
Theranica Advances Migraine Care in 2024 Supported by New Research, an Expanded Indication, a New Chief Medical Officer, and Broader Insurance Coverage

Theranica Advances Migraine Care in 2024 Supported by New Research, an Expanded Indication, a New Chief Medical Officer, and Broader Insurance Coverage

PR Newswire ·  2024/12/10 21:13

The Nerivio REN wearable is redefining pediatric migraine care as the only migraine-specific preventive therapy for children under the age of 12.

Nerivio REN可穿戴設備正在重新定義兒童偏頭痛護理,成爲唯一針對12歲以下兒童的偏頭痛預防治療。

BRIDGEWATER, N.J. and NETANYA, Israel, Dec. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Theranica, a prescribed neuromodulation therapeutics company, today announced significant milestones in 2024, including a recently released study highlighting barriers and preferences when treating migraine at school. Other achievements this year include an expanded age indication from the FDA, clearing the treatment for use in patients aged eight and older; the appointment of a new chief medical officer; and improved access and affordability with insurance coverage reaching 30 million people.

新澤西州布里奇沃特,2024年12月10日/PRNewswire/ -- Theranica一家處方神經調節治療公司,今天宣佈在2024年取得了重要的里程碑,包括最近發佈的一項研究,強調在學校治療偏頭痛時的障礙和偏好。今年的其他成就包括FDA擴展的年齡指徵,清除了8歲及以上患者的治療使用;任命新首席醫療官;以及保險覆蓋使3000萬人改善了獲取和負擔能力。

The Nerivio REN wearable surpassed 1M treatments in the U.S., underscoring the adoption of a non-drug migraine treatment

Nerivio REN可穿戴設備在美國的治療次數超過100萬次,突顯了非藥物偏頭痛治療的採用。

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Children and adolescents can face challenges treating migraine at school. In a recent study, 64.2% of school-aged participants were able to manage their migraine at the start of symptoms with the Nerivio REN wearable, a discreet, non-drug treatment for migraine. This allowed students to treat independently, stay engaged in the classroom, and avoid social stigma.
兒童和青少年在學校可能面臨治療偏頭痛的挑戰。最近的一項研究顯示,64.2%的學齡參與者能夠在症狀開始時使用Nerivio REN可穿戴設備來管理他們的偏頭痛,這是一種隱秘的非藥物治療方法。這使學生能夠獨立治療,保持課堂參與,避免社交污名。

Addressing Migraine at School with the REN Wearable


A study published in Children, a peer-reviewed publication, highlights the challenges children and adolescents face in treating migraine at school, emphasizing key barriers such as lack of access to treatment, inconvenience to treat in class, and social stigma. In the study, 64.2% of the 332 young participants reported having to leave the classroom to receive drug treatment from the school nurse as a primary hindrance to treating migraine during school, while 42.2% mentioned the perception of being "different." With the discreet Nerivio REN wearable, however, 65.4% of the participants were able to manage their migraine in the classroom at the start of symptoms, either as a standalone treatment or in conjunction with other treatments. This allowed students to avoid leaving the classroom and initiate treatment independently, putting them in control of their migraine without disruption or stigma.

A 一項發表在《兒童》期刊的研究, 突出兒童和青少年在學校治療偏頭痛時面臨的挑戰,強調了諸如缺乏治療途徑、在課堂上治療的不便以及社會污名等關鍵障礙。在這項研究中,332名年輕參與者中有64.2%報告稱因需去校醫處接受藥物治療而不得不離開教室,這是在學校治療偏頭痛的主要障礙,而42.2%提到感到「不同」。然而,使用隱秘的Nerivio REN可穿戴設備,65.4%的參與者能夠在症狀開始時在課堂上自行管理他們的偏頭痛,既可以作爲單獨的治療,也可以與其他治療結合使用。這使學生能夠避免離開教室並獨立開始治療,使他們能夠控制自己的偏頭痛,而不受干擾或污名。

This study emphasizes the importance of the REN wearable as a discreet, effective, and independent first-line treatment, reducing disruptions and addressing challenges faced by students managing migraine at school.


"The REN wearable offers advantages over traditional pharmacological treatments in terms of accessibility, reducing learning disruptions, reducing social stigma, and fostering autonomy," said Dr. Andrew D. Hershey, MD, PhD, FAAN, FAHS, Endowed Chair and Director of Neurology, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center and Professor of Pediatrics and Neurology, University of Cincinnati School of Medicine. "Use of REN in the classroom allows for the student to treat at the onset, thus reducing the time suffering from the headache due to migraine. The findings suggest that REN improves treatment adherence at school, reducing the portion of students who either avoid treatment or rely solely on pharmacological medications. Given the need for timely intervention, this study has immediate clinical implications for school-aged children living with migraine."

「REN可穿戴設備在可及性、減少學習干擾、降低社會污名和促進自主性方面優於傳統藥物治療,」辛辛那提兒童醫院醫療中心神經科董事和神經病學 endowed Chair 的安德魯·D·好時醫學博士說。「在課堂上使用REN使學生能夠在偏頭痛發作時即時治療,從而減少因偏頭痛引起的頭痛時間。研究結果表明,REN改善了學校的治療依從性,減少了避免治療或僅依賴藥物的學生比例。考慮到及時干預的必要性,這項研究對生活在偏頭痛中的學齡兒童具有直接的臨牀意義。」

FDA Expands Age Indication for the Nerivio REN Wearable

FDA擴大了Nerivio REN可穿戴設備的年齡適應症

In October, the FDA cleared the Nerivio REN wearable for patients as young as eight, making it the first FDA-cleared, non-drug option for acute migraine treatment in children and the only prescribed preventive treatment of migraine for this age group. Until now, there has been a reliance on drugs to treat pediatric migraine, many of which were not originally developed for this purpose and have not been evaluated for use in children. Additionally, these drugs often come with poor tolerability and disruptive, systemic side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, and fatigue.

In October, the FDA cleared the Nerivio REN wearable for patients as young as eight, making it the first FDA-cleared, non-drug option for acute migraine treatment in childREN and the only prescribed preventive treatment of migraine for this age group. Until now, there has been a reliance on drugs to treat pediatric migraine, many of which were not originally developed for this purpose and have not been evaluated for use in children. Additionally, these drugs often come with poor tolerability and disruptive, systemic side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, and fatigue.

The REN wearable is redefining migraine intervention by addressing key shortcomings with pharmacologic treatments. This FDA-clearance is especially critical to mitigate the risk of long-term disability and disease progression in children and adolescents providing a safe, effective treatment for early intervention. Treating migraine with the REN wearable also improves overall quality of life by allowing kids to stay active in their studies and participate socially with friends.

The REN wearable is redefining migraine intervention by addressing key shortcomings with pharmacologic treatments. This FDA-clearance is especially critical to mitigate the risk of long-term disability and disease progression in children and adolescents providing a safe, effective treatment for early intervention. Treating migraine with the REN wearable also improves overall quality of life by allowing kids to stay active in their studies and participate socially with friends.

Dr. Angel S. Angelov, M.D. Joins Theranica as Chief Medical Officer

Dr. Angel S. Angelov萬.D. Joins Theranica as Chief Medical Officer

Dr. Angelov, with over 20 years in pharmaceutical clinical development and medical affairs, will bring his expertise to Theranica's mission. He completed his residency and fellowship trainings at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia and is a diplomate of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. As Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Angelov will provide global oversight of medical affairs and assist with initiatives to improve access to and affordability of the Nerivio REN wearable.

Dr. Angelov, with over 20 years in pharmaceutical clinical development and medical affairs, will bring his expertise to Theranica's mission. He completed his residency and fellowship trainings at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia and is a diplomate of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. As Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Angelov will provide global oversight of medical affairs and assist with initiatives to improve access to and affordability of the Nerivio REN wearable.

"As a physician deeply committed to improving pediatric and preventive care, it is a privilege to join the Theranica team and provide my expertise to help advance the initiatives of the company," said Dr. Angelov. "The REN wearable is a much-needed, drug-free option for treating pediatric migraine and I look forward to expanding accessibility to the product and help positioning it as a first-line treatment for migraine."


One Million Treatments and Broader Insurance Coverage


In a landmark achievement, the Nerivio REN wearable surpassed one million treatments in the U.S. this October, underscoring the growing recognition and adoption of a non-drug migraine treatment as an alternative or a supplement to pharmacological medications. This milestone reflects not only the increasing trust among healthcare providers and patients but also the wearable's ability to improve quality of life for users.

在一個重要的成就中,Nerivio REN 可穿戴設備在美國於今年十月超過了一百萬次治療,凸顯了作爲藥物治療替代品或補充品的非藥物偏頭痛治療日益受到認可和採納。這個里程碑不僅反映了醫療提供者和患者之間日益增加的信任,也體現了該可穿戴設備改善用戶生活質量的能力。

Increasing patient access and affordability remains a priority for Theranica. This year, eight payers began covering the Nerivio REN wearable for their members, including Highmark, Blue Cross Blue Shield North Dakota, as well as D.C., Colorado, Arizona, New Jersey, Ohio, and Virginia Medicaid programs. Two additional payers have concluded their respective evaluations with decisions to cover Nerivio in policies that will come into effect and be announced in early 2025. This coverage expansion means that 30 million Americans have reimbursed access to this therapy.

增加患者的可及性和負擔能力仍然是Theranica的優先事項。今年,八家支付方開始爲他們的成員覆蓋Nerivio REN可穿戴設備,包括 Highmark、藍十字藍盾北達科他州,以及 D.C., 科羅拉多州, 亞利桑那州、新澤西州、俄亥俄州和維吉尼亞州的醫療補助項目另外兩個付款方已完成各自的評估,並決定在將於2025年初生效並公佈的政策中覆蓋Nerivio。這一覆蓋範圍的擴展意味着3000萬美國人能夠報銷地獲得這種治療。

"In 2024, we focused on making Nerivio accessible (with prescription) to U.S. populations in greater need for a non-drug therapy—including children, adolescents, veterans, and pregnant women. In parallel, we expanded the availability of the Nerivio REN wearable internationally in Germany, India, Spain, South Africa, and the UK, through our partnership with Dr. Reddy's Laboratories," said Alon Ironi, CEO and cofounder of Theranica. "With the recent FDA's expanded indication, Nerivio becomes the first and only FDA-cleared preventive and acute migraine treatment for children as young as eight—a milestone that addresses the gaps in current care for the 10% of children impacted by migraine disease. By focusing on the issues that truly matter to families, we're seeing a positive response from the market, signaling that the old standard of care is insufficient for patients with migraine."

「在2024年,我們專注於使Nerivio(在處方的情況下)更容易獲得給美國更需要非藥物治療的人群——包括兒童、青少年、退伍軍人和孕婦。同時,我們通過與好時實驗室的合作,擴大了Nerivio REN可穿戴設備在德國、印度、西班牙、南非和英國的國際可用性,」Theranica的首席執行官兼聯合創始人阿隆·艾羅尼(Alon Ironi)說道。「隨着FDA最近擴大適應症,Nerivio成爲FDA唯一批准的針對八歲及以上兒童的預防性和急性偏頭痛治療,這標誌着填補了10%受偏頭痛疾病影響的兒童當前護理的空白。通過關注家庭真正關心的問題,我們看到了市場的積極反應,表明舊有的護理標準對偏頭痛患者而言已不再足夠。」

For more information about The Nerivio REN wearable, please visit

有關Nerivio REN可穿戴設備的更多信息,請訪問。

About Nerivio


Controlled by a smartphone app and self-administered, the Nerivio REN wearable is a complete migraine care treatment that wraps around the upper arm and uses sub-painful Remote Electrical Neuromodulation (REN) to activate nociceptive nerve fibers in the arm. These fibers send signals that trigger a descending pain management mechanism in the brain called conditioned pain modulation (CPM), which turns off migraine pain and associated symptoms without medication. In simpler terms, the upper arm is stimulated to unleash a natural process in the brain to abort or relieve migraine headaches and other associated symptoms. Each treatment lasts 45 minutes and is applied every other day for prevention or at the start of a migraine attack for acute treatment.

Nerivio REN可穿戴設備由智能手機應用控制,自我管理,是一款完整的偏頭痛護理治療設備,包裹在上臂,採用無痛的遠程電神經調製(REN)激活臂中的痛覺神經纖維。這些纖維發送信號,觸發大腦中一種叫做條件性疼痛調製(CPM)的降痛管理機制,從而關閉偏頭痛疼痛和相關症狀,無需用藥。簡單來說,上臂受到刺激,釋放出一種大腦中自然的過程,以終止或緩解偏頭痛頭痛及其他相關症狀。每次治療持續45分鐘,每兩天一次用於預防,或在偏頭痛發作開始時進行急性治療。

About Theranica


Theranica is a neuromodulation therapeutics company dedicated to creating effective, safe, affordable, low-side-effect therapies for idiopathic pain conditions. The company's award-winning flagship wearable, Nerivio, is the first FDA-cleared prescribed migraine REN wearable for acute and/or preventive treatment of migraine. Nerivio has been used in more than one million migraine treatments in the U.S., including by adolescents and veterans. Theranica is expanding its proprietary technology to develop solutions for additional idiopathic pain conditions. Learn more by visiting our websites, and, and following us on LinkedIn, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, and Facebook.

Theranica是一家神經調節治療公司,致力於爲特發性疼痛病症創造有效、安全、實惠、低副作用的療法。該公司的獲獎旗艦可穿戴設備Nerivio,是首個獲得FDA批准的用於急性和/或預防性治療偏頭痛的處方型REN可穿戴設備。Nerivio在美國已有超過一百萬次偏頭痛治療的應用,包括青少年和退伍軍人。Theranica正在擴展其專有技術,以開發針對其他特發性疼痛病症的解決方案。欲了解更多信息,請訪問我們的網站,,並關注我們的 LinkedIn, X(前身爲Twitter), Instagram,臉書.

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Grey Matter Marketing
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