Smart Jobs: ATLAS AI TMS Is Years Ahead of Competition
Smart Jobs: ATLAS AI TMS Is Years Ahead of Competition
BATCH Freight Transforms Logistics Operations Through Intelligent Load Management
BATCH Freight通過智能裝載管理變革物流操作
LONG BEACH, Calif., Dec. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- BATCH Freight (BATCH) is excited to announce "Smart Jobbing", a core AI functionality for intelligent load planning and management as a part of its Advanced Trucking & Logistics Automation System (ATLAS) solution. With an emphasis on maximizing capacity utilization and minimizing operational inefficiencies, ATLAS is transforming how carriers move freight, significantly benefiting both truck drivers and shippers.
加州長灘,2024年12月9日 /美通社/ -- BATCH Freight (BATCH)很高興地宣佈「智能作業」,這是一種核心的人工智能功能,用於智能裝載規劃和管理,是其愛文思控股公路運輸及物流自動化系統(ATLAS)解決方案。ATLAS強調最大化容量利用並最小化運營低效,正在轉變承運人交通貨物的方式,顯著惠及卡車司機和發貨人。
In today's competitive freight industry, managing multiple loaded and empty container shipments can lead to unwanted accessorial fees such as detention or bobtails for shippers. Recognizing this challenge, BATCH developed 'Smart Jobbing' advanced planning functionality that enables the batching of multiple loads into a single job, maximizing routing efficiency while allowing truck drivers to complete more loads and earn more money per day, driving accelerated on-time deliveries and excellent service to shippers.
Harnessing Technology for Enhanced Operational Efficiency
ATLAS is integrated with marine terminals, rail ramps, warehouses, distribution centers, and yard management systems across the US. As an orchestration engine, ATLAS considers various restrictions at these locations as well as their operating hours, employing sophisticated algorithms to manage appointments and facilitate matches between outbound and inbound loads. This ensures that shipments move quickly and efficiently with maximum throughput at these facilities with minimal human interaction.
ATLAS與美國的海洋碼頭、鐵路站、倉庫、配送中心和 yard 管理系統集成。作爲一個調度引擎,ATLAS考慮了這些地點的各種限制以及它們的營業時間,利用複雜的算法管理預約,並促進出貨和入貨的匹配。這確保了貨物以最高的吞吐量在這些設施中快速高效地移動,且減少了人爲干預。
To further streamline drayage and truckload operations, ATLAS automates the scheduling of appointments at marine terminals, rail ramps, and warehouses, utilizing smart route matching AI to efficiently batch loads for all import and export shippers. After batching dual transaction and roundtrip loads into high-quality 'Smart Jobs', ATLAS' intelligence matches these jobs with the most qualified carriers based on their scorecard and personal preferences, optimizing earning potential for truck drivers and improving service quality for BATCH's shippers. This enhances operational efficiency and significantly reduces carbon emissions by minimizing empty miles, aligning with BATCH's commitment to sustainability.
According to BATCH's CTO, Mirna Kusalovic, "Our proprietary Smart Jobbing AI processes large amounts of data real time to analyze patterns and spot trends. It focuses on optimizing the resource allocation, ensuring the containers are matched and stitched efficiently into a single Smart Job that reduces idle-time and maximizes utilization."
據BATCH的首席技術官Mirna Kusalovic博士表示,「我們專有的智能工作人工智能實時處理大量數據來分析模式並發現趨勢。它專注於優化資源分配,確保集裝箱有效匹配並縫合成一個單一的智能工作,減少空閒時間並最大化利用效率。」
Benefits of ATLAS for the Freight Industry
The implementation of ATLAS brings a host of benefits for carriers, shippers, and the environment:
- Increased Load Capacity: By enabling truck drivers to complete more loads each day, BATCH enhances the overall capacity of the carrier network, reducing the risk of additional fees such as demurrage and per diem charges.
- Cost Reduction: With mid-size bundles exhibiting lower cancellation and rescheduling rates, carriers can fill their schedules more efficiently. This leads to higher margins per load as carriers are willing to accept slightly lower costs when they have enough loads to fill their day.
- Enhanced Satisfaction: By minimizing unproductive time and ensuring timely deliveries, BATCH boosts satisfaction among carriers and shippers alike. This fosters strong, long-lasting partnerships and loyalty to the platform.
- Sustainability: Reducing unproductive miles translates to fewer CO2 emissions, reinforcing BATCH's commitment to environmentally responsible logistics.
- 提升載貨能力:通過使卡車司機每天完成更多的裝載,BATCH增強了承運網絡的整體能力,減少了如滯留費和每日費用等額外費用的風險。
- 成本降低:中型批量的取消和重新調度率較低,承運商可以更高效地填滿他們的日程。這導致每個裝載的利潤更高,因爲承運商在有足夠貨物填滿他們的工作日時,願意接受稍低的成本。
- 提升滿意度:通過減少無效時間和確保及時交付,BATCH提高了承運人和發貨人之間的滿意度。這促進了強大而持久的合作伙伴關係,以及對平台的忠誠。
- 可持續發展:減少無效公里數意味着更少的二氧化碳排放,進一步加強了BATCH對環保物流的承諾。
A Vision for the Future
BATCH is dedicated to positioning itself as a leader in the freight technology industry through the innovative application of automated AI solutions. By utilizing machine learning to make complex, holistic decisions for load bundling, ATLAS sets a new standard in operational efficacy that is years ahead of other freight tech and TMS software companies. BATCH plans to launch ATLAS as a public subscription solution in early 2025.
BATCH致力於通過創新應用自動化人工智能解決方案,在貨運科技行業中樹立領導地位。通過利用機器學習爲裝載捆綁做出複雜而全面的決策,ATLAS爲運營效率設定了一個新的標準,遠遠領先於其他貨運科技和交通管理軟體公司。BATCH計劃在2025年初推出ATLAS作爲一個 訂閱解決方案 。
About BATCH Freight: BATCH is committed to transforming the logistics industry through innovative technology solutions that streamline operations and enhance efficiency. With a focus on leveraging AI and machine learning, BATCH is dedicated to empowering shippers and brokerages to thrive in a competitive market. To learn more, visit
SOURCE Batch Freight