DOE's Efficiency Standards for Tankless Water Heaters Fall Short of Environmental Goals, Impact Consumers and American Workers
DOE's Efficiency Standards for Tankless Water Heaters Fall Short of Environmental Goals, Impact Consumers and American Workers
PEACHTREE CITY, Ga., Dec. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Rinnai America Corporation, a leading brand of tankless water heaters in North America, strongly opposes U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) amended final rule on efficiency standards for tankless water heaters and urges the incoming administration to consider all implications and reverse the rule. The final rule will unreasonably restrict consumer access to certain tankless water heater products, disproportionately impact middle-income households and small businesses, and jeopardize hundreds of American jobs.
喬治亞州皮奇特里城,2024年12月17日 / PRNewswire / -- 美國家美利公司是北美領先的無水箱熱水器品牌,強烈反對美國能源部(DOE)修訂的無水箱熱水器效率標準最終規則,並敦促即將上任的政府考慮所有影響並撤回該規則。該最終規則將不合理地限制消費者對某些無水箱熱水器產品的訪問, disproportionately影響中產家庭和小企業,並危及數百個美國就業崗位。
The DOE's final rule raises standards for tankless to a condensing level of 91 percent, while tanked gas-fired water heaters remain subject to significantly lower non-condensing standards. While tankless water heaters are the more environmentally friendly option, achieving 91 percent efficiency with non-condensing technology is technologically impossible.
"As published, the DOE's rule will create an uneven market that favors less energy efficient gas-fired tanked water heaters," said Frank Windsor, president of Rinnai America Corporation. "Consumers who rely on access to affordable tankless water heaters will see their options limited, forcing many to switch back to traditional tank-style water heaters, which are far less efficient at around 70 percent. This shift will result in higher energy bills and maintenance costs, while undermining the very environmental goals that prompted this rule. It will also potentially impact hundreds of American jobs that have been created in recent years. We urge the incoming administration to reconsider this egregious government overreach and reverse this rule that negatively impacts consumers, American workers, and the environmental goals it is intended to achieve."
Rinnai America Corporation employs over 550 people across the United States at its headquarters, manufacturing facilities, and distribution centers. In the last five years, Rinnai has invested more than $100 million as part of its commitment to developing a strong domestic manufacturing base to serve the North American market.
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About Rinnai:
Rinnai America Corporation, a subsidiary of Rinnai Corporation in Nagoya, Japan, was established in 1974 and is headquartered in Peachtree City, Georgia. Rinnai Corporation manufactures gas appliances, including tankless water heaters, a wide range of kitchen appliances, and heating and air conditioning units. As the technology leader in its industry, Rinnai is the largest gas appliance manufacturer in Japan and is a top selling brand of tankless gas water heaters in the United States and Canada. Annual corporate revenues, including those of its subsidiaries, are in excess of $3.3 billion. With a global perspective to create 21st-century products for the home and business, Rinnai Corporation commits itself to safety and Creating a healthier way of living. For more information about Rinnai's entire product line, visit
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SOURCE Rinnai America Corporation
來源 林內美國公司