
Datadog Announces Proposed Private Offering of $775 Million of Convertible Senior Notes

Datadog Announces Proposed Private Offering of $775 Million of Convertible Senior Notes

datadog 宣佈計劃私募77500萬美元的可轉換高級票據
Datadog ·  2024/12/09 13:00

紐約,2024年12月9日 /PRNewswire/ -- Datadog, Inc.(納斯達克:DDOG)(「Datadog」),是雲應用程序的監控和安防平台,今天宣佈,計劃在市場條件和其他因素的情況下,提供77500萬美元的可轉換高級票據,截止日期爲2029年(「票據」),進行定向增發(「發行」),對象爲根據1933年《證券法》(經修正)第144A條規則合理相信是合格機構買家的人員。Datadog還計劃在票據首次發行的13天內,給予票據的初始購買者一個購買額外高達11625萬美元的票據的選擇權。



Datadog預計將利用發行所得淨收益的一部分支付下述 capped call 交易的費用,並以現金回購部分Datadog尚未償還的0.125%可轉換高級票據,截止日期爲2025年(「2025票據」)。Datadog預計將剩餘的淨收益用於一般公司用途,可能包括對互補業務或技術的收購或戰略投資,儘管Datadog目前並沒有任何此類收購或投資的計劃,以及額外的回購或償還2025票據、運營資金、營業費用和資本支出。如果初始購買者行使購買額外票據的選擇權,Datadog預計將利用額外票據銷售所得的一部分淨收益與對方進行額外的 capped call 交易,其餘部分用於上述的一般公司用途。

In connection with the pricing of the notes, Datadog expects to enter into privately negotiated capped call transactions with one or more of the initial purchasers or affiliates thereof and/or other financial institutions (the "option counterparties"). The capped call transactions will cover, subject to customary adjustments substantially similar to those applicable to the notes, the number of shares of Class A common stock initially underlying the notes. The capped call transactions are generally expected to reduce the potential dilution to the Class A common stock upon any conversion of notes and/or offset any cash payments Datadog is required to make in excess of the principal amount of converted notes, as the case may be, with such reduction and/or offset subject to a cap.

In connection with establishing their initial hedges of the capped call transactions, Datadog expects the option counterparties or their respective affiliates will enter into various derivative transactions with respect to the Class A common stock and/or purchase shares of Class A common stock concurrently with or shortly after the pricing of the notes, including with, or from, certain investors in the notes. This activity could increase (or reduce the size of any decrease in) the market price of the Class A common stock or the trading price of the notes at that time.

In addition, the option counterparties or their respective affiliates may modify their hedge positions by entering into or unwinding various derivatives with respect to the Class A common stock and/or purchasing or selling shares of Class A common stock or other securities of Datadog in secondary market transactions following the pricing of the notes and prior to the maturity of the notes (and are likely to do so during any observation period related to a conversion of notes or, to the extent Datadog exercises the relevant election under the capped call transactions, following any repurchase or redemption of the notes). This activity could also cause or avoid an increase or a decrease in the market price of the Class A common stock or the trading price of the notes, which could affect a holder's ability to convert the notes and, to the extent the activity occurs during any observation period related to a conversion of notes, it could affect the number of shares, if any, and value of the consideration that a holder will receive upon conversion of its notes.







Datadog是面向雲應用的可觀測性和安全性平台。我們的SaaS平台集成和自動化基礎設施監控,應用程序性能監控,日誌管理,用戶體驗監控,雲安全和許多其他功能,爲我們的客戶的整個技術棧提供統一的實時可觀測性和安全性。 Datadog被各種規模的組織和多個行業使用,以實現數字轉型和雲遷移,在開發,運營,安全和業務團隊之間促進合作,在應用程序上市時間上加快速度,減少故障解決時間,並確保應用程序和基礎架構的安全,了解用戶行爲並跟蹤關鍵業務指標。




Yuka Broderick


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