Red Ideas Holdings Changes Name To Jagasolution
Red Ideas Holdings Changes Name To Jagasolution
Comes Dec 16, Red Ideas Holdings Bhd's shares will be trading in the LEAP Market of Bursa Malaysia Bhd under a new name and stock short name.
12月16日,Red Ideas Holdings Bhd的股票將以新名稱和股票簡稱在馬來西亞證券交易所的LEAP市場上市。
In a statement, Bursa Malaysia announced that Red Ideas has changed the company name to Jagasolution Bhd.
馬來西亞證券交易所在一份聲明中宣佈,Red Ideas已將公司名稱更改爲Jagasolution Bhd。
"As such, the company's share will be traded and quoted under the new name with effect from
9am on Monday, Dec 16, 2024. The new stock short name for the company will be Jagaapp.
2024 年 12 月 16 日星期一上午 9 點。該公司的新股票簡稱將是Jagaapp。
"The stock number for the company, however, remains unchanged," Bursa Malaysia said.