Workhorse Partners With Progress Manufacturing Company as Certified Dealer for Specialized Second-Stage Manufacturing
Workhorse Partners With Progress Manufacturing Company as Certified Dealer for Specialized Second-Stage Manufacturing
Progressive Manufacturing Company (PMC) has become a Workhorse dealer, expanding the availability of electric commercial vehicles to specialized fleets.
漸進製造公司 (PMC) 已成爲Workhorse經銷商,擴大了電動商用車在專業車隊中的可用性。
The partnership enables integration of equipment from EnviroCharge for specialized applications.
PMC has signed a purchase order for Workhorse's W56 and W4 CC vehicles which will become demo models.
PMC已經簽署了Workhorse的W56和W4 CC車輛的採購訂單,這些車輛將成爲演示模型。
CINCINNATI, Dec. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Workhorse Group Inc. (Nasdaq: WKHS) ("Workhorse" or "the Company"), an American technology company focused on pioneering the transition to zero-emission commercial vehicles, today announced that Progressive Manufacturing Company LLC (PMC) has joined its growing dealer network. PMC is a second-stage manufacturer and distributor specializing in equipping commercial vehicles with highly specialized technology.
辛辛那提,2024年12月10日(全球新聞網) -- Workhorse Group Inc. (納斯達克: WKHS) ("Workhorse"或"公司"),是一家專注於引領零排放商業車輛轉型的美國科技公司,今天宣佈Progressive Manufacturing Company LLC(PMC)已加入其不斷擴展的經銷商網絡。PMC是一家第二階段製造商和分銷商,專門爲商業車輛提供高度專業化的科技設備。
As part of this partnership, Progressive Manufacturing has signed a purchase order for a Workhorse W56 step van and W4 CC cab chassis, which will be used as demonstration units by their contracted sales team. Both will showcase EnviroCharge's mobile DC fast chargers, providing a groundbreaking solution for off-grid fleet EV charging using clean energy sources.
作爲此合作的一部分,Progressive Manufacturing已簽署了一份購買訂單,採購一臺Workhorse W56步進廂貨車和一臺W4 CC駕駛室底盤,這將被其合同銷售團隊用作演示單位。兩者將展示EnviroCharge的移動直流快充充電器,爲使用清潔能源的離網車隊新能源車充電提供了開創性解決方案。
EnviroCharge, based in Sacramento, California, delivers mobile and stationary fast charging solutions that are essential for EV fleets operating in off-grid or remote locations. These integrations highlight the diverse operational capabilities of Workhorse vehicles.
"Partnering with PMC to deploy new, enabling technologies for customer applications aligns perfectly with our strategies of building a strong, American manufacturing base in Union City, Indiana, and growing the market for our electric vehicle platforms by having the largest network of OEM upfit partners in the industry," said Ryan Gaul, Workhorse President of Commercial Vehicles. "This collaboration demonstrates the adaptability of Workhorse's zero-emission platforms, offering solutions that elevate fleet performance while addressing unique operational needs."
「與PMC合作部署新的、使能的技術以滿足客戶應用,與我們在印第安納州聯合市建立強大的美國製造基地的戰略完全一致,並通過擁有行業內最大的OEm改裝合作伙伴網絡來擴大我們電動車平台的市場,」Workhorse商用車總裁Ryan Gaul說。「這一合作展示了Workhorse零排放平台的適應性,提供了提升車隊性能的解決方案,同時滿足獨特的操作需求。」
Rob Lykins, Founder and Owner of PMC added, "Becoming a Workhorse dealer is an exciting milestone for us. We're excited to work with Workhorse because their electric vehicles are as versatile as they are reliable. The W56 and W4 CC provide a strong foundation for the advanced equipment we integrate, giving our customers innovative all-electric solutions that redefine what's possible in their industries."
PMC創始人兼所有者Rob Lykins補充道:「成爲Workhorse的經銷商對我們來說是一個令人興奮的里程碑。我們很高興能夠與Workhorse合作,因爲他們的電動車既多功能又可靠。W56和W4 CC爲我們整合的先進設備提供了堅實的基礎,爲我們的客戶提供了重新定義其行業可能性的創新全電動解決方案。」
Progressive Manufacturing Company, located in Union City, Indiana, near Workhorse's manufacturing facility, specializes in upfitting vehicles with purpose-built solutions that extend beyond traditional upfitting. Their work expands the functionality of Workhorse's zero-emission vehicles for industries such as last-mile delivery, EV fleet operations, and utility applications. Licensed to sell vehicles nationally, PMC will distribute these vehicles through an extended dealer network and directly to customers.
位於印第安納州聯合市、靠近Workhorse製造設施的Progressive Manufacturing Company,專注於爲車輛提供超越傳統改裝的用途解決方案。他們的工作擴展了Workhorse零排放車輛在最後一公里配送、電動車車隊運營和公用事業應用等行業的功能。PMC獲得了全國銷售車輛的許可證,將通過擴展的經銷商網絡和直接向客戶分銷這些車輛。
About Progress Manufacturing Company LLC
Progress Manufacturing Company LLC (PMC) is a contract manufacturer located in Progress Industrial Park in Union City, Indiana next to the Workhorse Ranch. With over 130,000 square feet of manufacturing space, PMC has many diverse capabilities including custom upfitting, assembly, design, distribution, transportation and special vehicle integration on many truck and chassis platforms. PMC's experienced, talented staff and workforce offer years of experience and ample capacity to support its growing customer base. For more information, visit or call 765-969-0807.
關於Progress Manufacturing Company LLC
Progress Manufacturing Company LLC (PMC)是一家合同製造商,位於印第安納州聯合市的Progress工業園區,鄰近Workhorse Ranch。PMC擁有超過130,000平方英尺的製造空間,具備多種多樣的能力,包括定製改裝、組裝、設計、分銷、運輸和多種卡車及底盤平台上特殊車輛集成。PMC經驗豐富、才華橫溢的員工和勞動力提供多年的經驗和充足的能力,以支持其不斷增長的客戶基礎。有關更多信息,請訪問 或撥打765-969-0807。
About Workhorse Group Inc.
Workhorse is a technology company focused on providing ground-based electric vehicles to the last-mile delivery sector. As an American original equipment manufacturer, we design and build high performance, battery-electric trucks. Workhorse also develops cloud-based, real-time telematics performance monitoring systems that are fully integrated with our vehicles and enable fleet operators to optimize energy and route efficiency. All Workhorse vehicles are designed to make the movement of people and goods more efficient and less harmful to the environment. For additional information visit
Forward-Looking Statements
The discussions in this press release contain forward-looking statements reflecting our current expectations that involve risks and uncertainties. These statements are made under the "safe harbor" provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. When used in this press release, the words "anticipate," "expect," "plan," "believe," "seek," "estimate," and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements and relate to future periods. These are statements that involve substantial risks and uncertainties, including our ability to timely deliver the W56 step van and W4 CC cab chassis applicable to the purchase order and conditions to delivery and acceptance thereof. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and speak only as of the date hereof. We expressly disclaim any obligation or undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to any forward-looking statements contained herein to reflect any change in our expectations with regard thereto or any change in events, conditions, or circumstances on which any such statement is based, except as required by law.
本新聞稿中的討論包含前瞻性陳述,反映了我們當前的期望,這些期望涉及風險和不確定性。這些陳述是根據1995年《美國私人證券訴訟改革法》的"安全港"條款作出的。在本新聞稿中使用的詞語如"預期"、"期待"、"計劃"、"相信"、"尋求"、"估計"和類似表達意在指代前瞻性陳述,並與未來時間段相關。這些陳述涉及重大風險和不確定性,包括我們按時交付W56步伐貨車和W4 CC駕駛室底盤以適應訂單的能力以及交付和接受的條件。前瞻性陳述是指非歷史事實的陳述,僅在本日期時有效。我們明確拒絕任何義務或承擔以公開發布任何前瞻性陳述的更新或修訂的責任,以反映我們在此方面的期望變化或任何此類聲明所依據的事件、條件或情況的變化,除非法律要求。
Media Contact:
Aaron Palash / Greg Klassen
Joele Frank, Wilkinson Brimmer Katcher
亞倫·帕拉什 / 格雷格·克拉森
Investor Relations Contact:
Tom Colton and Greg Bradbury
Gateway Group
Gateway Group