Gamuda To Garner Local Projects In 2025 From Three Growth Drivers Including Digital Infra
Gamuda To Garner Local Projects In 2025 From Three Growth Drivers Including Digital Infra

Gamuda Bhd will accelerate jobs locally in the coming quarters of financial year 2024/25 stemming from its core business segments namely construction especially data centre and renewable energy projects, cloud and artificial intelligence (AI) infrastructure, as well as property development, according to Kenanga Investment Bank Bhd (Kenanga Research). Note: FY2024/25 refers to Financial year ending 31 July 2025
根據肯南加投資銀行有限公司(Kenanga Research)的數據,Gamuda Bhd將在2024/25財年的未來幾個季度加快在當地的就業機會,這些業務來自其核心業務領域,即建築,尤其是數據中心和可再生能源項目,雲和人工智能(AI)基礎設施以及房地產開發。注意:2024/25 財年是指截至 2025 年 7 月 31 日的財政年度
Gamuda expects three new growth drivers over the next three years, including Energy Transition (ET) through data centres and renewables, cloud digital and AI from its new ventures and quick turnaround projects (QTP) in the property segment especially the Vietnamese market.
Kenanga Research has maintained the OUTPERFORM call for Gamuda and the target price of RM10.80, offering a premium of RM1.05 over current market pricing.
Kenanga Research一直維持對Gamuda跑贏大盤的看漲勢頭和10.80令吉的目標價,比當前的市場定價溢價1.05令吉。
As at 12:30am Dec 13, Gamuda traded at RM9.75. (Stock updates from Bursa Malaysia)
Gamuda's first quarter FY2024/25 net profit of RM205.4 million (RM205,393,000) came in at 15% of Kenanga's estimate was deemed within expectation in view of stronger earnings in the coming quarters. The builder declared a first interim dividend per share of 5.0 sen in the quarter under review against 6.0 sen paid out in the corresponding quarter in the previous financial year. Its 1-for-1 bonus shares will be listed and quoted on Dec 23, also the same day where Gamuda's inclusion into the FBM KLCI takes effect.
鑑於未來幾個季度的收益將強勁,金武達2024/25財年第一季度的淨利潤爲20540萬令吉(205,393,000令吉),佔肯南加估計值的15%,這被認爲在預期之內。該建築商宣佈在本報告所述季度首次派發每股中期股息爲5.0仙,而上一財年同期派發的中期股息爲6.0仙。其1比1的紅股將於12月23日上市和報價,也是在Gamuda納入fbM KLCI的同一天。
Recently, Bursa Malaysia announced that Gamuda and 99 Speed Mart Retail Holdings Bhd have been included as constituents of FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI (FBM KLCI) which tracks the aggregate market movement of 30 largest companies on Bursa's Main board by market capitalisation. (FTSE: Financial Times Stock Exchange)
最近,馬來西亞證券交易所宣佈,Gamuda和99 Speed Mart Retail Holdings Bhd已被列爲富時馬來西亞交易所KLCI(fbM KLCI)的組成部分,該公司按市值追蹤交易所主板上30家最大公司的總體市場走勢。(富時指數:金融時報證券交易所)
Gamuda's revenue in the first financial quarter ended 31 October 2024 rew substantially by 47% year-on-year to nearly RM4.14 billion (RM4,136,094,000), from over RM2.80 billion recorded in the corresponding quarter a year ago, owing to higher overseas projects billings by Gamuda Engineering (GE), especially from Australia. Though, quarterly net profit expanded by a smaller percentage of 5% to RM205.4m