Safety Shot Expects Approximately 50% Revenue Growth in Q4
Safety Shot Expects Approximately 50% Revenue Growth in Q4
JUPITER, Fla., Dec. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Safety Shot, Inc. (Nasdaq: SHOT) ("Safety Shot" or "the Company") today announced an expected surge in revenue growth projected to exceed approximately 50% in Q4 2024 over Q3 of 2024. This projected performance is believed to be fueled by a combination of factors, including the rebranding of its flagship product, Sure Shot, which the Company believes has captured significant market share; strategic alliances with retailers, expanding the Company's reach across the country; and the strategic sale of securities, providing crucial capital to fuel further growth. The Company believes these anticipated results are a testament to the Company's strategic vision and execution.
佛羅里達州朱庇特,2024年12月12日(環球新聞專線)——Safety Shot, Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:SHOT)(「Safety Shot」 或 「公司」)今天宣佈,預計2024年第四季度的收入增長將比2024年第三季度增長約50%。據信,這一預期業績是由多種因素共同推動的,包括旗艦產品Sure Shot的品牌重塑,該公司認爲該產品已佔據了可觀的市場份額;與零售商結成戰略聯盟,擴大了公司在全國的業務範圍;以及證券的戰略出售,爲推動進一步增長提供了關鍵資本。公司認爲,這些預期的業績證明了公司的戰略願景和執行力。
The Company expects an increase in revenue compared to the previous quarter, with projections indicating this upward trajectory will continue through December. The Company believes this expected growth underscores the effectiveness of Safety Shot's strategic vision, including the rebranding of its flagship product to Sure Shot, the establishment of key distribution partnerships with industry giants, and the successful execution of capital-raising initiatives. This projected success is particularly notable given that it encompasses the holiday season, a period of peak consumer spending, suggesting a strong foundation for continued growth in the new year.
該公司預計,與上一季度相比,收入將增加,預計這種上升趨勢將持續到12月。該公司認爲,這一預期增長凸顯了Safety Shot戰略願景的有效性,包括將其旗艦產品更名爲Sure Shot,與行業巨頭建立關鍵分銷合作伙伴關係,以及成功執行籌資計劃。這一預期的成功尤其引人注目,因爲它涵蓋了假日季,即消費者支出高峰期,這表明爲新的一年持續增長奠定了堅實的基礎。
"Safety Shot is firing on all cylinders," said Jarrett Boon, CEO of Safety Shot, Inc. "We believe our strategic initiatives are paying off in a big way. The rebranding of Sure Shot coupled with our partnerships with major retailers have significantly expanded our reach. We've also been successful in securing the necessary capital to fuel our growth."
Safety Shot, Inc.首席執行官傑瑞特·布恩說:「安全射擊正在發揮最大作用。我們相信我們的戰略舉措正在獲得豐厚的回報。Sure Shot的品牌重塑加上我們與主要零售商的合作伙伴關係,極大地擴大了我們的業務範圍。我們還成功地獲得了必要的資金來推動我們的增長。」
"We believe our pipeline of new business is rapidly expanding," says Boon. "We're aggressively pursuing sales and distribution opportunities across the US to ensure Sure Shot is available everywhere consumers are seeking a responsible drinking option. We look forward to announcing further initiatives in Q1."
布恩說:「我們相信我們的新業務渠道正在迅速擴大。」「我們正在積極尋求在美國各地的銷售和分銷機會,以確保在消費者尋求負責任飲用選擇的任何地方都能獲得Sure Shot。我們期待在第一季度宣佈進一步的舉措。」
The Company believes that the third quarter of 2024 was a strategic turning point for Safety Shot, as the Company focused on rebranding its flagship product and optimizing its inventory to prepare for the highly anticipated Sure Shot launch. This involved a strategic markdown of existing inventory to clear the path for the new product line.
該公司認爲,2024年第三季度是Safety Shot的戰略轉折點,因爲該公司專注於重塑旗艦產品的品牌和優化庫存,爲備受期待的Sure Shot發佈做準備。這涉及對現有庫存進行戰略性降價,爲新產品線鋪平道路。
The fourth quarter has witnessed Sure Shot capture a significant market share. We believe this success is attributed to a combination of strategic advantages:
第四季度見證了Sure Shot佔據了可觀的市場份額。我們認爲,這一成功歸因於戰略優勢的結合:
- Strong Distribution Network: Safety Shot has secured distribution agreements with a variety of leading retailers, making Sure Shot widely available across the country. These partnerships include major grocery chains across the Southwest and Midwest, another prominent grocery chain with over 300 stores, convenience stores like 7-Eleven, and online retail giants such as Amazon and a leading e-commerce platform owned and operated by one of the largest big-box stores in the US. In the Chicago metropolitan area alone, Sure Shot is now available in over 450 retail locations, including over 300 7-Eleven stores, thanks to a strategic partnership with Huckster, Inc., a leading distributor in the region. Furthermore, the Company has a pipeline of potential new retail partnerships that are expected to further expand distribution in the coming months.
- Successful Rebranding: We believe the rebranding of Sure Shot has resonated powerfully with consumers, solidifying the product's unique position as the world's first alcohol-reducing beverage that enhances mental clarity and boosts energy. Early customer feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, with many praising the product's effectiveness and refreshing taste.
Growing Market Demand: We believe Safety Shot is strategically positioned to capitalize on the surging demand for innovative and responsible drinking options, establishing itself as a frontrunner in this rapidly expanding market.
- 強大的分銷網絡:Safety Shot已與多家領先零售商簽訂了分銷協議,使Sure Shot在全國範圍內廣泛銷售。這些合作伙伴關係包括西南和中西部的主要雜貨連鎖店,另一家擁有300多家門店的著名雜貨連鎖店,7-Eleven等便利店,以及亞馬遜等在線零售巨頭以及由美國最大的大型商店之一擁有和運營的領先電子商務平台。僅在芝加哥都會區,Sure Shot現在在450多個零售點上市,其中包括300多家7-Eleven門店,這要歸功於與該地區領先的分銷商Huckster, Inc. 的戰略合作伙伴關係。此外,該公司還有一系列潛在的新零售合作伙伴關係,預計將在未來幾個月內進一步擴大分銷範圍。
- 成功的品牌重塑:我們相信,Sure Shot的品牌重塑引起了消費者的強烈共鳴,鞏固了該產品作爲世界上第一款可增強思維清晰度和增強能量的減酒飲料的獨特地位。早期的客戶反饋非常積極,許多人稱讚該產品的有效性和清爽的口感。
- 不斷增長的市場需求:我們認爲,Safety Shot的戰略定位是利用對創新和負責任飲品激增的需求,在這個快速擴張的市場中確立自己作爲領跑者的地位。
Safety Shot is not only focused on financial success but also committed to making a positive impact. The Company's dedication to social responsibility is exemplified by its recent college campus program, which partnered with universities to promote responsible drinking habits among students. This initiative underscores Safety Shot's commitment to ethical business practices and community well-being.
Safety Shot 不僅注重財務成功,還致力於產生積極影響。該公司對社會責任的承諾體現在其最近的大學校園計劃中,該計劃與大學合作,促進學生的負責任飲酒習慣。該舉措凸顯了Safety Shot對道德商業行爲和社區福祉的承諾。
As Safety Shot charges into the new year, the Company believes it is primed for continued growth and market leadership. The Company believes its projected fourth-quarter performance, driven by the Sure Shot rebranding and strategic partnerships, showcases the Company's agility, its ability to capitalize on emerging opportunities, and its commitment to executing a multi-faceted growth strategy.
隨着Safety Shot進入新的一年,該公司認爲已經爲持續增長和市場領導地位做好了準備。該公司認爲,在Sure Shot品牌重塑和戰略合作伙伴關係的推動下,其第四季度的預期業績表明了公司的靈活性、利用新興機會的能力以及對執行多方面增長戰略的承諾。
Safety Shot is committed to revolutionizing the beverage industry with innovative and responsible drinking solutions.
Safety Shot 致力於通過創新和負責任的飲用解決方案徹底改變飲料行業。
About Safety Shot, Inc.
關於 Safety Shot, Inc.
Safety Shot, Inc., a wellness and dietary supplement company, has developed Safety Shot, the first patented wellness product on Earth that lowers blood alcohol content by supporting its metabolism, while boosting clarity, energy, and overall mood. Safety Shot is available for purchase online at , and Amazon. The Company is introducing business-to-business sales of Safety Shot to distributors, retailers, restaurants, and bars throughout 2024.
健康和膳食補充劑公司Safety Shot, Inc. 開發了Safety Shot,這是地球上第一款獲得專利的健康產品,它通過支持新陳代謝來降低血液中的酒精含量,同時提高清晰度、能量和整體情緒。Safety Shot 可在亞馬遜和在線購買。該公司將在2024年全年向分銷商、零售商、餐館和酒吧推出Safety Shot的企業對企業銷售。
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release includes certain disclosures that contain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 about us and our industry that involve substantial risks and uncertainties. All statements other than statements of historical facts contained in this press release, including statements regarding Safety Shot's ability to develop and commercialize a product that lowers blood alcohol content, the timing, progress and results of non-clinical studies and clinical trials, including our product development plans and strategies, Safety Shot's future results of operations or financial condition, business strategy and plans, and objectives of management for future operations, are forward-looking statements. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements because they contain words such as "anticipate," "believe," "contemplate," "continue," "could," "estimate," "expect," "intend," "may," "plan," "potential," "predict," "project," "should," "target," "will," or "would" or the negative of these words or other similar terms or expressions. Forward-looking statements are based on Safety Shot's current expectations and are subject to inherent uncertainties, risks and assumptions that are difficult to predict. Factors that could cause actual results to differ include, but are not limited to, our ability to comply with applicable U.S. and foreign laws, rules, and regulations, product liability claims, our ability to develop and market Safety Shot and the risks and uncertainties that are described more fully in the section titled "Risk Factors" in Safety Shot's Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended September 30, 2024, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on November 14, 2024, and its other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Forward-looking statements contained in this press release are made as of this date, and Safety Shot undertakes no duty to update such information except as required under applicable law. This press release contains forward looking numbers regarding Q4 of 2024 and such numbers could be adjusted up or down depending on final audited results for the quarter.
本新聞稿包括某些披露,其中包含1995年《私人證券訴訟改革法》所指的 「前瞻性陳述」,涉及我們和我們的行業,涉及重大風險和不確定性。本新聞稿中除歷史事實陳述以外的所有陳述,包括有關Safety Shot開發和商業化降低血液酒精含量的產品的能力、非臨床研究和臨床試驗的時機、進展和結果,包括我們的產品開發計劃和戰略、Safety Shot的未來經營業績或財務狀況、業務戰略和計劃以及未來運營的管理目標,均爲前瞻性陳述。在某些情況下,您可以識別前瞻性陳述,因爲它們包含 「預期」、「相信」、「考慮」、「繼續」、「可能」、「估計」、「打算」、「可能」、「計劃」、「潛在」、「預測」、「項目」、「應該」、「目標」、「將」 或 「將」 等詞語,或者這些詞語或其他類似術語的否定詞或表達式。前瞻性陳述基於Safety Shot當前的預期,受固有的不確定性、風險和難以預測的假設的影響。可能導致實際業績差異的因素包括但不限於我們遵守適用的美國和外國法律、規章和法規的能力、產品責任索賠、我們開發和銷售Safety Shot的能力以及風險和不確定性,這些風險和不確定性在2024年11月14日向美國證券交易委員會提交的截至2024年9月30日的財季10-Q表中標題爲 「風險因素」 的部分及其他向證券交易委員會提交的文件。本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性陳述自該日起作出,除非適用法律要求,否則Safety Shot沒有義務更新此類信息。本新聞稿包含有關2024年第四季度的前瞻性數字,這些數字可能會根據該季度的最終審計結果向上或向下調整。
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Phone: 201-213-3239
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