Promise Bio Emerges From Stealth With $8.3M Seed Investment to Transform Precision Medicine for Immune-Mediated Diseases
Promise Bio Emerges From Stealth With $8.3M Seed Investment to Transform Precision Medicine for Immune-Mediated Diseases
Company unveils breakthrough platform that integrates epiproteomics and AI to identify predictive biomarkers for personalized treatments and support drug development
TEL AVIV, Israel, Dec. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Promise Bio, a startup transforming immune-mediated disease treatment with advanced precision medicine solutions, today announced its emergence from stealth with an $8.3 million seed investment. This funding will accelerate the development of Promise Bio's computational platform, which uses epiproteomics and artificial intelligence to predict patient treatment responses and support drug research and development.
以色列特拉維夫,2024年12月16日 /PRNewswire/ — Promise Bio是一家通過先進的精準醫療解決方案轉變免疫介導疾病治療的初創公司,今天宣佈以830萬美元的種子投資從隱身模式中脫穎而出。這筆資金將加速Promise Bio計算平台的開發,該平台使用表觀蛋白質組學和人工智能來預測患者的治療反應並支持藥物研發。
"Current biological treatments for autoimmune diseases don't work in all patients, with only 30-40% of patients achieving significant remission. At Promise Bio, our mission is to eliminate the trial-and-error approach by introducing tools for data-driven decisions," said Ronel Veksler, Co-founder & CEO of Promise Bio. "The key to addressing this challenge lies in focusing on the right biological data—proteins, the building blocks of our body. It's not just about protein levels but understanding the changes they undergo after formation. The PROMISE (Protein Modification Integrated Search Engine) platform does exactly that, enabling us to get closer to bringing precision medicine to diseases that currently lack effective tools."
「目前的自身免疫性疾病的生物治療並不適用於所有患者,只有30-40%的患者實現了顯著緩解。在Promise Bio,我們的使命是通過引入數據驅動決策的工具來消除反覆試驗的方法。」 Promise Bio聯合創始人兼首席執行官羅內爾·維克斯勒說。「應對這一挑戰的關鍵在於專注於正確的生物學數據——蛋白質,我們身體的組成部分。這不僅關係到蛋白質水平,還關係到了解它們形成後所經歷的變化。PROMISE(蛋白質修改集成搜索引擎)平台正是這樣做的,使我們能夠更接近爲目前缺乏有效工具的疾病提供精準醫學。」
Promise Bio's innovative platform is rooted in years of foundational research conducted by Dr. Assaf Kacen, Co-Founder & CTO of Promise Bio, in the lab of Prof. Yifat Merbl, Scientific Co-Founder of the company, at the Weizmann Institute of Science. The groundbreaking research into protein modifications and immune response, featured in Nature Biotechnology in 2023, laid the foundation for developing Promise Bio's computational platform. Dr. Kacen built on this research to create a system that enables broad-scale profiling of dozens of post-translational modifications (PTMs) from mass-spectrometry data without needing customized chemical enrichment or additional lab procedures.
Promise Bio的創新平台植根於Promise Bio聯合創始人兼首席技術官阿薩夫·卡森博士在魏茲曼科學研究所科學聯合創始人伊法特·默布爾教授的實驗室進行的多年基礎研究。2023年在《自然生物技術》雜誌上發表的關於蛋白質修飾和免疫反應的開創性研究爲開發Promise Bio的計算平台奠定了基礎。Kacen博士在這項研究的基礎上創建了一個系統,該系統無需定製的化學富集或額外的實驗室程序,即可對質譜數據中的數十種翻譯後修飾(PTM)進行大規模分析。
"Determining the change in the protein level or relying on just blood count caused by a complex immune response is like looking at a black-and-white TV screen with poor resolution," said Dr. Assaf Kacen, Co-Founder & CTO of Promise Bio. "Our platform extracts modifications that occur to the proteins resulting from the disease; those specific changes inform us about aberrations in protein function or regulation. Interpreting it with machine learning approaches is like watching a colored TV with an unparalleled high-resolution view of the underlying biology."
Promise Bio聯合創始人兼首席技術官阿薩夫·卡森博士說:「確定蛋白質水平的變化或僅依靠複雜的免疫反應引起的血細胞計數就像看分辨率很差的黑白電視屏幕一樣。」「我們的平台提取了疾病引起的蛋白質發生的修改;這些特定的變化告訴我們蛋白質功能或調節的異常。用機器學習方法解釋它就像看一臺彩色電視,以無與倫比的高分辨率視圖了解底層生物學。」
The $8.3 million seed investment, led by Awz Ventures, and with funding via AION Lab's venture seeding track from AstraZeneca and Pfizer, provides Promise Bio with crucial financial backing to accelerate the development of its platform. This funding, along a grant from the Israel Innovation Authority, strengthens the company's ability to scale its cutting-edge technology and expand its research capabilities.
這筆830萬美元的種子投資由Awz Ventures牽頭,由阿斯利康和輝瑞通過AION Lab的風險種子渠道提供資金,爲Promise Bio提供了重要的資金支持,以加速其平台的開發。這筆資金,加上以色列創新局的資助,增強了該公司擴展其尖端技術和擴大其研究能力的能力。
The strategic partnerships with the two leading biopharmaceutical companies offer more than just financial support—they bring invaluable industry expertise, access to global networks, and collaboration opportunities to integrate Promise Bio's platform into drug development pipelines. Together, these resources position the company to rapidly advance precision medicine solutions for immune-mediated diseases while building the world's largest PTM database, a vital resource for future medical breakthroughs.
與兩家領先的生物製藥公司的戰略合作伙伴關係提供的不僅僅是財務支持,它們爲將Promise Bio的平台整合到藥物研發管道中提供了寶貴的行業專業知識、全球網絡准入和合作機會。這些資源共同使公司能夠快速推進免疫介導疾病的精準醫療解決方案,同時建立世界上最大的pTM數據庫,這是未來醫學突破的重要資源。
"At AION Labs, we are committed to fostering innovation that can reshape healthcare," said Mati Gill, CEO of AION Labs. "Promise Bio's integration of epiproteomics and AI holds immense promise for transforming treatment approaches in immune-mediated diseases. This first AION seeding track investment aligns with our mission to support breakthrough computational and AI science in our field, and we're excited to be part of this journey toward impactful change for patients worldwide."
AION Labs首席執行官馬蒂·吉爾說:「在AION Labs,我們致力於促進可以重塑醫療保健的創新。」「Promise Bio將表觀蛋白質組學和人工智能相結合,爲改變免疫介導疾病的治療方法帶來了巨大的希望。AION的首次種子項目投資符合我們的使命,即支持我們領域的突破性計算和人工智能科學,我們很高興能參與這一爲全球患者帶來有影響力的變革之旅。」
"Awz is honored to support Promise Bio's transformative approach to addressing immune-mediated diseases," said Yaron Ashkenazi, Founder & Managing Partner of Awz, a global investment firm focused on multi-use innovations across deep-tech, medtech, and more. "Awz has deep confidence in Promise Bio's visionary leadership and distinctive strategy, which we believe are poised to set new standards in the field. Our investment reflects our commitment to backing this transformative team with the potential to advance personalized medicine and make a lasting impact on patient outcomes."
「Awz很榮幸能夠支持Promise Bio解決免疫介導疾病的變革性方法,」 Awz的創始人兼管理合夥人亞倫·阿什肯納齊說。Awz是一家專注於深度科技、醫療技術等領域的多用途創新的全球投資公司。「Awz對Promise Bio富有遠見的領導能力和獨特的戰略充滿信心,我們認爲這有望在該領域樹立新的標準。我們的投資反映了我們對支持這支變革性團隊的承諾,該團隊有可能推進個性化醫療並對患者預後產生持久影響。」
Through the Awz X-Seed Hub in Tel Aviv, Awz's Active Capital strategy provides Promise Bio with multi-stage investment, hands-on mentorship, strategic partnerships, and preparation for future funding rounds, including the unique joint investment from leading pharmaceutical companies via AION Labs.
通過特拉維夫的Awz X-Seed中心,Awz的活躍資本戰略爲Promise Bio提供了多階段投資、親身指導、戰略合作伙伴關係以及未來幾輪融資的準備,包括領先製藥公司通過AION Labs進行的獨特聯合投資。
About Promise Bio
關於 Promise Bio
Promise Bio is a pioneering precision medicine company focused on transforming the management of immune-mediated diseases through epiproteomics and artificial intelligence. Built on groundbreaking research from the Weizmann Institute of Science, Promise Bio analyzes proteins and their post-translational modifications (PTMs) with exceptional precision. This proprietary technology allows for large-scale PTM profiling, helping researchers uncover disease mechanisms, tailor therapies, and discover new drug targets. For more information, visit .
Promise Bio是一家開創性的精準醫療公司,致力於通過表觀蛋白質組學和人工智能改變免疫介導疾病的管理。Promise Bio建立在魏茨曼科學研究所的開創性研究基礎上,以非凡的精度分析蛋白質及其翻譯後修飾(PTM)。這項專有技術可以進行大規模的pTM分析,幫助研究人員發現疾病機制,量身定製療法,發現新的藥物靶標。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。
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來源 Promise Bio