Mixed Martial Arts Reports Acquisition Of BJJLink For Total Consideration Of Up To $13M
Mixed Martial Arts Reports Acquisition Of BJJLink For Total Consideration Of Up To $13M
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) is one of the fastest growing combat sports in the world with over 44,000 studios in the US alone, with martial arts in the US representing an estimated $18.6bn annual market.
巴西柔術 (BJJ) 是全球增長最快的戰鬥體育之一,在美國擁有超過 44,000 家道館,武術在美國的市場年收入估計爲 186 億美元。
The acquisition of BJJLink includes a maximum consideration over 5 years based on revenue milestones of $3.6 million by year three, $6.3 million by year four, and $10 million by year five.
對 BJJLink 的收購包括基於營業收入里程碑的最多考慮,第三年爲 360萬美元,第四年爲 630萬美元,第五年爲 1000萬美元,時間爲 5 年。
The total consideration for the acquisition of BJJLink is up to $13 million, made in cash or shares at the election of the MMA, including $3 million in fixed payments in the first two years following the acquisition, with $10 million in variable earn-out considerations tied to aggressive revenue milestones over years three to five.
對 BJJLink 的收購總考慮額高達 1300萬美元,支付方式爲現金或 MMA 選擇的股票,包括在收購後兩年內固定支付 300 萬美元,以及在第三至第五年與激進的營業收入里程碑掛鉤的 1000萬美元的變動收益考慮。