. uPAR is involved in tumor growth and metastasis, and is found in some of the most aggressive, deadly cancers, including pancreatic, ovarian, triple negative breast, and colorectal cancers.
伊利諾伊州威爾梅特,2024年12月5日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)-- monopar therapeutics公司(納斯達克:MNPR)是一家臨床階段的生物技術公司,專注於開發創新治療方法以滿足患者的醫療需求,今天宣佈首位接受MNPR-101-Lu治療的患者。這個新型治療性放射藥物將MNPR-101(monopar的抗體,選擇性靶向尿激酶型纖溶酶原激活劑受體uPAR)與治療性放射性同位素鑥-177結合在一起。uPAR參與腫瘤生長和轉移,並在一些最具侵襲性、致命性的癌症中發現,包括胰腺癌、卵巢癌、三陰性乳腺癌和結直腸癌。
The MNPR-101-Lu intravenous infusion was well-tolerated with no serious adverse reactions reported. This patient, dosed under a compassionate use protocol in the US, has metastatic pancreatic cancer, and prior to dosing, the cancer was imaged using MNPR-101-Zr (a zirconium-89 imaging radioisotope conjugated to MNPR-101) with a PET/CT scanner and showed uPAR expression.
"As a result of encouraging biodistribution and dosimetry clinical data we recently reported (link) with our radiodiagnostic, MNPR-101-Zr, we have been eagerly looking forward to initiating treatment of patients with MNPR-101-Lu, hopeful it may provide an important therapeutic benefit to a group of cancer patients very much in need," said Chandler Robinson, MD, Monopar's Chief Executive Officer.
"We are thrilled to have dosed this patient with MNPR-101-Lu, and believe this may be the world's first dosing of a patient with a uPAR-targeted therapeutic radiopharmaceutical," said Andrew Cittadine, Monopar's Chief Operating Officer.
Monopar is actively enrolling participants in two Phase 1 clinical studies in Australia, evaluating MNPR-101-Zr for imaging and MNPR-101-Lu for treatment of advanced solid tumors. Further information about the MNPR-101-Lu Phase 1a trial is available at under study identifier NCT06617169. Further information about the MNPR-101-Zr Phase 1 imaging and dosimetry clinical trial is available at under study identifier NCT06337084.
「根據我們最近報告的鼓舞人心的生物分佈和劑量測量臨床數據(鏈接),我們一直期待開始使用MNPR-101-Lu對患者進行治療,希望這可以爲非常需要的癌症患者提供重要的治療益處,」monopar的首席執行官Chandler Robinson博士表示。
「我們很高興能夠爲這位患者提供MNPR-101-Lu的劑量,並相信這可能是世界上首次對目標爲uPAR的治療性放射藥物患者進行劑量治療,」monopar的首席運營官Andrew Cittadine表示。
monopar正在澳洲積極招募參與者進行兩項1期臨床研究,評估MNPR-101-Zr用於成像和MNPR-101-Lu用於治療晚期實性腫瘤。有關MNPR-101-Lu 1a期試驗的更多信息可在NCT06617169研究標識符下獲取。有關MNPR-101-Zr 1期成像和劑量測量臨床試驗的更多信息可在NCT06337084研究標識符下獲取。
About Monopar Therapeutics Inc.
Monopar Therapeutics is a clinical-stage biotechnology company with ALXN-1840 for Wilson disease which has completed a Phase 3 trial, and radiopharma programs including Phase 1-stage MNPR-101-Zr for imaging advanced cancers, and Phase 1a-stage MNPR-101-Lu and late preclinical-stage MNPR-101-Ac225 for the treatment of advanced cancers. For more information, visit: .
Forward-Looking Statements
Statements contained in this press release regarding matters that are not historical facts are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The words "may," "will," "could," "would," "should," "expect," "plan," "anticipate," "intend," "believe," "estimate," "predict," "project," "potential," "continue," "target" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements, although not all forward-looking statements contain these identifying words. Examples of these forward-looking statements include statements concerning: the MNPR-101-Lu intravenous infusion was well-tolerated with no serious adverse reactions reported; that as a result of recently reported encouraging biodistribution and dosimetry clinical data with Monopar's radiodiagnostic, MNPR-101-Zr, the Company has been eagerly looking forward to initiating treatment and to seeing if the Company can bring an important therapeutic benefit to a group of cancer patients very much in need; and the Company believes this may be the world's first dosing of a patient with a uPAR-targeted therapeutic radiopharmaceutical. The forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties including, but not limited to: that the patient may develop a serious adverse event in the future to MNPR-101-Lu; that radiation dosimetry analytics in the future may not be consistent with the estimated data generated thus far; that Monopar may not find enough patients to successfully enroll its MNPR-101-Lu therapeutic study; that the Phase 1 imaging and dosimetry clinical trial in advanced cancer patients with MNPR-101-Zr may not yield consistently satisfactory results; that future preclinical or clinical data may not be as promising as the data to date; that MNPR-101-Zr and/or MNPR-101-Lu may cause unexpected serious adverse effects or fail to be effective against the cancer tumors in humans; that the trials could result in a clinical hold should there be a Serious Adverse Event; Monopar's ability to raise sufficient funds in order for the Company to support continued clinical, regulatory and commercial development of its programs and to make contractual future milestone payments, as well as its ability to further raise additional funds in the future to support any future product candidate programs through completion of clinical trials, the approval processes and, if applicable, commercialization; uncertainties related to the regulatory discussions that Monopar intends to initiate related to ALXN-1840 and the outcome thereof; the rate of market acceptance and competitiveness in terms of pricing, efficacy and safety, of any products for which Monopar receives marketing approval, and Monopar's ability to competitively market any such products as compared to larger pharmaceutical firms; and the significant general risks and uncertainties surrounding the research, development, regulatory approval, and commercialization of imaging agents and therapeutics. Actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Risks are described more fully in Monopar's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. All forward-looking statements contained in this press release speak only as of the date on which they were made. Monopar undertakes no obligation to update such statements to reflect events that occur or circumstances that exist after the date on which they were made. Any forward-looking statements contained in this press release represent Monopar's views only as of the date hereof and should not be relied upon as representing its views as of any subsequent date.
關於Monopar Therapeutics Inc。
monopar therapeutics是一家臨床階段的生物技術公司,正在開發用於威爾遜病的ALXN-1840,該藥物已完成三期試驗,幷包括影像學高級癌症的第一階段MNPR-101-Zr以及用於治療高級癌症的第一階段MNPR-101-Lu和晚期臨床前階段的MNPR-101-Ac225的放射藥物項目。更多信息,請訪問:.
本新聞稿中關於非歷史事實事項的陳述屬於1995年私人證券訴訟改革法案所定義的"前瞻性陳述"。 "可能"、"將"、"能夠"、"會"、"應該"、"期望"、"計劃"、"預期"、"打算"、"相信"、"估計"、"預測"、"項目"、"潛在"、"繼續"、"目標"及類似表述旨在標識前瞻性陳述,儘管並非所有前瞻性陳述都包含這些識別性詞語。這些前瞻性陳述的例子包括:MNPR-101-Lu靜脈輸注耐受良好,沒有報告嚴重不良反應;由於最近報告的與monopar的放射診斷藥物MNPR-101-Zr相關的令人鼓舞的生物分佈和劑量計算臨床數據,公司急切期待開始治療,並查看公司能否爲一群需求迫切的癌症患者帶來重要的治療益處;以及公司認爲這可能是全球首例使用uPAR靶向治療放射藥物爲患者給藥。前瞻性陳述涉及的風險和不確定性包括但不限於:患者將來可能會對MNPR-101-Lu出現嚴重不良事件;未來的放射劑量分析可能與迄今爲止生成的估算數據不一致;monopar可能找不到足夠的患者來成功招募其MNPR-101-Lu治療研究;MNPR-101-Zr在高級癌症患者中的第一階段影像學和劑量計算臨床試驗可能不會產生持續令人滿意的結果;未來的臨床前或臨床數據可能不如迄今爲止的數據那樣有前景;MNPR-101-Zr和/或MNPR-101-Lu可能會導致意想不到的嚴重不良反應,或對人類癌症腫瘤無效;如果發生嚴重不良事件,試驗可能會導致臨床暫停;monopar在支持其項目的持續臨床、監管和商業開發以及進行合同未來里程碑付款方面籌集足夠資金的能力,以及其在未來進一步籌集資金以支持未來產品候選項目直到完成臨床試驗、批准流程,並在適用時進行商業化的能力;monopar打算啓動的與ALXN-1840相關的監管討論及其結果的不確定性;monopar獲得市場批准的任何產品在定價、療效和安全性方面的市場接受率和競爭力,以及monopar與大型藥品公司相比,競爭性市場任何此類產品的能力;以及圍繞成像劑和治療藥物的研究、開發、監管批准和商業化的重大一般風險和不確定性。實際結果可能與這些前瞻性陳述所表達或暗示的結果有實質性差異。風險在monopar向證券交易委員會提交的文件中有更全面的描述。本新聞稿中包含的所有前瞻性陳述僅在其作出之日有效。monopar沒有義務更新這些陳述以反映在其作出的日期之後發生的事件或存在的情況。本新聞稿中包含的任何前瞻性陳述僅代表monopar在本日期的觀點,不應被依賴爲代表其在任何後續日期的觀點。
Monopar Therapeutics Inc.
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Karthik Radhakrishnan
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Monopar Therapeutics Inc.
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