Amid Planning for $20 Billion Magma Powered-Powered AI Data Center, Magma Power LLC Is Granted Its 14th U.S. Patent On Revolutionary Green Baseload Energy Source
Amid Planning for $20 Billion Magma Powered-Powered AI Data Center, Magma Power LLC Is Granted Its 14th U.S. Patent On Revolutionary Green Baseload Energy Source
Magma Power is Inevitable. It's not a question of if magma power will power the Earth – but when.
NEW YORK, Dec. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Magma Power LLC, a global developer and licensor of Magma Power technology, proudly announces that is has been granted its 14th U.S. Patent on its revolutionary magma power technology.
紐約,2024年12月12日 /PRNewswire/ -- 熔岩能源有限責任公司是一家全球熔岩能源技術開發和許可公司,自豪地宣佈其第14項美國專利已獲得批准,專利涉及其革命性的熔岩能源技術。
"We are in preliminary discussions to use Magma Power technology to build the world's largest AI data center powered entirely by renewable energy," says Richard McDonald, Chief Strategy Officer of Magma Power, LLC.
Magma Power, LLC says the AI data center, to be developed by Magma Power's global consortium partners, would consume 10 gigawatts of power directly sourced from magma reservoirs. The total investment is expected to be over $20 billion.
"The power demand from AI is insatiable and Magma Power is the answer for renewable, baseload, and virtually unlimited power," McDonald says.
Goldman Sachs estimates that by 2030 data center power demand will be over 1,000 terra-watt hours (TWh). This equates to over 80 gigawatts of installed power. "Our magma-powered AI data center could meet over 10 percent of the global AI power demand by 2030," McDonald says, "all without emitting a single molecule of carbon or burning a single ounce of fossil fuels."
"Wind, solar, and nuclear all have significant drawbacks when it comes to providing the low-cost baseload renewable power that Magma Power provides," says McDonald. "Wind and solar do not provide the baseload power that is required to run a data center. And Magma power has none of the long-term environmental impacts of nuclear power," McDonald says.
Magma Power, LLC's 14th U.S. patent covers a proprietary system designed to safely and efficiently extract geothermal energy from magma reservoirs. This cutting-edge technology represents a significant leap forward in sustainable energy solutions, enabling the formation and maintenance of underground magma chambers for scalable energy production.
With this patented system, Magma Power is uniquely positioned as the only company to redefine geothermal energy by unlocking the vast potential of magma reservoirs, making renewable energy more accessible and cost-effective worldwide.
通過這一專利系統,Magma Power獨特地定位爲唯一一家通過釋放岩漿儲層的巨大潛力來重新定義地熱能的公司,使可再生能源在全球範圍內更加可及和經濟高效。
Magma Power's patented technology can be applied across a range of industries, offering transformative renewable energy solutions for:
Magma Power的專利科技可以應用於所有板塊,提供變革性的可再生能源解決方案,包括:
- Baseload Grid Power: Power grids worldwide are increasingly struggling with the intermittent nature of wind and solar. Magma Power solves this problem with virtually unlimited basedload renewable power.
- AI Data Centers: As AI computing power demands soar, Magma Power's low-cost, constant energy supply is the ideal solution for powering data centers 24/7.
- Bitcoin Mining: Energy-intensive bitcoin mining operations will benefit from reliable, low-cost power, enabling sustainable and profitable mining at scale.
- Green Fuels: Magma Power enables the production of green hydrogen, ammonia, and kerosene, providing a carbon-neutral alternative for transportation and industrial sectors.
- Energy-Intensive Manufacturing including renewable energy solutions for steel, aluminum, chemical, and cement manufacturing.
- 基礎電網電力:全球電網越來越面臨着風能和太陽能的不穩定問題。Magma Power通過幾乎無限的基礎負荷可再生電力解決了這個問題。
- 人工智能數據中心:隨着人工智能計算能力需求的激增,Magma Power低成本、穩定的能源供應是24/7電力數據中心的理想解決方案。
- 比特幣挖礦:能源密集型的比特幣挖礦業務將受益於可靠、低成本的電力,從而能夠實現可持續和盈利的大規模挖礦。
- 綠色燃料:Magma Power使得綠色氫氣、氨和煤油的生產成爲可能,爲運輸和工業部門提供了碳中立的替代方案。
- 能源密集型製造業-半導體,包括鋼鐵、鋁、化工和水泥製造的可再生能源解決方案。
Patent Claims: A Comprehensive Solution
Magma Power's 14th U.S. patent includes 20 claims that form the foundation of Magma Power's proprietary technology:
Magma Power的第14項美國專利包括20項權利要求,構成Magma Power專有技術的基礎:
- Formation of Underground Chambers: A system comprising a wellbore extending from the surface into a magma reservoir, a fluid conduit, and a fluid pump that injects pressurized fluid to displace liquid magma, forming a cavity lined with hardened magma.
- Creation of a Solid Surface: Injection of pressurized fluid at specific temperatures and pressures to create a solid surface around the cavity via heat transfer between the fluid and magma.
- Hardened Magma Lining: The solid surface comprises hardened magma formed during the cooling process.
- Continuous Pressurization: The system ensures ongoing pressurization to maintain the integrity of the cavity.
- Pressure Regulation: Precise control of pressure differences between injected fluids and the surrounding magma to ensure structural stability.
- Packer Integration: A packer separates the wellbore into lower and upper sections, enabling controlled pressurization of the magma chamber.
- Casing Reinforcement: Casings applied to portions of the wellbore enhance structural integrity.
- Molten Salt Use: The use of molten salt as a pressurized fluid for optimal heat transfer and energy efficiency.
- Multi-Stage Operations: The ability to sustain cavity formation and maintenance under varying pressures and flow rates.
- Advanced Structural Stability: Formation of a cavity that remains stable through precise engineering and fluid management.
- Pressure Threshold Management: Ensuring pressure differences between injected fluids and surrounding magma remain below a specific threshold to prevent structural failure.
- Adaptability: The system supports various geothermal conditions and site requirements, enhancing scalability.
- Enhanced Wellbore Design: Coupling the fluid conduit to casings for additional stability and operational efficiency.
- System Redundancy: Integration of backup systems to ensure continuous operations and prevent disruptions.
- Scalable Energy Production: The system supports energy production capacities tailored to specific project needs, providing up to 40 MW per well.
- Environmental Safety: Reduced risk of environmental impact through precision engineering and controlled operations.
- Durability: Long-term viability of the chamber through innovative heat transfer processes.
- Resource Optimization: Efficient use of geothermal resources through advanced fluid dynamics.
- Global Applicability: A design adaptable to diverse geological conditions worldwide.
- Sustainability-Focused Design: A commitment to renewable energy with reduced operational costs and environmental footprint.
- 地下室的形成:一個系統,包括從地面延伸到岩漿儲層的井筒、一個流體導管和一個注入加壓流體的泵,以置換液態岩漿,形成一個襯有硬化岩漿的腔體。
- 固體表面的創建:在特定溫度和壓力下注入加壓流體,通過流體與岩漿之間的熱傳遞在腔體周圍形成固體表面。
- 硬化岩漿襯裏:固體表面由在冷卻過程中形成的硬化岩漿組成。
- 持續加壓:該系統確保持續加壓以維持腔體的完整性。
- 壓力調節:精確控制注入流體與周圍岩漿之間的壓力差,以確保結構穩定性。
- 封隔器集成:一個封隔器將井筒分爲下部和上部區域,使岩漿室的加壓控制成爲可能。
- 套管加強:應用於井筒部分的套管增強結構完整性。
- 熔鹽使用:將熔鹽作爲加壓流體以實現最佳熱傳遞和能源效率。
- 多級操作:能夠在不同壓力和流速下維持腔體的形成和維護。
- 先進的結構穩定性:通過精確的工程和流體管理形成一個保持穩定的腔體。
- 壓力閾值管理:確保注入流體與周圍岩漿之間的壓力差保持在特定閾值以下,以防止結構失效。
- 適應性:系統支持各種地熱條件和現場要求,增強了可擴展性。
- 增強的井眼設計:將流體導管與套管連接,以提供額外的穩定性和操作效率。
- 系統冗餘:集成備份系統以確保持續運行並防止中斷。
- 可擴展能源生產:系統支持滿足特定項目需求的能源生產能力,每口井可提供高達40兆瓦的功率。
- 環保安全:通過精準工程和受控操作降低對環境的影響風險。
- 耐用性:通過創新的熱傳遞過程實現艙體的長期有效性。
- 資源優化:通過先進的流體動力學高效利用地熱資源。
- 全球適用性:一種適應全球多樣地質條件的設計。
- 可持續發展導向設計:致力於可再生能源,降低運營成本和環境影響。
Statements from Magma Power Leadership
Magma Power領導層的聲明
Levi Conner, CEO of Magma Power, remarked:
"This patent solidifies Magma Power's position as a global leader in renewable energy innovation. Our system represents a transformative leap in geothermal energy, unlocking the potential of magma reservoirs to provide clean, sustainable, and affordable power worldwide".
Magma Power首席執行官Levi Conner表示:
"這個專利鞏固了Magma Power作爲全球可再生能源創新領導者的地位。我們的系統代表了地熱能的革命性飛躍,釋放了利用岩漿儲層提供清潔、可持續和經濟實惠電力的潛力。"
KC Conner, the inventor behind this groundbreaking technology, shared:
"This technology reflects years of dedicated research and engineering. By forming hardened magma chambers, we've created a reliable and scalable solution for renewable energy production. It's an honor to see this innovation take a step toward global implementation."
KC Conner,這項突破性科技的發明者,分享道:
Richard McDonald, Chief Strategy Officer, added:
"With this patent, Magma Power is uniquely positioned to address the global demand for sustainable energy. This technology enables us to pursue projects worldwide, delivering cutting-edge solutions to regions seeking reliable and cost-effective renewable power."
Richard McDonald,首席策略官,補充道:
「憑藉這一專利,Magma Power 獨特地能夠滿足全球對可持續能源的需求。這項科技使我們能夠在全球範圍內開展項目,爲尋求可靠且經濟高效的可再生能源的地區提供尖端解決方案。」
Impact and Global Vision
Magma Power's patented system is designed to produce baseload power, offering stable and reliable energy at costs up to 50% lower than market rates. Its adaptability supports applications such as powering AI data centers and other energy-intensive facilities.
Magma Power 的專利系統旨在生產基載電力,在成本上提供比市場價低高達 50% 的穩定可靠能源。其適應性支持爲如人工智能數據中心和其他能源密集型設施供電等應用。
The company is actively pursuing projects worldwide, leveraging its patented technology to make renewable energy more accessible and sustainable.
About Magma Power LLC:
關於 Magma Power LLC:
Magma Power LLC, (visit with headquarters in Tampa, Florida, with additional offices in New York City and Houston, is a pioneering energy technology company dedicated to developing cutting-edge solutions for harnessing renewable energy. Magma Power, LLC has secured fourteen worldwide patents covering all aspects of the production of green energy, energy-intensive manufacturing, green fuels, and other products using Magma Power. Magma Power LLC has also filed an additional forty-six global patents covering all aspects of magma power production, with over 1,000 patent claims pending related to this revolutionary new green energy source. Magma power is a virtually unlimited source of green, renewable, baseload energy that U.S. government researchers in the 1970s, including those at Sandia National Laboratories, concluded could meet the Earth's energy needs for the next several thousand years. The work of Magma Power LLC has taken the initial insights from the Sandia Labs test and developed them into robust, patent-protected technology ready for commercial deployment. Given the inability of wind and solar to provide stable baseload renewable power, there is no long-term alternative to magma power for renewable energy. Magma Power is Inevitable. It's not a question of if magma power will power the Earth – but when. Energy is civilization, and the next several thousand years of civilization will be driven by Magma Power.
Magma Power LLC(訪問總部位於佛羅里達州坦帕,在紐約市和休斯頓設有分公司,是一家開創性的能源科技公司,致力於開發尖端解決方案以利用可再生能源。Magma Power LLC已獲得十四項全球專利,涵蓋綠色能源生產、能源密集型製造、綠色燃料和利用Magma Power的其他產品的各個方面。Magma Power LLC還申請了另外四十六項全球專利,涵蓋火山能生產的所有方面,目前有超過1000項與這一革命性新的綠色能源來源相關的專利申請待審。火山能是一種幾乎無限的綠色、可再生、基荷能源,美國政府研究人員在1970年代,包括在聖迪亞國家實驗室的研究人員,認爲這種能源能夠滿足地球在未來幾千年的能源需求。Magma Power LLC的工作將聖迪亞實驗室測試的初步見解轉化爲強大的、受專利保護的技術,準備投入商業應用。鑑於風能和太陽能無法提供穩定的基荷可再生電力,火山能在可再生能源方面沒有長期替代品。Magma Power是不可避免的。問題不是火山能是否會爲地球供能,而是何時供能。能源是文明,未來幾千年的文明將由Magma Power驅動。
For media inquiries, please contact:
Richard McDonald
Chief Strategy Officer
[email protected]
[email protected]
SOURCE Magma Power
來源:Magma Power