SoFi Unlocks SpaceX Exposure For Retail Investors: Here's How
SoFi Unlocks SpaceX Exposure For Retail Investors: Here's How
SoFi Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ:SOFI) announced expanded access to alternative investments on Wednesday through three new private market funds, including the Cosmos Fund which exclusively holds SpaceX stock.
SoFi Technologies, Inc. (納斯達克:SOFI) 週三宣佈通過三個新的私人市場基金擴大對另類投資的准入,包括專門持有spacex(臨時代碼)股票的阿童木基金。
What To Know: SoFi said it conducted a survey that found more than 87% of investors have an interest in investing in privately held companies with Open AI, SpaceX and Epic Games ranking as the top three private companies with the most retail investor interest.
要了解的事項:SoFi表示,其進行了一項調查,發現超過87%的投資者有興趣投資於私人持有的公司,其中Open AI、spacex和Epic Games是獲得零售投資者最多關注的三大私人公司。
SpaceX, led by Elon Musk, has an estimated valuation of more than $200 billion, but it is not a publicly traded company. However, the company has an internal trading program that allows employees and existing investors to buy and sell shares and the Cosmos Fund holds only SpaceX stock.
spacex在Elon Musk的領導下,估計估值超過2000億,但它不是一家上市公司。然而,該公司有一個內部交易計劃,允許員工和現有投資者買入和賣出股票,而阿童木基金僅持有spacex股票。
Through a partnership with Templum, SoFi Invest members who are accredited investors can now invest in the Cosmos Fund, the Pomona Investment Fund and StepStone Private Markets Fund.
通過與Templum的合作,SoFi Invest的合格投資者現在可以投資阿童木基金、Pomona投資基金和StepStone私人市場基金。
"Historically, the retail investor community has had few opportunities to invest in privately held companies, but we firmly believe in broadening access to potentially valuable opportunities," said Anthony Noto, CEO of SoFi.
SoFi的首席執行官Anthony Noto表示:「從歷史上看,零售投資者社區投資於私人持有的公司的機會很少,但我們堅信擴大獲取潛在有價值機會的途徑。」
"Today marks yet another milestone on our path to helping SoFi members achieve financial independence by giving them an opportunity to invest in some of today's most sought after privately held companies," Noto added.
What Else: There are some requirements for investing in the Cosmos Fund through SoFi, including a minimum investment of $25,000 and an offering period that runs from Dec. 4 through Dec. 19.
Investors can also access SpaceX through the Ark Venture Fund which has 12.4% of its assets invested in SpaceX and also holds shares of OpenAI and Epic Games. All SoFi investors can access the Ark Venture Fund through SoFi's brokerage platform.
投資者還可以通過Ark創業公司基金來接觸spacex,該基金12.4%的資產投資於spacex,並持有OpenAI和Epic Games的股份。所有SoFi投資者可以通過SoFi的券商平台訪問Ark創業公司基金。
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