Altair Announces Partnership With CGI to Drive IT Modernization and AI Innovation
Altair Announces Partnership With CGI to Drive IT Modernization and AI Innovation
TROY, Mich., Dec. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Altair (Nasdaq: ALTR), a global leader in computational intelligence, has announced a partnership with CGI, one of the largest independent IT and business consulting services firms in the world. The partnership aims to accelerate IT modernization and digital transformation for organizations globally.
密歇根州特洛伊,2024年12月12日 /PRNewswire/ -- Altair(納斯達克:ALTR),全球計算智能的領先者,宣佈與CGI達成合作,後者是全球最大的獨立IT和業務諮詢服務公司之一。該合作旨在加速全球組織的IT現代化和數字轉型。
At the heart of this partnership is the innovative data science software found in the Altair RapidMiner data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) platform, including Altair AI Studio and Altair SLC, a SAS language compiler. Altair SLC empowers organizations to move to a flexible, modern analytics platform with minimal business impact. It runs programs written in SAS language without translation or any third-party products or licenses required. Plus its support for Python, R, and SQL — and the ability to combine program modules built in any of these languages — makes it the perfect way to facilitate major migration projects as well as maintain libraries of SAS language programs at reduced cost.
該合作的核心是Altair RapidMiner數據分析和人工智能(AI)平台中創新的數據科學軟體,包括Altair AI Studio和Altair SLC,一個SAS語言編譯器。Altair SLC使組織能夠以最小的業務影響遷移到靈活、現代的分析平台。它可以在不需要翻譯或任何第三方產品或許可證的情況下運行用SAS語言編寫的程序。此外,它支持Python、R和SQL,並能夠結合用這些語言構建的程序模塊,使其成爲促進重大遷移項目和維護SAS語言程序庫的理想方式,費用也更低。
"This partnership is further evidence of our commitment to helping organizations advance their digital transformation efforts through best-in-class data science and AI-driven technologies," said Stephanie Buckner, chief operating officer, Altair. "Collaborating with an experienced, trusted, and forward-thinking partner like CGI further bolsters our efforts and helps our customers unlock new opportunities to achieve their boldest goals."
Altair首席運營官Stephanie Buckner表示:「這一合作進一步證明了我們致力於幫助組織通過一流的數據科學和人工智能驅動的技術推進數字轉型的承諾。與像CGI這樣有經驗、可信賴且前瞻性的合作伙伴合作,進一步增強了我們的努力,並幫助我們的客戶解鎖新機會,以實現他們最雄心勃勃的目標。」
Altair's software capabilities, complemented by CGI's business and strategic IT consulting expertise — including in the responsible use of AI — will enable clients to navigate complex IT landscapes and legacy systems. Leveraging the Altair RapidMiner platform to accelerate the adoption of cutting-edge AI solutions, clients will enhance operational efficiencies and business outcomes in industries like finance, healthcare, hospitality, and retail.
Altair的軟體能力,結合CGI在業務和戰略IT諮詢專長方面的優勢,包括在負責任的人工智能使用方面,將幫助客戶應對複雜的IT環境和遺留系統。利用Altair RapidMiner平台加速採用尖端的人工智能解決方案,客戶將在金融、醫療、酒店和零售等行業提升運營效率和業務成果。
"CGI's scientific rigor and human-centric AI approach, combined with Altair's solutions, empowers organizations to advance their modernization and digital strategy to realize both immediate and enduring business value from their AI investments," said Douglas Vargo, vice president, consulting services, CGI.
The collaboration promises to deliver unparalleled value to organizations seeking to modernize their IT infrastructures and harness the enormous power of AI. To learn more about the Altair RapidMiner platform, visit .
此次合作承諾爲尋求現代化IT基礎設施並利用人工智能巨大力量的組織提供無與倫比的價值。要了解更多關於Altair RapidMiner平台的信息,請訪問。
About Altair
Altair is a global leader in computational intelligence that provides software and cloud solutions in simulation, high-performance computing (HPC), data analytics, and AI. Altair enables organizations across all industries to compete more effectively and drive smarter decisions in an increasingly connected world – all while creating a greener, more sustainable future. To learn more, please visit .
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