
Boreal Gold Announces Private Placement for 510,000 Shares

Boreal Gold Announces Private Placement for 510,000 Shares

newsfile ·  2024/12/21 03:53

Flin Flon, Manitoba--(Newsfile Corp. - December 20, 2024) - Boreal Gold Inc (CSE: BGLD) (the "Issuer") wishes to announce its plans to raise up to $153,000 through a non-brokered private placement financing up to a Maximum Offering Amount of $153,000. The private placement will be comprised of 340,000 Flow-Through Shares at a price of $0.30 per Flow-Through Shares representing proceeds of $102,000 and 170,000 Units at a price of $0.30 per Unit, representing proceeds of $51,000 for an aggregate total raised of $153,000. The Units shall consist of, and separate immediately upon closing into, one common share of the Issuer (a "Common Share") and one (1) Warrant, each entitling the holder to purchase one Common Share at a purchase price of $0.30 cents per Warrant for a period of twenty-four (24) months following the date of closing.

弗林弗朗,曼尼託巴--(資訊公司 - 2024年12月20日) - Boreal Gold Inc(CSE: BGLD)("發行人")希望宣佈其計劃通過非券商定向增發融資籌集高達$153,000,最高發售金額爲$153,000。此次定向增發將包括340,000股流動股份,每股價格爲$0.30,代表收益爲$102,000,以及170,000單位,每單位價格爲$0.30,代表收益爲$51,000,總籌集金額爲$153,000。單位將由發行人的一股普通股("普通股")及一(1)個認股權證組成,認股權證持有者有權以每個認股權證$0.30的價格購買一股普通股,認購期爲自成交日期起的二十四(24)個月。

The Offering is subject to certain conditions including, but not limited to, the receipt of all necessary regulatory approvals. All securities to be issued under the Offering will be subject to a four-month statutory hold period in Canada.


The funds will be utilized for general working capital purposes and ongoing work on the Fay Lake and Melgurd Lake properties.

這些資金將用於一般營運資金和對Fay Lake及Melgurd Lake資產的持續工作。



The Fay Lake Property consists of 17 contiguous claims comprising of 2719 ha. lies 25km Northeast of Flin Flon, Manitoba. It is contiguous to the south with Hudbay Minerals Vamp Lake Cu-Zn-Au VMS property and also contiguous to the northeast, with the former Puffy Lake Gold mine. Fay Lake contains approximately 5 km of mapped VMS horizons similar to Vamp Lake. Separately, west of the rail line, a 9 km shear structure, presently known to contain similar mineralization as the Puffy Lake Gold deposit with samples assaying up to 14.33 g/t Au.

Fay Lake資產由17個相鄰的地塊組成,總面積爲2719公頃,位於曼尼托巴省弗林弗朗以東北方向25公里處。它的南邊與Hudbay Minerals Vamp Lake Cu-Zn-Au VMS資產相鄰,東北方向則靠近前Puffy Lake黃金礦。Fay Lake含有約5公里的VMS地層,與Vamp Lake相似。分開來看,在鐵路線路以西,存在一條9公里的剪切構造,已知與Puffy Lake黃金礦牀含有類似礦化,採樣結果達到14.33克/噸黃金。

The Melgurd property consisting of 11 mineral claims totalling 7411 ha., lies Northwest of Flin Fon Manitoba just north of the Shotts Lake copper-zinc VMS deposit in Saskatchewan. Boreal's airborne magnetic and EM survey shows both EM conductors and gradient magnetic trends of the Shott Lake horizon continuing north onto the Melgurd property in the area of a felsic volcanic package. Prospecting and mapping in the summer and fall of 2023 and 2024 have outlined an area of significant garnet and anthophyllite alteration, locally this alteration is associated with gossans.

Melgurd資產由11個礦權組成,總面積爲7411公頃,位於曼尼托巴省弗林弗朗以西北,靠近薩斯喀徹溫省的Shotts Lake銅鋅VMS礦牀。Boreal的航空磁測和電磁調查顯示,Shott Lake地層的電磁導體和梯度磁趨勢向北延續到Melgurd資產區域的一套菲爾西火山岩包。2023年和2024年的夏秋季節,外業勘探和測繪描繪出一個顯著的石榴石和陽起石改造區,當地的這種改造與風化殼相關。

Going Forward based on Recent work on the Fay Lake (in Manitoba) and Melgurd Lake (in Saskatchewan) Properties


Planned Drilling
In 2025 drill holes are being planned for both Fay Lake and Melgurd Lake which will be undertaken subject to a planned brokerage financing in the New Year. This will follow up airborne targets, which have been verified by detailed analysis, ground geophysics as well as geological mapping, sampling and prospecting (2023 and 2024). Further ground geophysics is planned for the western portion of the Fay Lake Grid, not previously covered, prior to drilling.


Previous work


Historic work (Fay Lake)
The attraction of the property has been the high gold content of the Redwin massive sulphides. During the period 1932-the Fay Lake Mining Syndicate delivered three shipments of sulphide ore to Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting, from the shaft area and nearby trenches. The three shipments of ore are as follows (Letter from A. Kauffman, Chief Geologist HBM&S, 1949). HBED was not interested because of the low copper values and gold was then only $25/oz.

該地產的吸引力在於紅溫巨型硫化物的高黃金含量。在1932年期間,法湖礦業聯合會向哈德遜灣礦業和冶煉公司交付了三批硫化礦石,來自豎井區域和附近的溝壑。這三批礦石的情況如下(來自A. Kauffman,HBM&S首席地質學家的信,1949年)。HBED因銅含量低而不感興趣,當時黃金的價格僅爲每盎司25美元。

  • November 24, 1932: 42.6 tonnes (14.6 g/t Au; 50 g/t Ag; 0.20% Cu)
  • January 12, 1933: 40.0 tonnes (15.7 g/t Au; 7.9 g/t Ag; 0.65% Cu)
  • January 25, 1933: 147 tonnes (4.5 g/t Au; 4.5 g/t Ag; 0.51% Cu)
  • 1932年11月24日:42.6噸(14.6克/噸金;50克/噸銀;0.20%銅)
  • 1933年1月12日:40.0噸(15.7克/噸金;7.9克/噸銀;0.65%銅)
  • 1933年1月25日:147噸(4.5克/噸黃金;4.5克/噸銀;0.51%銅)

During this period the Syndicate excavated numerous trenches and two shafts and carried out a drill program in the main showing area however results from this program are not recorded. Various drill programs ensued along the extent of the 5 km horizon verified massive sulphides.


Recent work by Boreal Gold
In 2022, a 437.4 line-kms TDEM (Time Domain Electromagnetic) airborne survey was flown over the entire Fay Lake Property and a 757.7 line-kms TDEM (Time Domain Electromagnetic) airborne survey was flown over the Melgurd Lake Property. In the summer/fall of 2023 and 2024, grids were cut, chained, prospected, sampled and mapped in geological detail over both properties. In 2023, Petros Eikon was retained for geophysical interpretation of the airborne surveys over both the Fay Lake and Melgurd Lake properties, this included analysis, modeling and drill hole planning to intersect prospective airborne anomalies. In 2023, Boreal undertook 23.15 km of a ground magnetometer and a horizontal loop, electromagnetic survey (HLEM) with two different cable lengths (150 m and 250 m lengths) over the eastern (Redwin Grid) VMS horizon of the Fay Lake Property. These ground geophysical surveys, carried out by Sigfrid and Associates, better defined the airborne conductors and their dip as well as the continuity of the massive sulphide horizon (magnetic) with detailed ground magnetic surveys. John Pearson, M.Sc., P.Geo., FGC, FEC(Hon) completed on September 4, 2024 a National Instrument 43-101 on both the Fay Lake and Melgurd Properties.

最近Boreal Gold的工作
在2022年,開展了437.4公里的TDEm(時間域電磁)航空調查,覆蓋整個Fay Lake財產,以及757.7公里的TDEm(時間域電磁)航空調查,覆蓋Melgurd Lake財產。在2023年夏季/秋季和2024年,劃定了網格,進行了鏈條測量、勘探、取樣和詳細的地質繪圖。在2023年,聘請Petros Eikon對Fay Lake和Melgurd Lake財產的航空調查進行了地球物理解釋,包括分析、建模和鑽孔規劃,以交叉尋求潛在航空異常。在2023年,Boreal進行了23.15公里的地面磁力儀和水平環路電磁調查(HLEM),使用兩種不同的電纜長度(15000萬和25000萬長度),覆蓋Fay Lake財產的東部(Redwin網格)VMS地平線。這些由Sigfrid and Associates進行的地面地球物理調查,更好地定義了航空導體及其傾角,並進一步明確了大規模硫化物地平線(磁性)的連續性與詳細的地面磁力調查。John Pearson萬.Sc., P.Geo., FGC, FEC(榮譽)於2024年9月4日完成了對Fay Lake和Melgurd財產的國家儀器43-101分析。

Use of Proceeds


Boreal Gold intends to use the proceeds from this financing to perform ground geophysical surveys over the western portion of the Fay Lake grid (not previously covered) along with a portion of the Melgurd Lake grid to cover two to three prospective airborne conductors. The proceeds will also be used for assaying the rock samples collected on both the Fay Lake Property and the Melgurd Lake Property this past summer/fall and completing the mapping, prospecting and sampling reports on both properties and for corporate purposes.

Boreal Gold打算利用此次融資的收益進行地面地球物理調查,覆蓋Fay Lake網格的西部(之前未覆蓋部分),以及Melgurd Lake網格的一部分,以覆蓋兩個到三個潛在航空導體。這些收益還將用於對在Fay Lake財產和Melgurd Lake財產上收集的岩石樣品進行化驗,以及完成對兩個財產的繪圖、勘探和取樣報告,並用於公司目的。

Qualified Person


Stephen L. Masson, M.Sc., P.Geo. is the "Qualified Person" as defined by NI 43-101 for these projects, has reviewed and approved the technical disclosure contained in this news release.

Stephen L. Masson萬.Sc., P.Geo. 是根據NI 43-101爲這些項目定義的「合格人員」,已審核並批准本新聞稿中包含的技術披露。

About Boreal Gold Inc

關於Boreal Gold Inc

Boreal Gold Inc is a Canadian junior mineral exploration company with a specific focus on mineral properties in northwest Manitoba and northeast Saskatchewan, Canada. All of the Issuer's properties are currently at the exploration stage. The Issuer has assembled a portfolio of base metal and precious metal prospects in strategic locations in the Provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan.

Boreal Gold Inc是一家加拿大初創礦業勘探公司,專注於加拿大曼尼托巴省西北部和薩斯喀徹溫省東北部的礦產資源。發行人的所有屬性目前均處於勘探階段。發行人已在曼尼托巴省和薩斯喀徹溫省的戰略位置上組建了一個基本金屬和貴金屬前景組合。

Boreal Gold Inc

Boreal Gold Inc

Richard Masson
President & CEO

Richard Masson

No stock exchange or securities regulatory authority has reviewed or accepted responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. Some of the statements contained in this release are forward-looking statements, such as estimates and statements that describe the Issuer's future plans, objectives or goals, including words to the effect that the Issuer or management expects a stated condition or result to occur. Since forward-looking statements address future events and conditions, by their very nature, they involve inherent risks and uncertainties.


Tel: 204-687-3500


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