Loblaw Board of Directors Establishes Patient Care and Quality Committee
Loblaw Board of Directors Establishes Patient Care and Quality Committee
Delivering excellence in healthcare and driving positive health outcomes for Canadians
BRAMPTON, ON, December 17, 2024 (TSX: L) – Loblaw Companies Limited ("Loblaw" or the "Company") announced today the establishment of a new committee of its Board of Directors entitled the Patient Care and Quality Committee. The decision to evolve its corporate governance framework was motivated by the Company's commitment to delivering excellence in healthcare, advancing patient safety and experience, and driving positive health outcomes for Canadians.
BRAMPTON, ON, 2024年12月17日 (TSX: L) – Loblaw Companies Limited(「Loblaw」或「公司」)今天宣佈成立新的董事會委員會,名爲患者護理與質量委員會。發展公司治理框架的決定是出於公司對提供卓越醫療服務、提升患者安全和體驗、以及推動積極健康成果的承諾。
"Loblaw is committed to delivering excellent patient care and ensuring rigorous oversight of its healthcare-related services", said Galen G. Weston, Chair, Loblaw Board of Directors. "Through the Patient Care and Quality Committee, we will work with healthcare experts, regulators and professional bodies to ensure Loblaw continues to uphold the highest standards of patient care and safety."
「Loblaw致力於提供卓越的患者護理,並確保對其醫療相關服務進行嚴格監控,」Loblaw董事會主席Galen G. Weston表示。「通過患者護理與質量委員會,我們將與醫療專家、監管機構和專業機構合作,以確保Loblaw繼續遵守患者護理和安全的最高標準。」
The Patient Care and Quality Committee will be comprised of members of the Loblaw Board of Directors and be advised by independent external healthcare experts. The structure of the committee is based on the leading governance model adopted by top hospitals and healthcare institutions across the country, and will focus on quality improvement, health outcomes, critical incidents, and risk management for the Company's healthcare-focused operations, including Shoppers Drug Mart, Loblaw Pharmacies, and Lifemark.
患者護理與質量委員會將由Loblaw董事會成員組成,並由獨立的外部醫療專家提供建議。該委員會的結構基於全國頂級醫院和醫療機構採用的領先治理模型,重點關注質量改進、健康成果、重大事件以及公司的醫療相關業務的風險管理,包括Shoppers Drug Mart、Loblaw Pharmacies和Lifemark。
In the evolving Canadian healthcare system, pharmacists are being called upon to provide more primary care for patients and play an increasing role in alleviating pressure on existing healthcare resources and practitioners. Across Canada, the expanded scope of practice for pharmacists provides the opportunity to ease the burden on emergency services and improve health outcomes and access for patients, especially those living with chronic conditions.
"Shoppers Drug Mart is proud of the contribution being made at its nearly 1,400 Associate-owned locations across the country to improve the lives and health of Canadians," said Jeff Leger, President, Shoppers Drug Mart. "The Patient Care and Quality Committee will help ensure we continue to deliver the care our patients rely on today while also preparing our team of dedicated professionals for the changing healthcare landscape of the future."
「Shoppers Drug Mart爲其在全國近1,400個合作伙伴擁有的地點所做出的貢獻感到自豪,這些地點正在改善加拿大人的生活和健康,」Shoppers Drug Mart總裁Jeff Leger表示。「患者護理與質量委員會將幫助確保我們能夠繼續提供患者今天所依賴的護理,同時也爲我們的醫護團隊準備應對未來不斷變化的醫療環境。」
"As the pharmacy profession in Canada takes on an expanded role in primary care, I look forward to seeing a positive impact of this enhanced corporate governance on the public," Beverley Zwicker, CEO and Registrar, Nova Scotia College of Pharmacists.
For more information: pr@loblaw.ca(Open in a new tab)
About Loblaw Companies Limited
Loblaw is Canada's food and pharmacy leader, and the nation's largest retailer. Loblaw provides Canadians with grocery, pharmacy, health and beauty, apparel, general merchandise, financial services and wireless mobile products and services. With more than 2,500 corporate franchised and Associate-owned locations, Loblaw, its franchisees and Associate-owners employ more than 220,000 full- and part-time employees, making it one of Canada's largest private sector employers.
Loblaw's purpose — Live Life Well — puts first the needs and well-being of Canadians who make one billion transactions annually in the Company's stores. Loblaw is positioned to meet and exceed those needs in many ways: convenient locations; more than 1,100 grocery stores that span the value spectrum from discount to specialty; full-service pharmacies at nearly 1,400 Shoppers Drug Mart and Pharmaprix locations and close to 500 Loblaw locations; PC Financial services; Joe Fresh fashion and family apparel; and four of Canada's top-consumer brands in Life Brand, Farmer's MarketTM, no name and President's Choice.
Loblaw的使命——健康生活——優先考慮那些每年在公司商店進行十億筆交易的加拿大人的需求和福祉。Loblaw以多種方式滿足並超越這些需求:便利的地理位置;超過1100家雜貨商店,覆蓋從折扣到特色的價格區間;近1400家Shoppers Drug Mart和Pharmaprix的全方位服務藥房,以及接近500家Loblaw店;PC金融服務;Joe Fresh時尚和家庭服裝;以及加拿大四大消費品牌,包括Life Brand、Farmer's MarketTm、no name和President's Choice。