Options Medical Weight Loss Brings State-of-the-Art Clinics to Philadelphia Metro Area
Options Medical Weight Loss Brings State-of-the-Art Clinics to Philadelphia Metro Area
New Locations in Collegeville and Malvern Mark Entry into Pennsylvania Market
PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Options Medical Weight Loss, the nation's premier medical weight loss clinic, is excited to announce its expansion into the Philadelphia Metro area with the opening of two new clinics in Collegeville and Malvern. These state-of-the-art facilities mark the company's entry into Pennsylvania, advancing its mission to end obesity, one patient at a time through medically supervised, customized weight loss solutions.
費城,2024年12月10日/PRNewswire/ -- 期權醫療減重,國家頂級醫療減重診所,興奮地宣佈其在費城大都市區的擴展,開設位於Collegeville和Malvern的兩家新診所。這些最先進的設施標誌着公司進入賓夕法尼亞, 愛文思控股其使命是通過醫學監督、定製的減重方案,一次一個患者來終結肥胖。
The grand opening celebrations will kick off at the Collegeville Options Medical Weight Loss clinic at 50 National Ave, Suite 200, Collegeville, PA 19355, on Tuesday, December 17, from 4:00–6:00 p.m., with a ribbon-cutting ceremony hosted by the Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce at 4:30 p.m. The festivities continue at the Malvern Options Medical Weight Loss clinic, located at 50 National Ave, Suite 200, Malvern, PA 19355, on Wednesday, December 18, from 4:00–6:00 p.m., with a ribbon cutting officiated by the Greater West Chester Chamber of Commerce at 4:30 p.m.
盛大的開幕慶祝活動將於12月17日(星期二)下午4:00至6:00在Collegeville期權醫療減重診所(地址:50 National Ave, Suite 200, Collegeville, PA 19355)拉開帷幕,切割儀式將在下午4:30由蒙哥馬利縣商會主持。慶祝活動將在12月18日(星期三)下午4:00至6:00在Malvern期權醫療減重診所(地址:50 National Ave, Suite 200, Malvern, PA 19355)繼續進行,切割儀式將由大西切斯特商會在下午4:30主辦。
"We are thrilled to bring Options Medical Weight Loss to the Philadelphia Metro area, offering two state-of-the-art clinics to meet the needs of this dynamic community," said Kristy Kaloyanides, chief operating officer. "This expansion reinforces our commitment to delivering compassionate, personalized care to people seeking safe, effective, medically supervised weight loss solutions."
首席運營官Kristy Kaloyanides表示:「我們很高興將期權醫療減重帶入費城大都市區,提供兩家最先進的診所以滿足這個充滿活力的社區的需求。」 這次擴展加強了我們對爲尋求安全、有效的醫學監督減重方案的人們提供富有同情心、個性化護理的承諾。
Grand Opening Highlights Include:
- Ribbon-cutting ceremonies with local chambers of commerce.
- Light refreshments and giveaways for the first 25 attendees at each event.
- A grand prize raffle for a FREE 3-Month Options Premium GLP-1 Program.
- Opportunities to meet the dedicated Options Medical Weight Loss team and learn about innovative, personalized weight loss services.
- 與當地商會的剪彩儀式。
- 前25位參加者的輕便小吃和贈品。
- 免費3個月期權高級GLP-1項目的大抽獎。
- 有機會與專注於醫療減肥的Options團隊見面,了解創新的個性化減肥服務。
Serving communities such as Collegeville, Malvern, Phoenixville, Radnor, and King of Prussia, both clinics offer tailored programs featuring board-certified obesity medicine specialists, one-on-one coaching, and advanced tools like the InBody scale for detailed progress tracking.
我們的診所服務於Collegeville、Malvern、Phoenixville、Radnor和King of Prussia等社區,提供量身定製的方案,擁有獲得認證的肥胖醫學專家、一對一指導以及先進的工具,如用於詳細進展跟蹤的InBody秤。
Clinic Hours and Special Offers:
The clinics will operate Tuesday through Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Friday and Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. During their grand opening weeks, local residents are invited to stop by for a FREE weight loss snapshot using the InBody scale, along with a consultation with certified health coaches.
"At Options, we're dedicated to empowering patients to lead healthier lives by addressing the physical, emotional, and mental aspects of weight loss," said Dr. Katrina Mattingly, chief medical officer. "We're proud to bring our transformative care to a new market, helping the Philadelphia community achieve lasting health and confidence."
"在Options,我們致力於賦予患者通過關注減肥的身體、情感和心理方面,來過上更健康的生活,"首席醫療官Katrina Mattingly說。"我們自豪地將我們的變革性護理帶到新市場,幫助費城社區實現持久的健康和自信。"
These new clinics bring Options Medical Weight Loss's footprint to 39 locations nationwide, further solidifying its position as a leader in personalized, medically supervised weight loss care.
這些新診所將Options Medical Weight Loss的足跡擴展到全國39個地點,進一步鞏固了其在個性化、醫學監督減肥護理領域的領先地位。
To start a weight loss journey, sign up for a free consultation and metabolic scan at the Malvern or Collegeville location, or call 888-405-LOSE (5673). For more information about the weight loss program, visit OptionsMedicalWeightLoss.com or follow along on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube.
要開始減肥之旅,請在Malvern或Collegeville地點註冊免費諮詢和代謝掃描,或撥打888-405-LOSE (5673)。有關減肥計劃的更多信息,請訪問OptionsMedicalWeightLoss.com或在Facebook、Instagram、LinkedIn和YouTube上關注我們。
About Options Medical Weight Loss
Options Medical Weight Loss is the nation's premier medical weight loss clinic. The company incorporates medically backed solutions, one-on-one health coaching, and innovative technology designed to track progress and help drive positive patient outcomes that far exceed the industry average. The practice has pioneered positive weight loss experiences for more than 50,000 patients since its founding in Chicago in 2014, and currently operates 37 full-service clinics throughout the U.S., including Illinois, Ohio, Florida, Arizona, Indiana, Michigan and Georgia. Visit OptionsMedicalWeightLoss.com for more information.
About Thurston Group
Thurston Group is a private equity firm that focuses on building industry-leading companies in the healthcare and business services sectors. Thurston has an extensive track record of partnering with physicians and building fast-growing healthcare businesses, including Smile Doctors, US Endo Partners, US Oral Surgery Management, South Georgia Dental Management, Gen4 Dental Partners, ARC Health, Options Medical Weight Loss and U.S. Orthopaedic Partners. Over its 35-year history, Thurston Group has returned more than $4B of invested capital. For additional information about Thurston Group, please visit Thurston Group's website at .
SOURCE Options Medical Weight Loss