SAGA Metals Geophysics Program Advances Drill-Ready Targets at Radar Titanium-Vanadium Project and Engages Market Maker
SAGA Metals Geophysics Program Advances Drill-Ready Targets at Radar Titanium-Vanadium Project and Engages Market Maker
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Dec. 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- SAGA Metals Corp. ("SAGA" or the "Company") (TSXV: SAGA) (OTCQB: SAGMF) (FSE: 20H), a North American exploration company focused on critical mineral discovery in North America, is pleased to announce the completion of a targeted geophysics program over the Hawkeye Zone at the Radar Titanium-Vanadium (Ti-V) project.
溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省,2024年12月11日(環球新聞網) -- SAGA金屬公司("SAGA"或"公司")(TSXV: SAGA)(OTCQB: SAGMF)(FSE: 20H)是專注於北美關鍵礦產發現的北美勘探公司,欣然宣佈在雷達鈦-釩(Ti-V)項目的鷹眼區完成了一項針對性的地球物理計劃。
Key Geophysics Highlights
- Expanded Zone Width: Geophysical surveys suggest the Hawkeye Zone's potential width has increased from 500 meters to 1 kilometer.
- Significant Strike Length: Surface sampling and geophysical results infer a 4-kilometer mineralized strike length.
- High-Grade Mineralization: The Hawkeye Zone includes high-grade mineralization, with samples returning 2.5% – 11.1% TiO2 and 0.2% – 0.66% V2O5.
- Mineralized System Defined: Advanced geophysics clearly outlines the phases of a layered mafic intrusion, creating drill-ready targets.
- 擴展區寬度:地球物理調查顯示,鷹眼區的潛在寬度從500米增加到1公里。
- 顯著的礦化長度:表面採樣和地球物理結果推測出4公里的礦化長度。
- 高品位礦化:鷹眼區包含高品位礦化,樣本返回2.5% – 11.1% TiO2和0.2% – 0.66% V2O5。
- 礦化系統已定義:先進的地球物理學清晰勾勒出分層鎂鐵侵入體的各個階段,創造了可鑽探的目標。
The geophysics results validate the exploration potential of the Radar Ti-V Project, located 10 kilometers south of Cartwright in Labrador, Canada. The project spans 17,250 hectares and benefits from road access, supporting efficient exploration and development.
Map of the Radar Ti-V project and its proximity to the town of Cartwright, Labrador
High-Resolution Strategic Magnetic and Electromagnetic (EM) Survey Pinpoints Priority Drill Targets at Radar's Hawkeye Zone
SAGA Metals has successfully completed a detailed magnetic and electromagnetic (EM) survey over the northwest section of the Hawkeye Zone at the Radar Project. Utilizing ground-based equipment on a tightly spaced grid, with 25 meters between stations and 50-meter line spacing, the survey delivered high-resolution magnetic and conductivity data. This effort has proven highly effective in mapping magnetite-rich zones within the Gabbro Norite host rock, a key indicator of titanium (TiO2) and vanadium (V2O5) mineralization.
SAGA Metals已成功完成對雷達項目鷹眼區西北部分的詳細磁場和電磁(EM)調查。利用地面設備在緊密間隔的網格上進行,測站間隔爲25米,線路間距爲50米,調查提供了高分辨率的磁場和導電性數據。該努力在繪製富磁鐵礦區內的浮石輝石宿主巖方面證明了其高效性,這是鈦礦(TiO2)和釩礦(V2O5)礦化的關鍵指標。
The magnetic survey was so successful that the high-resolution imagery combined with sample assays and field observations can be used to map some of the most distinguishing features of the system throughout this zone.
Spanning nearly 1 kilometer in width with a near-vertical orientation the Hawkeye zone is the most prospective target on the property with geophysics now defining the phases of a layered mafic intrusion sampled in the 2023-2024 field programs. The results of this survey provide exceptional clarity, combining high-definition imagery with sample assays and field observations to identify distinct geological phases within the Hawkeye Zone. The eastern portion of the zone is characterized by alternating silica-rich (magnetite-depleted) bands and high-grade magnetite layers, with titanium and vanadium grades ranging from 5 to 11% TiO2 and 0.3 to 0.66% V2O5. Moving westward, the system transitions into gabbro norite rocks containing disseminated magnetite. These rocks exhibit consistent but lower grades, averaging 3 to 5% TiO2 and 0.1 to 0.2% V2O5.
霍克艾區域寬度近1公里,幾乎呈垂直方向,是該物業上最有前景的目標,地球物理學現在正在界定2023-2024年現場項目中採樣的分層鎂鐵侵入的階段。這次勘探的結果提供了出色的清晰度,結合高清圖像、樣本分析和現場觀察,識別霍克艾區域內不同的地質階段。該區域的東部由交替的富硅(貧磁鐵礦)帶和高品位磁鐵礦層組成,鈦和釩的品位範圍爲5到11% TiO2和0.3到0.66% V2O5。向西移動,系統過渡爲含有分散磁鐵礦的斜長巖。這些岩石展現出一致但較低的品位,平均爲3到5% TiO2和0.1到0.2% V2O5。
Geophysics completed over a targeted area within the Hawkeye Zone increasing width to 1km and a projected 4km strike
Hawkeye Zone Yields Strong Titanium and Vanadium Anomalies in Soil and Rock Samples:
On October 22, 2024, the Company released assay results from its 2024 summer field program (see the full release here).
Rock samples collected from the Hawkeye Zone consistently returned values between 2.5 - 11.1% TiO2 and 0.2 - 0.66% V2O5, confirming the presence of high-grade titanium and vanadium. These results, combined with the geophysics, underscore the potential of the Hawkeye Zone and moves it into drill-ready status.
從鷹眼區域收集的岩石樣本的一致返回值在2.5% - 11.1% TiO2和0.2% - 0.66% V2O5之間,確認了高品位鈦和釩的存在。這些結果與地球物理數據相結合,突顯了鷹眼區域的潛力,並使其進入可鑽探準備狀態。
Ti% in soil samples combined with TiO2% taken in rock samples over the main exposure of the Hawkeye Zone
V ppm in soil samples combined with V2O5% taken in rock samples over the main exposure of the Hawkeye Zone
鷹眼區域主要露頭的土壤樣本中的V ppm與岩石樣本中檢測到的V2O5%相結合
Michael Garagan, CGO & Director of SAGA Metals Corp. commented: "The radar project is coming together, revealing itself as a textbook example of a Ti-V enriched layered mafic intrusion. The Hawkeye Zone at the Radar Project is now drill ready! Our confidence in the zone comes from our field mapping, sample cover, assay consistency and the amazing detail in the geophysics. They all support each other in geological data and observations. SAGA has spent 2 years compiling this data and building confidence in the Radar Project. The next step is to drill!"
Michael Garagan,SAGA Metals Corp的首席增長官兼董事評論道:「雷達項目正在逐步成形,展現出的是一個典型的鈦鋁礦富集的層狀鎂鐵侵入體。雷達項目的Hawkeye區現在已經準備好鑽探!我們對該區域的信心來自於我們的現場測繪、樣本覆蓋、分析一致性以及地球物理學中驚人的細節。它們在地質數據和觀察中相互支持。SAGA已經花了2年時間彙編這些數據,並建立對雷達項目的信心。下一步就是進行鑽探!」
Market Marker Engagement:
Additionally, SAGA announces that, subject to regulatory approval, it has engaged the services of Independent Trading Group ("ITG") to provide market-making services in accordance with TSX Venture Exchange TSXV, CSE, Cboe Canada policies. ITG will trade shares of the Company on the CSE/ Cboe Canada/ TSXV and all other trading venues with the objective of maintaining a reasonable market and improving the liquidity of the Company's common shares.
此外,SAGA宣佈,受監管機構批准的限制,它已聘用獨立交易集團("ITG")提供市場做市服務,符合TSX風險交易所TSXV、CSE和Cboe Canada的政策。ITG將在CSE/Cboe Canada/TSXV及所有其他交易場所交易公司股份,目的是維持合理市場並改善公司普通股的流動性。
Under the agreement, ITG will receive compensation of CAD$6,000 per month, payable monthly in advance. The agreement is for an initial term of one month and will renew for additional one-month terms unless terminated. The agreement may be terminated by either party with 30 days' notice. There are no performance factors contained in the agreement and ITG will not receive shares or options as compensation. ITG and the Company are unrelated and unaffiliated entities and at the time of the agreement, neither ITG nor its principals have an interest, directly or indirectly, in the securities of the Company.
About Independent Trading Group
Independent Trading Group (ITG) Inc. is a Toronto based CIRO dealer-member that specializes in market making, liquidity provision, agency execution, ultra-low latency connectivity, and bespoke algorithmic trading solutions. Established in 1992, with a focus on market structure, execution and trading, ITG has leveraged its own proprietary technology to deliver high quality liquidity provision and execution services to a broad array of public issuers and institutional investors.
獨立交易集團 (ITG) Inc. 是一家位於多倫多的CIRO交易會員,專注於市場做市、流動性提供、代理執行、超低延遲連接和定製算法交易解決方案。成立於1992年,ITG專注於市場結構、執行和交易,利用其自主研發的技術爲廣泛的上市公司和機構投資者提供高質量的流動性和執行服務。
About SAGA Metals Corp.
SAGA Metals Corp. is a North American mining company focused on the exploration and discovery of critical minerals that support the global transition to green energy. The company's flagship asset, the Double Mer Uranium Project, is located in Labrador, Canada, covering 25,600 hectares. This project features uranium radiometrics that highlight an 18-kilometer east-west trend, with a confirmed 14-kilometer section producing samples as high as 4,281ppm U3O8 and spectrometer readings of 22,000cps.
SAGA金屬CORP是一家北美礦業公司,專注於關鍵礦物的勘探和發現,這些礦物支持全球向綠色能源的轉型。公司的旗艦資產,雙梅鈾項目,位於加拿大拉布拉多,覆蓋25,600公頃。該項目具有鈾輻射測量,突顯出18公里的東西趨勢,確認有14公里的區域採樣高達4,281ppm U3O8,光譜計讀數爲22,000cps。
In addition to its uranium focus, SAGA owns the Legacy Lithium Property in Quebec's Eeyou Istchee James Bay region. This project, developed in partnership with Rio Tinto, has been expanded through the acquisition of the Amirault Lithium Project. Together, these properties cover 65,849 hectares and share significant geological continuity with other major players in the area, including Rio Tinto, Winsome Resources, Azimut Exploration, and Loyal Lithium.
除了鈾礦的重點,SAGA還擁有位於魁北克Eeyou Istchee詹姆斯灣地區的遺產鋰礦地。該項目與力拓公司合作開發,並通過收購Amirault鋰礦項目進行了擴展。這些資產共同覆蓋65,849公頃,並與該地區其他主要參與者(包括力拓公司、Winsome Resources、Azimut Exploration和Loyal Lithium)分享顯著的地質連續性。
SAGA also holds secondary exploration assets in Labrador, where the company is focused on the discovery of titanium, vanadium, and iron ore. With a portfolio that spans key minerals crucial to the green energy transition, SAGA is strategically positioned to play an essential role in the clean energy future.
For more information, contact:
SAGA Metals Corp.
Investor Relations
Tel: +1 (778) 930-1321
電話:+1 (778) 930-1321
Qualified Person
Peter Webster P.Geo. CEO of Mercator Geological Services Limited is an Independent Qualified Person as defined under National Instrument 43-101 and has reviewed and approved the technical information related to the Radar Ti-V Project disclosed in this news release.
The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the accuracy or adequacy of this release. Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Service Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Cautionary Disclaimer
This news release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities laws that are not historical facts. Forward-looking statements are often identified by terms such as "will", "may", "should", "anticipates", "expects", "believes", and similar expressions or the negative of these words or other comparable terminology. All statements other than statements of historical fact, included in this release are forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. In particular, this news release contains forward-looking information pertaining to the prospective nature of the Radar Titanium-Vanadium Project and future exploration programs and services and payment to be provided under the Market Maker engagement. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the Company's expectations include, but are not limited to, changes in the state of equity and debt markets, fluctuations in commodity prices, delays in obtaining required regulatory or governmental approvals, environmental risks, limitations on insurance coverage, risks and uncertainties involved in the mineral exploration and development industry, and the risks detailed in the Company's Prospectus filed under its profile at and in the continuous disclosure filings made by the Company with securities regulations from time to time. The reader is cautioned that assumptions used in the preparation of any forward-looking information may prove to be incorrect. Events or circumstances may cause actual results to differ materially from those predicted, as a result of numerous known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors, many of which are beyond the control of the Company. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on any forward-looking information. Such information, although considered reasonable by management at the time of preparation, may prove to be incorrect and actual results may differ materially from those anticipated. Forward-looking statements contained in this news release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement. The forward-looking statements contained in this news release are made as of the date of this news release and the Company will update or revise publicly any of the included forward-looking statements only as expressly required by applicable law.
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