Is The 26-Month Bull Market Over? Here Is What Carson Research's 50-Year Old Study Tells Us
Is The 26-Month Bull Market Over? Here Is What Carson Research's 50-Year Old Study Tells Us
As the S&P 500 Index is nearing the end of another consecutive year with over 20% gain, many analysts are worried about the "frothy valuations" citing several indicators. However, Carson Research, in its latest blog post says that "we are in a bull market and it is alive and well."
隨着標普500指數接近又一個連續增長超過20%的年度,許多分析師對"泡沫估值"感到擔憂,並引用了幾個因子。然而,Carson Research在其最新的發帖中表示,"我們處在一個牛市中,它仍然生機勃勃。"
What Happened: According to Carson Research the "bears" have been "apologizing" as many have been changing their stance and outlook toward the current market conditions.
發生了什麼:根據Carson Research的說法,許多"空頭"一直"道歉",因爲許多人開始改變他們對當前市場狀況的立場和展望。
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