Verizon Amps Up the Concert Experience: Superfast Connections for Superfans
Verizon Amps Up the Concert Experience: Superfast Connections for Superfans
New Study Shows Fans Demand Connectivity at Concerts and Music Festivals
What you need to know:
- Concert and festival attendees require more connectivity as they become individual content creators, capturing social content, live streaming and uploading.
- Verizon boosts its networks by prioritizing upload speeds, favoring fans posting and sharing content.
The potential for unreliable cell service stresses out concertgoers more than missing their favorite song (75% vs 63%)
- 音樂會和節日的參加者隨着他們成爲個人內容創作者,對連接性的要求越來越高,捕捉社交內容、進行直播和上傳。
- Verizon通過優先提高上傳速度來增強其網絡,支持粉絲髮布和分享內容。
- 不可靠的電芯服務讓音樂會觀衆感到更焦慮,甚至超出錯過自己最喜歡的歌曲(75%對63%)
BASKING RIDGE, N.J., Dec. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The concert experience has evolved far beyond simply enjoying music, as technology and network connectivity have become integral components of the live music scene. A new study from Verizon and Morning Consult* reveals that concertgoers increasingly rely on mobile devices to enhance their experience, sharing their favorite moments with friends, family and fellow fans in real-time.
新澤西州巴斯金裏奇,2024年12月10日(全球新聞稿) -- 音樂會體驗已遠超單純享受音樂,科技和網絡連接已成爲現場音樂場景的不可或缺的組成部分。Verizon和晨 Consult*進行的新研究顯示,音樂會觀衆越來越依賴移動設備來提升他們的體驗,實時與朋友、家人和其他粉絲分享他們最喜歡的時刻。
"Just a few years ago, using a cellphone at a concert was taboo. You might wave it as a flashlight or snap a few pictures to share the next day," said Lynn Cox, Chief Network Officer at Verizon. "Now instant sharing is a core expectation for concertgoers. Verizon's reliable network performance empowers concertgoers' experience beyond the event, to connect with family, friends, and fellow fans around the world."
「就在幾年前,在音樂會上使用手機被視爲禁忌。你可能會把它當作手電筒搖晃,或者拍幾張照片以便第二天分享,」Verizon的首席網絡官Lynn Cox說。「現在,瞬時分享已成爲音樂會觀衆的核心期望。Verizon可靠的網絡性能使音樂會觀衆的體驗超越活動本身,能夠與家人、朋友和全球的其他粉絲聯繫。」
Music lovers test our Networks at every concert and festival
Unlike the typical data usage for browsing and downloading, concert and festival attendees transform into individual content creators. They upload, live stream, and share content all while expecting near real-time connectivity. This shift underscores the need for robust network support to enhance the live music experience.
Verizon Ultra Wideband is available in the majority of the pro sports venues that host the country's biggest music events, as well as the most popular festival venues, providing greater coverage and exponentially more capacity to better support high data traffic and the evolving needs of concertgoers.
It's not just about adding capacity. "At every major event our teams actively monitor network health to address congestion and new demands in real-time," said Cox. "This often involves continually making updates across our vast network to stay ahead of exponential data usage increases and pave the way for personalized customer experiences."
Verizon network data supports the notion that concertgoer behavior is changing. Historically, download traffic has outpaced upload traffic, but a review of select live music events over the course of the last six months shows a shift, with upload traffic far surpassing download traffic. This data supports the idea that concertgoers are engaging in a much broader real time connection, sharing their experience with everyone, everywhere. And in the case of superfans, such as Taylor Swift's The Eras Tour, that trend only intensifies.
Concertgoers' connectivity demands are high
Morning Consult and Verizon polled Americans who attended at least one live music event in the past year. The data highlights a significant shift in behavior, with 85% of concertgoers expecting cell service at music venues to support calls and texts, 81% expecting to share photos or videos, and 80% wanting the ability to post to and browse social media from the event. Additionally, 19% of attendees are live-streaming the event, and 22% are video-chatting friends and family, demonstrating the importance of real-time connection.
Morning Consult和Verizon對過去一年參加至少一次現場音樂活動的美國人進行了調查。數據突顯出行爲的顯著變化,85%的音樂會觀衆期望在音樂場所獲得支持電話和短信的手機服務,81%期望分享照片或視頻,80%希望在活動期間能夠發帖和瀏覽社交媒體。此外,19%的與會者正在直播活動,22%正在與朋友和家人視頻聊天,展示了實時連接的重要性。
Additional findings include:
- 4 in 5 concertgoers have used digital wallets to make purchases at live music events and half say their cell service's ability to support this is more important now compared to 2 years ago.
- Over a third (36%) of concertgoers say the moment of a concert they are most excited to capture with a photo or video is the performance of their favorite song, but concertgoers are even more likely to cite poor or unreliable cell service (75%) as a source of stress for them during a concert or music festival than fear of missing their favorite song (63%).
- Self-described superfans of a musical artist or group – those who have post notifications turned on for them, run a social media account dedicated to keeping up with them, or have listened to their unreleased songs – are more likely to expect cell service to support live streaming and video-calling friends and family than concertgoers overall.
- Taking photos and videos (62%) is the most popular way concertgoers use their phones during a show, followed by texting and calling (46%), sharing photos or videos with friends and family (37%), and posting and browsing on social media (36%).
- More than 1 in 5 concert goers have reportedly waved their phones' flashlights at a show in the last year.
- 五分之四的觀衆在現場音樂活動中使用數字錢包進行購買,超過一半的人表示,與兩年前相比,他們對手機信號支持的重視程度更高。
- 超過三分之一(36%)的觀衆表示,他們最想用照片或視頻捕捉的演唱會時刻是演唱自己最喜歡的歌曲,但觀衆更可能把糟糕或不可靠的手機信號(75%)視爲在音樂會或音樂節期間的壓力來源,而不是擔心錯過最喜歡的歌曲(63%)。
- 自稱爲某音樂藝術家或團體超級粉絲的人——那些爲他們打開發帖通知,運行專門關注他們的社交媒體帳戶,或者聽過他們未發佈的歌曲——比整體觀衆更期待手機信號支持直播概念和與朋友和家人的視頻通話。
- 拍攝照片和視頻(62%)是觀衆在演出期間使用手機的最受歡迎方式,其次是發短信和打電話(46%)、與朋友和家人分享照片或視頻(37%),以及在社交媒體上發帖和瀏覽(36%)。
- 超過五分之一的觀衆在過去一年裏在演出中揮動過手機的手電筒。
The survey's findings underscore the need for robust network infrastructure at music venues to meet the growing demands of tech-savvy fans. As technology continues to evolve, the live music experience will undoubtedly continue to transform, and the ability to connect and share will remain a key component of that evolution.
Methodology: This poll was conducted between July 17-18, 2024 among a sample of 2,202 US adults. The interviews were conducted online and the data were weighted to approximate a target sample of U.S. adults based on various demographics. Results from the full survey have a margin of error of plus or minus 2 percentage points, and results among concertgoers have a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.
Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE, Nasdaq: VZ) was formed in 2000 and is one of the world's leading providers of technology and communications services. Headquartered in New York City and with a presence around the world, Verizon generated revenues of $134.0 billion in 2023. The company offers data, video and voice services and solutions on its award-winning networks and platforms, delivering on customers' demand for mobility, reliable network connectivity, and security.
Media contact:
Lauren Peterson