Elite Rewards Expands Electronics Merchandise Catalog Offerings Through Fulfillment Agreement With Best Buy
Elite Rewards Expands Electronics Merchandise Catalog Offerings Through Fulfillment Agreement With Best Buy
Agreement Allows Elite to Add Top Technology Products for the Holiday Season
SAINT PETERSBURG, Fla., Dec. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Elite Rewards has selected Best Buy as its trusted vendor to fulfill merchandise selected by participants of Elite's Employee Retention and Sales Incentive programs. This provides clients with seamless access to Best Buy's premium product catalog via direct API integration.
佛羅里達州聖彼得堡,2024年12月10日 / PRNewswire/ -- Elite Rewards已選擇百思買作爲其可信賴的供應商,以滿足Elite員工保留和銷售激勵計劃參與者選擇的商品。這爲客戶提供了通過直接API集成無縫訪問百思買優質產品目錄的能力。
Elite's agreement with Best Buy, the largest consumer electronics specialty retailer in North America, provides Elite's sales and management team to concentrate on creating effective employee retention and sales reward programs.
"As we've continued to grow and expand our customer base nationally and internationally, we felt it was extremely important to solidify an agreement with North America's largest consumer electronics specialty retailer, " said Tom Coffeen, VP of Sales for Elite. "Seamlessly integrating the Best Buy offerings into our portals allows us to maintain our clients' brands while providing the best possible user experience.
「隨着我們在國內外客戶基礎的不斷增長和擴展,我們認爲與北美最大的消費電子專業零售商建立協議是極其重要的,」Elite銷售副總裁Tom Coffeen說道。「將百思買的產品無縫集成到我們的門戶網站中,使我們能夠維護客戶品牌,同時提供最佳的用戶體驗。」
The current fulfillment agreement applies to a variety of Elite Rewards employee retention and sales incentive programs, including Elite's "Gift with Purchase" programs. Soon, 40-50% of the products available across all of Elite's reward platforms will be fulfilled by Best Buy, ensuring premium product offerings and seamless access for clients.
當前的履約協議適用於多種Elite Rewards員工保留和銷售激勵計劃,包括Elite的「購買贈品」計劃。很快,40-50%的產品將在所有Elite獎勵平台上由百思買提供,確保客戶獲得優質產品及無縫訪問。
"We are thrilled to collaborate closely with Best Buy to enhance our fulfillment and offer clients a variety of top-tier electronics reward options" said Tom Coffeen, Senior Vice President of Sales at Elite Rewards. "This partnership allows us to provide premium reward offerings more efficiently and is a game changer as we head into 2025".
「我們非常高興能與百思買緊密合作,以增強我們的履約併爲客戶提供多種頂級電子產品獎勵選項,」Elite Rewards的高級副總裁Tom Coffeen說道。「這一合作伙伴關係使我們能夠更高效地提供優質獎勵產品,這是進入2025年的遊戲規則改變者。」
To learn more about Elite Rewards and its expanded merchandise offerings, please visit eliterewards.biz and elitegwp.com.
要了解更多關於Elite Rewards及其擴展商品的信息,請訪問eliterewards.biz和elitegwp.com。
Those wishing to learn more about Elite Rewards, please visit , or contact J.B. Siegel, Press contact at [email protected], tel: 727-543-8100.
欲了解更多關於精英獎勵的信息,請訪問,或聯繫新聞聯繫人J.b. Siegel,電子郵件[email protected],電話:727-543-8100。
About Elite Rewards
Elite Rewards is a leading incentive marketing company headquartered in St. Petersburg, Florida. Elite specializes in providing incentives that positively impact behavior for employees as well as consumers. The team has over 25 years of experience implementing successful programs across various vertical markets including Furniture, Mattress, Automotive, Appliances, Healthcare, and FinTech.
Press Contact:
J.B. Siegel
Midnight Consulting
[email protected]
Tel: 727-543-8100
J.b. Siegel
[email protected]
SOURCE Elite Rewards