Relevant Gold Intersects Gold Mineralization in All Six Holes at Burr
Relevant Gold Intersects Gold Mineralization in All Six Holes at Burr
VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / December 18, 2024 / Relevant Gold Corp. (TSXV:RGC)(OTCQB:RGCCF) (the "Company" or "Relevant Gold") is pleased to announce that all six drill holes intersected appreciable gold mineralization in its 2024 drilling campaign at the Burr Target in the Lewiston Project area of the South Pass Gold Camp in west-central Wyoming, USA. The program included six HQ diamond core drill holes totalling 1,026 metres (m), and each hole intersected shear-hosted gold mineralization below and lateral to historical mine workings. The results confirm a large orogenic gold footprint with strong discovery potential for follow-up drilling at Lewiston.
溫哥華,BC / ACCESSWIRE / 2024年12月18日 / Relevant Gold CORP. (TSXV:RGC)(OTCQB:RGCCF)("公司"或"Relevant Gold")高興地宣佈,在其2024年的鑽探活動中,位於美國懷俄明州西中部南通金礦營地的Lewiston項目區域的Burr目標的六個鑽孔均發現了可觀的黃金礦化。這一項目包括六個HQ金剛石鑽孔,總長1,026米(m),每個鑽孔均在歷史礦井作業的下方及側面交匯到剪切宿主的黃金礦化。結果證實了一個巨大的造山帶黃金足跡,具有強烈的後續鑽探發現潛力。
Assay Highlights*:
assay highlights*:
2.2 g/t Au over 1.5 m within a broad zone of mineralization averaging 1.4 g/t Au over 2.4 m,
1.3 g/t Au over 1.85 m within a broad zone of mineralization averaging 0.33 g/t Au over 9.2 m,
1.8 g/t Au over 0.8 m,
1.2 g/t Au over 0.81 m within a widespread shear-hosted gold zone highlighted by 23 m averaging 0.13 g/t Au.
在一個礦化的廣泛區域內,平均爲1.4 g/t Au,報告顯示2.2 g/t Au,跨越150萬,
在一個礦化的廣泛區域內,平均爲0.33 g/t Au,報告顯示1.3 g/t Au,跨越185萬,
報告顯示1.8 g/t Au,跨越80萬,
在一個廣泛的剪切宿主黃金區內,報告顯示1.2 g/t Au,跨越81萬,突出顯示2300萬,平均爲0.13 g/t Au。
*All reported intercepts are core length.
"Finding concentrated gold within broad halos of gold mineralization is exactly what you want to see in an orogenic gold system and getting these results from every single hole opens strong exploration potential warranting aggressive follow-up drilling in all directions at Burr," said Relevant Gold CEO, Rob Bergmann. "We're delighted with the positive results from our 2024 efforts at both Lewiston and Bradley Peak and are looking forward to continuing to unlock the tremendous discovery potential of these Abitibi-like gold belts in Wyoming."
「在廣泛的黃金礦化光環內發現濃縮的黃金,正是你在造山帶黃金系統中想要看到的,而從每一個孔中獲得這些結果,爲Burr的各個方向提供了強大的勘探潛力,值得進行積極的後續鑽探,」Relevant Gold的首席執行官Rob Bergmann說道。「我們對2024年在Lewiston和Bradley Peak的積極結果感到高興,並期待繼續發掘懷俄明州這些類似Abitibi的黃金帶的巨大發現潛力。」
This first-ever drilling program at Burr was designed to test gold-mineralized shear zones below the depth of historical mining (~30 m vertical depth) while also testing the strike extension of the gold system discovered at the Heavy Hand target in 2023 four kilometres (km) to the Northeast (see Feb. 15, 2024 news release) (Figure 1). All six holes successfully intersected the primary Lewiston shear zone corridor, and importantly, all six holes contained reportable gold mineralization (see table of results). These results begin to define the orientation, vein geometry, alteration, and mineralization at Burr, revealing at least three concentrated 'panels' of mineralization adjacent to and extending below the historical mine workings (Figure 2). Assays and geologic logging support the company's model for a stacked system of near-vertical structures hosting orogenic quartz/carbonate veins with pyrite-pyrrhotite-arsenopyrite sulphide mineralization. These results also support a potential 4 km strike length extension of the primary shear zone corridor at Lewiston (Figure 1).
這項在Burr進行的首次鑽探項目旨在測試歷史採礦深度以下的黃金礦化剪切帶(約3000萬垂直深度),同時還測試了在2023年於Heavy Hand目標發現的黃金系統的延伸,該目標位於東北方向四公里(見2024年2月15日的資訊發佈)(圖1)。所有六個鑽孔成功穿透了主要的Lewiston剪切帶走廊,並且重要的是,所有六個鑽孔都含有可報告的黃金礦化(見結果表)。這些結果開始定義Burr的方向、礦脈幾何形態、變質及礦化,顯示至少有三個集中在歷史礦井工作附近並向下延伸的礦化「面板」(圖2)。化驗和地質記錄支持公司對堆疊系統的模型,該系統包含近垂直的構造,擁有含黃鐵礦-磁黃鐵礦-砷輝石的礦化的造山石英/碳酸鹽礦脈。這些結果還支持在Lewiston主要剪切帶走廊潛在的4公里延伸(圖1)。
Drilling highlights include:
Hole 24HH-1:
7.25 m core length averaging 0.18 g/t Au from 12.75 m.
Hole 24HH-2:
11 m core length averaging 0.13 g/t Au from 9 m; and
1 m core length at 0.8 g/t Au from 75 m.
Hole 24HH-3:
1.85 m core length of 1.3 g/t Au;
Within 9.2 m core length averaging 0.33 g/t Au from 10.97 m.
Hole 24HH-4:
0.81 m core length of 1.2 g/t Au;
Within 23 m core length averaging 0.13 g/t Au from 10 m.
2.2 g/t over 1.5m;
Within 2.4 m core length averaging 1.4 g/t Au from 103.2 m.
0.73 m core length at 0.5 g/t Au from 128.42 m.
Hole 24HH-5:
4.9 m core length averaging 0.21 g/t Au from 15.85 m.
0.5 g/t over 1 m;
Within 2.25 m core length averaging 0.25 g/t from 40.75 m.
2.2 m core length averaging 0.17 g/t Au from 49.8 m.
0.5 m core length averaging 0.4 g/t Au from 102.43 m.
Hole 24HH-6:
0.8 m core length of 1.8 g/t Au from 69 m.
Figure 1. Geologic map of Relevant Gold's Lewiston property depicting the locations of the 2023 drill program at Heavy Hand and the 2024 drill program at the Burr target, as well as the >10 km structural corridor that connects these targets.
圖1. 相關黃金公司的Lewiston礦產地質圖,顯示2023年在Heavy Hand的鑽探計劃和2024年在Burr靶區的鑽探計劃的位置,以及連接這些靶區的超過10公里的結構走廊。
Figure 2. (Left) Plan view geologic map with drill hole traces and gold results and the cross-section line A-A'. (Right) Cross-section A - A' with geology and drill traces with associated gold results for holes 24HH-1, 24HH-4 and 24HH-5 and approximate shaft locations for the Hidden Hand and Morris mines.
圖2. (左)具有鑽孔跡線和黃金結果的平面地質圖,以及剖面線A-A'。 (右)剖面A - A',顯示地質和鑽孔跡線及與鑽孔24HH-1、24HH-4和24HH-5相關的黃金結果,以及Hidden Hand和Morris礦井附近的礦井位置。
Lewiston Drilling - Burr Target
Lewiston鑽探 - Burr靶區
The Burr target area is an approximately 1 km long x 500 m wide mineralized shear zone corridor of greywacke-slate with intrusive granodiorite and metagabbro sills located approximately 4 km southwest along strike of the Heavy Hand target (Figure 1), where the company drilled widespread gold mineralization in 2023 (see Feb. 15, 2024 news release).
Burr靶區是一個大約1公里長、50000萬寬的礦化剪切帶走廊,由侵入性花崗閃長巖和變質輝石巖組成,位於Heavy Hand靶區的西南約4公里處(見圖1),該公司在2023年進行了廣泛的金礦化鑽探(請參見2024年2月15日的新聞發佈)。
The 2024 drill program consisted of six drill holes designed to investigate the geology, structure, alteration and mineralization below the surface and to test both 1) the continuation of mineralized structures beneath the historical high-grade gold mines, and 2) the strike length potential of the primary mineralized structures drilled at the Heavy Hand target in 2023.
2024年的鑽探計劃包括六個鑽孔,旨在調查表面下的地質、結構、變質和礦化,並測試以下兩個方面:1) 歷史高品位金礦井下礦化結構的延續,2) 2023年在Heavy Hand靶區鑽探的主要礦化結構的延續潛力。
Drilling tested approximately 300 m along strike, 150 m across the corridor, and to a vertical depth of 175 m. Initial observations include several 3-15+ m shear zone intervals across multiple holes within the broader 250 m wide structural corridor which hosts the historic Burr, Hidden Hand, Morris, and Iron Duke mines. Several holes intersected mineralization adjacent to as well as along the down-dip extension of the Hidden Hand shear zone and intersected deeper structures with quartz-sulfide veins below a gabbroic intrusion that occur along the down-dip projection of the structure exposed at the Morris shaft (Figure 2). In the hanging wall above the gabbroic intrusion, pervasive hydrothermal alteration includes chlorite, sericite, actinolite, epidote, and Fe-oxides (after sulfide) associated with shear fabric and quartz-carbonate veins. In the footwall below the gabbroic intrusion, alteration manifests as silica-chlorite-sulfide replacement associated with quartz-chlorite-sulfide veining. The sulfide assemblage consists of pyrrhotite-pyrite-arsenopyrite. The oxidation boundary was consistently encountered across all holes between 50 and 60 m below surface.
鑽探測試了約30000萬的延伸,15000萬的走廊寬度,垂直深度達到17500萬。初步觀察包括在更廣泛的25000萬寬的結構走廊內,多個鑽孔的多個3-15米以上的剪切帶區間,其中包含歷史上的Burr、Hidden Hand、Morris和鐵公爵礦。幾個孔交匯到緊鄰以及Hidden Hand剪切帶向下延伸部分的礦化,並交匯到更深的結構,這些結構具有位於Morris礦井的花崗岩侵入體下的石英-硫化物脈。 在花崗岩侵入體上方的懸空牆中,廣泛的熱液變質包括與剪切結構和石英-碳酸鹽脈相結合的綠泥石、絹雲母、角閃石、綠泥石和鐵氧化物(在硫化物後)。 在花崗岩侵入體下的底板中,變質表現爲與石英-綠泥石-硫化物脈相關的硅-綠泥石-硫化物替代。 硫化物組合包括磁黃鐵礦-黃鐵礦-砷黃鐵礦。 氧化邊界在所有孔中一致出現在表面以下50到6000萬之間。
Samples were submitted to the accredited MSALabs laboratory for preparation and analysis at their Val
樣品已提交給獲得認證的MSALabs實驗室進行準備和分析,地點位於加拿大的Val d'Or,魁北克省。
d'Or, Quebec facility in Canada. All samples were assayed for gold using the PhotonAssayTM (CPA-Au1) method with a >250 g sample. MSALabs employs an internal QA/QC to ensure proper sample preparation and equipment calibration. Additionally, Relevant Gold's QA/QC program includes regular insertion of CRM standards, duplicates, and blanks in the sample batches to further monitor lab accuracy, precision and equipment calibration. All results and QA/QC have been reviewed by Mr. Brian Lentz, CPG, who is the Chief Exploration Officer and Qualified Person for the Company.
所有樣品都使用PhotonAssayTm (CPA-Au1)方法進行了黃金檢測,樣品量超過250克。MSALabs採用內部QA/QC以確保正確的樣品準備和設備校準。此外,Relevant Gold的QA/QC程序還包括定期插入CRm標準樣品、重複樣品和空白樣品,以進一步監控實驗室的準確性、精確性和設備校準。所有結果和QA/QC均已由公司首席勘探官和合格人員Brian Lentz先生(CPG)審核。
Qualified Person
The scientific and technical contents of this release have been approved by Mr. Brian C. Lentz, CPG #11999, Chief Exploration Officer of the Company, who is a "Qualified Person" as defined by Canadian National Instrument 43-101 (Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects). Mr. Lentz is not independent of the Company.
本公告的科學和技術內容已獲得公司首席勘探官、合格人員Brian C. Lentz先生(CPG #11999)的批准,他是按照加拿大國家標準43-101(礦產項目的公示標準)定義的"合格人員"。Lentz先生與公司並無獨立關係。
About Relevant Gold Corp.
關於Relevant Gold CORP.
Relevant Gold Corp. is a North American gold exploration company founded by experienced exploration geologists and operated by a highly respected team with a proven record of significant value creation for shareholders. Relevant Gold is focused on the acquisition, exploration, discovery, and development of district-scale gold projects in the state of Wyoming - one of the most mining-friendly jurisdictions in the United States and globally.
Relevant Gold CORP.是一家北美黃金勘探公司,由經驗豐富的勘探地質學家創立,並由一支久負盛名的團隊運營,他們在爲股東創造顯著價值方面有着良好的記錄。Relevant Gold專注於在懷俄明州收購、勘探、發現和開發大規模黃金項目,懷俄明州是美國和全球最具礦業友好性的司法管轄區之一。
On behalf of Relevant Gold Corp.,
代表Relevant Gold CORP.
Rob Bergmann, Chief Executive Officer
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Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
For further information about Relevant Gold Corp. or this news release, please visit our website at or contact Rob Bergmann, President and CEO, or Kristopher Jensen, Manager of Investor Relations, at 763-760-4886 or by email at
Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements and Historical Information
This news release contains certain statements that constitute forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable securities laws. These statements relate to future events of Relevant Gold Corp. ("Relevant" or "Relevant Gold" or "the Company"). Any statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions or future events or performance (often, but not always, using words or phrases such as "seek", "anticipate", "plan", "continue", "estimate", "expect", "forecast", "may", "will", "project", "predict", "potential", "targeting", "intend", "could", "might", "should", "believe", "outlook" and similar expressions) are not statements of historical fact and may be forward-looking information. Forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance, or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance, or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking information. Such risks include, among others, the inherent risk of the mining industry; adverse economic and market developments; the risk that the Company will not be successful in completing additional acquisitions; risks relating to the estimation of mineral resources; the possibility that the Company's estimated burn rate may be higher than anticipated; risks of unexpected cost increases; risks of labour shortages; risks relating to exploration and development activities; risks relating to future prices of mineral resources; risks related to work site accidents, risks related to geological uncertainties and variations; risks related to government and community support of the company's projects; risks related to global pandemics and other risks related to the mining industry. The Company believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking information are reasonable, but no assurance can be given that these expectations will prove to be correct and such forward‐looking information should not be unduly relied upon. These statements speak only as of the date of this news release. The Company does not intend, and does not assume any obligation, to update any forward‐looking information except as required by law. This document does not constitute an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy, securities of the Company in Canada, the United States, or any other jurisdiction. Any such offer to sell or solicitation of an offer to buy the securities described herein will be made only pursuant to subscription documentation between the Company and prospective purchasers. Any such offering will be made in reliance upon exemptions from the prospectus and registration requirements under applicable securities laws, pursuant to a subscription agreement to be entered into by the Company and prospective investors.
The scientific and technical contents of this release have been approved by Mr. Brian C. Lentz, CPG #11999, Chief Exploration Officer of the Company, who is a "Qualified Person" as defined by Canadian National Instrument 43-101 (Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects). Mr. Lentz is not independent of the Company.
本公告的科學和技術內容已獲得公司首席勘探官、合格人員Brian C. Lentz先生(CPG #11999)的批准,他是按照加拿大國家標準43-101(礦產項目的公示標準)定義的"合格人員"。Lentz先生與公司並無獨立關係。
SOURCE: Relevant Gold Corp.
來源:Relevant Gold CORP。