Perpetua Resources Partners With Sunshine Silver to Explore Antimony Processing in Idaho
Perpetua Resources Partners With Sunshine Silver to Explore Antimony Processing in Idaho
Perpetua Resources Corp. (NASDAQ:PPTA) (TSX:PPTA) ("Perpetua Resources" or "Perpetua" or the "Company") today announced its wholly owned subsidiary Perpetua Resources Idaho, Inc. has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") to explore antimony processing opportunities with Sunshine Silver Mining & Refining Company ("Sunshine Silver" or "Sunshine"), also based in Idaho.
Perpetua Resources corp. (納斯達克:PPTA) (tsx:PPTA) ("Perpetua Resources"或"Perpetua"或"公司")今天宣佈其全資子公司Perpetua Resources Idaho, Inc.已與世紀陽光 銀礦及冶煉公司("世紀陽光"或"陽光")簽署了一份諒解備忘錄("MOU"),以探索銻加工的機會,世紀陽光也位於愛達荷州。
Testing under the MOU, which is non-binding and non-exclusive, will evaluate the technical potential for processing and refining antimony from the Stibnite Gold Project in Idaho at the Sunshine Mine Complex. The MOU will initiate third-party engineering to evaluate a flowsheet to suit different antimony ore types and follows engagement between the parties' technical and executive teams.