2025 Sales Growth Expected To Expand 7.6%: Kenanga
2025 Sales Growth Expected To Expand 7.6%: Kenanga

Distributive trade sales grew 5.5% YoY (Sep: 3.8%), reaching a three-month high, indicating a strong start for the final quarter as domestic demand remained resilient. − MoM growth rebounded to 1.3% (Sep: -0.7%) to a three-month high. − Sales value (RM150.1b; Sep: RM148.2b): expanded to a record high, surpassing the RM150.0b mark for the first time.
分銷業銷售同比增長5.5%(9月:3.8%),達到三個月以來的最高點,表明最後一個季度開局強勁,國內需求依然強勁。− 月環比增長反彈至1.3%(9月:-0.7%),創下三個月以來的最高點。− 銷售額(RM150.1億;9月:RM148.2億):擴展至創紀錄的高點,首次超過RM1500億。
A broad-based expansion led by strong retail trade − Motor vehicles (2.7%; Sep: -1.0%): rebounded due to higher sales of maintenance & repair (20.7%; Sep: 20.6%) and parts and accessories (9.8%; Sep: 8.5%). However, weak motor vehicle sales (-3.9%; Sep: -10.3%) capped the recovery, reflecting lower unit sales in October (69.9k units; Oct 2023: 76.2k).
由強勁的零售業推動的廣泛增長− 汽車(2.7%;9月:-1.0%):由於維修和保養服務(20.7%;9月:20.6%)及零配件和附件(9.8%;9月:8.5%)的銷售增長而反彈。然而,疲軟的汽車銷售(-3.9%;9月:-10.3%)限制了回暖,反映出10月份的單位銷售下降(6.99萬台;2023年10月:7.62萬台)。
− Wholesale trade (4.8%; Sep: 3.6%): rose to a three-month high, supported by strong expansion in food, beverages & tobacco (8.9%; Sep: 7.9%), followed by agriculture, raw material and live animals (7.9%; Sep: 4.0%) and a slight rebound in other specialised wholesale (0.9%; Sep: -2.6%).
− 批發貿易(4.8%;9月:3.6%):增長至三個月以來的最高點,受食品、飲料和菸草(8.9%;9月:7.9%)強勁擴張的支持,其次是農業、原材料和活體動物(7.9%;9月:4.0%),以及其他專門批發的輕微反彈(0.9%;9月:-2.6%)。
− Retail trade (7.1%; Sep: 5.5%): growth rose to a four-month high due to higher growth in non-specialised stores
(8.5%; Sep: 6.2%) and other goods in specialised stores (8.4%; Sep: 5.7%).
− 零售業(7.1%;9月:5.5%):由於非專業商店的更高增長,增長上升至四個月以來的最高點。
2024 sales growth forecast retained at 6.0% (2023: 7.7%); expected to expand to 7.6% in 2025
− Year-to-date performance: Sales growth grew 5.6% in the first 10 months of this year (Jan-Sep: 5.6%), below its
full-year target of 6.0%. Nevertheless, analysts expect momentum to accelerate towards year-end amid festive season
− Supporting factors: Growth will be supported by the government's phase 4 cash transfer under the Sumbangan Tunai Rahmah (STR) programme in November, salary hikes for government servants in December, a continued rise in tourist arrivals, and sustained domestic demand growth amid improving household incomes.
− 年初至今表現:在今年前10個月銷售增長爲5.6%(1月至9月:5.6%),低於其目標。
− 支持因素:在11月,政府在Sumbangan Tunai Rahmah (STR)項目下的第四階段現金轉移將爲增長提供支持,12月政府工作人員的工資增長,遊客到達人數持續增加,以及家庭收入改善帶動的國內需求持續增長。
− GDP growth outlook: Given that 3Q24 GDP growth matched expectations (5.3%; 2Q24: 5.9%) and is projected to moderate further in the final quarter to 4.6% as the economy normalises, the local house maintains its 2024 GDP growth forecast at 5.0% (2023: 3.6%) and expect it to moderate slightly to 4.8% in 2025.
− GDP增長展望:鑑於2024年第三季度GDP增長符合預期(5.3%;2024年第二季度:5.9%),預計在最後一個季度將進一步減緩至4.6%,隨着經濟的正常化,地方機構保持其2024年GDP增長預測爲5.0%(2023年:3.6%),並預計在2025年略微減緩至4.8%。