Duos Partners With Texas City for Data Center Development
Duos Partners With Texas City for Data Center Development
Subsidiaries Duos Edge AI and Duos Energy to partner with Pampa Economic Development Corporation and Pampa Energy Center to develop high-density Data Center Development Parks
子公司Duos Edge AI和Duos Energy將與帕帕經濟發展公司和帕帕能源中心合作,開發高密度IDC概念開發園區。
JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Dec. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Duos Technologies Group, Inc. ("Duos" or the "Company") (Nasdaq: DUOT), through its operating subsidiaries Duos Edge AI, Inc. ("Duos Edge AI"), and Duos Energy Corp. ("Duos Energy"), proudly announces a pivotal partnership with the Pampa Energy Center ("PEC"). This collaboration aims to develop high-density Data Center Development Parks powered by up to 500MW of natural gas self-generation, supplemented by up to 200MW of wind turbine generation and alternative fuel sources for redundancy. This 500+ acre project will transform Pampa Texas's infrastructure, create jobs, and drive technological and economic growth. This establishes Pampa as an epicenter to address the national shortage of High-Density Data Center (HDDC) capacity.
傑克遜維爾,佛州,2024年12月19日(全球新聞稿)-- Duos Technologies公司 ("Duos"或"公司")(納斯達克: DUOT),通過其運營子公司 Duos Edge AI,Inc("Duos Edge AI"),和 Duos Energy CORP. ("Duos Energy")自豪地宣佈與帕帕能源中心("PEC")達成重要合作。此次合作旨在開發高密度IDC概念開發園區,使用高達500MW的天然氣自發電,並輔以高達200MW的風能發電和備用替代燃料。這一超過500英畝的項目將改變德克薩斯州帕帕的基礎設施,創造就業機會,並推動科技和經濟增長。這將使帕帕成爲應對國家高密度數據中心(HDDC)容量短缺的中心。
Shane Stokes (City Manager, Pampa, TX), Jimmy L. Keough (Commissioner Ward 3 Mayor protem, TX), Ted Hutto (Vice President, PEC), Doug Recker (President and Founder, Duos Edge AI), Ryan Bradley (Executive Director, PEDC, TX), and David Dorman (Director of Commercial Operations, Duos Energy Corp.)
香農·斯托克斯(德克薩斯州帕帕市市經理)、吉米·L·基奧(德克薩斯州第三區議員、副市長)、泰德·哈特(PEC集團副總裁)、道格·雷克(Duos Edge AI總裁兼創始人)、瑞安·布拉德利(德克薩斯州PEDC執行董事)和大衛·多曼(Duos Energy CORP.商業運營總監)
Building on its proven expertise in deploying adaptive and scalable brick and mortar data centers, Duos Edge AI is streamlining project timelines, optimizing operations, and delivering bespoke infrastructure solutions for Pampa to support four 50MW HDDCs. In partnership with Fortress Investment Group, Duos Energy will ensure reliable energy for the HDDCs by providing up to 500MW of natural gas self-generation, bolstered by wind turbine generation and alternative fuel sources for enhanced redundancy. By the end of 2025, the first 50MW HDDC is planned to be operational. This integrated approach ensures sustainability and resilience to support Pampa's growing technological and economic needs.
在其部署具有適應性和可擴展性的磚石數據中心的專業知識的基礎上,Duos Edge AI正在簡化項目時間表,優化運營,併爲帕帕提供量身定製的基礎設施解決方案,以支持四個50MW HDDC。通過與堡壘投資集團的合作,Duos Energy將提供高達500MW的天然氣自發電,結合風能和其他替代燃料來源,以增強冗餘,確保HDDC的可靠能源。計劃到2025年底,第一個50MW HDDC投入運營。這種綜合方法確保了可持續性和韌性,以支持帕帕日益增長的技術和經濟需求。
"The US faces a tough challenge in alleviating the current data center demand shortfall, as well as building data centers with alternative energy sources. This collaboration helps to accomplish these challenges, as well as defines a new direction for the Texas panhandle and sets up Pampa to be a new technology leader in the High-Density Data Center landscape. We're excited to help set Pampa on an innovative path forward and create new jobs and economic development in the region through this collaboration," said Doug Recker, President and Founder of Duos Edge AI.
「美國面臨着緩解當前數據中心需求短缺以及建設使用替代能源的數據中心的艱鉅挑戰。這種合作幫助解決了這些挑戰,併爲德克薩斯州平原地區定義了新的方向,使帕帕能夠成爲高密度數據中心領域的新技術領袖。我們很高興能夠幫助帕帕走上一條創新的發展道路,並通過這一合作創造新的就業機會和經濟發展,」Duos Edge AI總裁兼創始人道格·雷克表示。
"Duos Energy Corporation, partnered with Fortress Investment Group, recently signed a definitive agreement to manage 850MW of mobile gas turbines acquired from APR Energy. This strategic partnership with Pampa allows us to begin the deployment of these highly sought-after power generation assets starting in early 2025 and will provide a bridge to a long-term permanent power plant. We are honored to contribute to Pampa's economic growth and bright future," stated Chuck Ferry, CEO of Duos.
「Duos Energy Corporation與堡壘投資集團合作,最近簽署了一項管理850MW從APR Energy收購的移動燃氣輪機的最終協議。這一與帕帕的戰略合作伙伴關係使我們能夠從2025年初開始部署這些備受追捧的發電資產,併爲長期固定電廠提供過渡。我們很榮幸能夠爲帕帕的經濟增長和輝煌明天做出貢獻,」Duos的首席執行官查克·費裏表示。
"We are looking forward to collaborating with the Pampa Energy Center to deliver mission-critical power to this High-Density Data Center development. Duos Energy's turn-key solution will provide rapid-dispatch bridging power, seamlessly transitioning to a permanent facility. We are honored to contribute to the future economic growth and development of Pampa, Texas," said David Dorman, Duos Energy's Director of Commercial Operations.
「我們期待與Pampa能源中心合作,爲這個高密度數據中心開發提供關鍵任務的電力。Duos Energy的交鑰匙解決方案將提供快速調度的應急電力,順利過渡到永久設施。我們很榮幸能爲德克薩斯州Pampa的未來經濟增長和發展做出貢獻,」Duos Energy商業運營董事David Dorman說道。
Glennette Goode, President of the Pampa Energy Center, added, "The partnership with Duos Edge AI, Duos Energy, and the Pampa Energy Center allows for the transformation of Pampa into a dynamic hub of innovation, enhanced connectivity, and economic strength. Our board has long focused on the need to diversify our commercial and industrial base. Located in the central United States and within the heart of the wind energy sector, we are poised for significant economic growth. This partnership is the first step in a journey to long-term prosperity in Pampa, Texas."
Pampa能源中心的主席Glennette Goode補充道:「與Duos Edge AI、Duos Energy以及Pampa能源中心的合作,使Pampa得以轉型爲一個充滿活力的創新中心,增強連接性和經濟實力。我們的董事會長期以來一直關注多元化商業和工業基礎的必要性。位於美國中部,處於風能板塊的核心,我們有望實現顯著的經濟增長。這個合作關係是邁向德克薩斯州Pampa長期繁榮旅程的第一步。」
To learn more about Duos Edge AI, visit:
To learn more about Duos Energy Corp., visit
To learn more about Duos Technologies, visit
To learn more about Fortress Investment Group, visit:
To learn more about the Pampa Energy Center, visit:
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要了解更多關於Duos Energy CORP.的信息,請訪問
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要了解更多關於Fortress Investment Group的信息,請訪問:
要了解更多關於Pampa Energy Center的信息,請訪問:
About the Pampa Energy Center
The Pampa Economic Development Corp has full membership interest in the Pampa Energy Center LLC, whose purpose is to encourage and promote industries of the community by directing attention to opportunities within the industrial, commercial, and agricultural sectors. We will strive to assist with needed resources and financial incentives to interested firms and entrepreneurs in startup, expansion or relocation to this area. The success of this mission will be demonstrated by sustained stability and growth of economic activity in Pampa. For more information, visit .
關於Pampa Energy Center
Pampa經濟發展公司對Pampa Energy Center LLC擁有完全的會員權益,其目的是通過關注工業、商業和農產品板塊內的機會來鼓勵和促進社區的產業發展。我們將努力爲有興趣的公司和企業家提供所需的資源和財務激勵,以便他們在該地區創業、擴展或遷移。該使命的成功將通過Pampa經濟活動的持續穩定和增長來體現。有關更多信息,請訪問 .
About Duos Edge AI, Inc.
Duos Edge AI, Inc. is a subsidiary of Duos Technologies Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: DUOT). Duos Edge AI's mission is to bring advanced technology to underserved communities, particularly in education, healthcare, and rural industries, by deploying high-powered edge computing solutions that minimize latency and optimize performance. Duos Edge AI specializes in the deployment and operations of state-of-the-art Data Center solutions tailored to meet evolving needs in any environment. For more information, visit .
關於Duos Edge AI, Inc.
Duos Edge AI, Inc. 是 Duos Technologies Group, Inc.(納斯達克:DUOT)的全資子公司。Duos Edge AI 的使命是通過部署高性能的邊緣計算解決方案,將先進的科技引入服務不足的社區,特別是在教育、醫療保健和農村產業方面,以減少延遲並優化性能。Duos Edge AI 專注於部署和運營最先進的 IDC概念 解決方案,以滿足任何環境中不斷變化的需求。欲了解更多信息,請訪問 .
About Duos Energy Corporation
Duos Energy Corporation, a subsidiary of Duos Technologies Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: DUOT), focuses on developing, owning, and operating sustainable energy projects to power Edge Data Centers and critical infrastructure industrial facilities across the United States. Specializing in clean-burning natural gas generation and green technologies, the company offers rapid deployment of dedicated off-grid power plants. With extensive industry experience, Duos Energy is dedicated to providing fast-track, reliable, and eco-friendly energy solutions that support mission-critical operations. For more information, visit .
關於duos energy corporation
Duos Energy Corporation 是 Duos Technologies Group, Inc.(納斯達克:DUOT)的全資子公司,專注於開發、擁有和運營可持續能源項目,以爲邊緣 IDC概念 和關鍵基礎設施工業設施提供動力。該公司專注於清潔燃燒的天然氣發電和綠色科技,提供快速部署的專用離網發電廠。憑藉豐富的行業經驗,Duos Energy 致力於提供快速、可靠和環保的能源解決方案,以支持關鍵任務的運營。欲了解更多信息,請訪問 .
About Duos Technologies Group, Inc.
Duos Technologies Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: DUOT), based in Jacksonville, Florida, through its wholly owned subsidiaries, Duos Technologies, Inc., Duos Edge AI, Inc., and Duos Energy Corporation, designs, develops, deploys and operates intelligent technology solutions for Machine Vision and Artificial Intelligence ("AI") applications including real-time analysis of fast-moving vehicles, Edge Data Centers and power consulting. For more information, visit , and .
關於Duos Technologies集團公司。
Duos Technologies集團公司(納斯達克:DUOT),總部位於佛羅里達州傑克遜維爾,通過其全資子公司Duos Technologies, Inc.、Duos Edge AI, Inc.及Duos Energy Corporation,設計、開發、部署和運營智能技術解決方案,適用於機器視覺和人工智能("AI")應用,包括對快速移動車輛的實時分析、邊緣數據中心和電力諮詢。有關更多信息,請訪問 , 和 .
About Fortress Investment Group
Fortress Investment Group LLC is a leading, highly diversified global investment manager. Founded in 1998, Fortress manages $48 billion of assets under management as of June 30, 2024, on behalf of approximately 2,000 institutional clients and private investors worldwide across a range of credit and real estate, private equity and permanent capital investment strategies. For more information, please visit .
堡壘投資集團有限責任公司是一家領先的、高度多元化的全球投資管理公司。成立於1998年,截至2024年6月30日,堡壘管理着480億美元的資產,代表約2000家機構客戶和全球私人投資者,涵蓋信貸和房地產、股權投資和永久資本投資策略的多個領域。有關更多信息,請訪問 .
Forward- Looking Statements
This news release includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, regarding, among other things our plans, strategies and prospects -- both business and financial. Although we believe that our plans, intentions and expectations reflected in or suggested by these forward-looking statements are reasonable, we cannot assure you that we will achieve or realize these plans, intentions or expectations. Forward-looking statements are inherently subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions. Many of the forward-looking statements contained in this news release may be identified by the use of forward-looking words such as "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "should," "planned," "will," "may," "intend," "estimated," and "potential," among others. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements we make in this news release include market conditions and those set forth in reports or documents that we file from time to time with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. We do not undertake or accept any obligation or undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to any forward-looking statements to reflect any change in our expectations or any change in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is based, except as required by law. All forward-looking statements attributable to Duos Technologies Group, Inc. or a person acting on its behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionary language.
Forward- Looking Statements
本新聞發佈包含根據1933年證券法第27A條及1934年證券交易法第21E條有關的前瞻性聲明,涉及我們的計劃、策略和前景,包括業務和財務方面。儘管我們相信這些前瞻性聲明中反映或暗示的計劃、意圖和期望是合理的,但我們不能保證能夠實現這些計劃、意圖或期望。前瞻性聲明本質上受到風險、不確定性和假設的影響。許多包含在本新聞發佈中的前瞻性聲明可以通過使用諸如「相信」、「期望」、「預期」、「應當」、「計劃」、「將」、「可能」、「打算」、「估計」和「潛在」等前瞻性詞彙來識別。可能導致實際結果與我們在本新聞發佈中所做的前瞻性聲明存在重大差異的重要因素包括市場條件以及我們不時向美國證券交易委員會提交的報告或文件中列出的因素。我們不承擔或接受任何義務,公開發佈任何更新或修訂的前瞻性聲明,以反映我們期望的任何變化或基於任何此類聲明的事件、條件或情況的變化,除非法律要求。所有歸因於Duos Technologies Group, Inc.或代表其行事的個人的前瞻性聲明都得到了這一警示語言的全面保留。
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CONTACT: Contacts
Fei Kwong
Director, Corporate Communications
Duos Technologies Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: DUOT)
Duos Edge AI
Media Contact
iMiller Public Relations
Duos Technologies集團, Inc. (納斯達克: DUOT)
Duos Edge AI