Maybank Expands Financed Emission Targets and Decarbonisation Plans for Steel & Aluminium Sectors, Committed to Net Zero Emissions by 2050
Maybank Expands Financed Emission Targets and Decarbonisation Plans for Steel & Aluminium Sectors, Committed to Net Zero Emissions by 2050
The Bank set decarbonisation targets for hard-to-abate sectors with the announcement of its second white paper series
As part of the Group's broader strategy to drive the transition to a net zero economy, Maybank announced an expansion to its white paper series, focusing on the Steel and Aluminium sector. This addition underscores Maybank's continued responsibility as a signatory of the Net Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA) and dedication to aligning its operations and supporting its clients in their transition journey.
Building on the momentum from its initial decarbonisation efforts communicated through its maiden white paper titled, "Banking on a better tomorrow: Our commitment to net zero", Maybank continues to expand its focus to include additional hard-to-abate sectors. The white paper, first released in May 2024, outlined Maybank's science-based interim emissions targets and decarbonisation strategies for the Power and Palm Oil sectors.
Announced by Dato' Khairussaleh Ramli, President & Group CEO Maybank recently during the Analyst Briefing for Maybank's Q3 2024 Financial Result said that the expansion focusing on the Steel and Aluminium is part of Maybank's continuous advancement in its net zero journey.
馬印銀行集團首席執行官兼總裁Khairussaleh Ramli在最近的分析師簡報會上宣佈,專注於鋼鐵和鋁的擴展是馬印銀行在其淨零旅程中持續進步的一部分。

"Since our first publication, we have now broadened our scope to decarbonise more hard-to-abate sectors such as Steel and Aluminium. This expansion reinforces our long-term commitment to reducing emissions in key industries, crucial for meeting our net zero ambitions", said Dato' Khairussaleh.
Maybank's December 2023 baseline financed emissions intensity for its Steel portfolio was at 0.80 tCO2e/tSteel, 32% lower than Southeast Asia's Mission Possible Partnership (MPP) Tech Moratorium (TM) reference scenario benchmark which is at 1.18 tCO2e/tSteel. This position, being well below the Southeast Asia's average was driven by Maybank's focus on industry players that have demonstrated clean practices in the steel making process.
馬印銀行在其鋼鐵投資組合的2023年12月基線融資排放強度爲0.80 tCO2e/t鋼, 比東南亞的使命可能合作伙伴(MPP)技術暫停(TM)參考場景基準的1.18 tCO2e/t鋼低32%。這一低於東南亞平均水平的表現得益於馬印銀行對在鋼鐵製造過程中展現出清潔實踐的行業參與者的關注。
For the Aluminium portfolio, Maybank's baseline financed emissions intensity as of December 2023 stood at 2.36 tCO2e/tAluminium, significantly below the MPP Global reference scenario benchmark of 14.83 tCO2e/tAluminium. This substantial difference shows that Maybank's starting point is not only well below the global average but also reflects the positive impact of its existing client mix, which has already made significant progress in adopting sustainable practices.
截至2023年12月,馬印銀行鋁土礦投資組合的基線融資排放強度爲2.36 tCO2e/t鋁,顯著低於MPP全球參考場景基準的14.83 tCO2e/t鋁。這一顯著差異表明,馬印銀行的起點不僅低於全球平均水平,也反映出其現有客戶組合的積極影響,這些客戶在採納可持續實踐方面已經取得了顯著進展。
Dato' Khairussaleh stated that "Our baseline position for these two high-emitting sectors being substantially below the global average highlights the effectiveness of our ongoing efforts to align with industry-leading sustainability standards. That said, we remain steadfast to further support our clients in their decarbonisation efforts".
Dato' Khairussaleh 表示:"我們這兩個高排放行業的基準位置遠低於全球平均水平,突顯了我們持續努力與行業領先的可持續發展標準對齊的有效性。不過,我們仍然堅定支持客戶的脫碳努力。"
An overview of the outcomes of Maybank's baselining and target setting exercise are as below:
Further emphasising Maybank's leadership in the sustainability space, the Bank has been appointed as a member of the UN-convened NZBA Steering Group, effective July 2024 and a co-chair of the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero's (GFANZ) Asia Pacific Network SEA Public Policy Workstream for Malaysia.
進一步強調馬銀行在可持續發展領域的領導地位,該銀行已被任命爲聯合國召集的 NZBA 指導小組成員,自2024年7月起生效,並擔任格拉斯哥金融零排放聯盟 (GFANZ) 亞洲太平洋網絡 SEA 公共政策工作組的共同主席,負責馬來西亞。
Maybank also holds a position in the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP-FI) Advisory Board. Maybank represents the Asia-Pacific region alongside other esteemed members, dedicated to leading systematic transformation towards a net zero economy, not just in Southeast Asia, but on a global scale.
馬銀行還在聯合國環境規劃署金融倡議 (UNEP-FI) 顧問委員會中佔有一席之地。馬銀行與其他傑出成員一起代表亞太地區,致力於推動向淨零經濟的系統性轉型,不僅在東南亞,而且在全球範圍內。
"Our role in the Steering Group, Work stream and Advisory Board exemplifies our commitment in advancing our efforts toward a sustainable future. These memberships strengthen our ability to influence the regional agenda on decarbonisation and reinforces our belief that the financial sector must play a critical role in driving the transition to net zero", Dato' Khairussaleh added.
"我們在指導小組、工作組和顧問委員會中的角色,體現了我們推進可持續未來努力的承諾。這些會員數增強了我們在區域議程上影響脫碳的能力,並強化了我們對金融行業在推動向淨零過渡中必須扮演關鍵角色的信念,"Dato' Khairussaleh補充道。
For more information on Maybank's whitepaper, please visit