Fnac Darty: Final Results and Terms of Settlement of the Joint Procedure
Fnac Darty: Final Results and Terms of Settlement of the Joint Procedure
Ivry-sur-Seine, France — January 3, 2025, 2.00 pm CEST
法國伊夫裏—蘇爾—塞納 — 2025年1月3日,下午2:00 中歐夏令時間
The Joint程序的最終結果
With reference to the joint procedure for the exercise of the right to squeeze-out pursuant to Article 111 of Legislative Decree No. 58 of 24 February 1998, as subsequently amended (the "CFA") and the fulfilment of the obligation to purchase under Article 108, Paragraph 1, of the CFA (the "Joint Procedure") commenced by Fnac Darty SA ("Fnac Darty") and RUBY Equity Investment S.a r.l. ("Ruby" and, together with Fnac Darty, the "Offerors") on 19 December 2024 for the 687,663 outstanding ordinary shares of Unieuro S.p.A. ("Unieuro" or the "Issuer"), excluding the treasury shares held by Unieuro, not held by the Offerors and Fnac Darty V SAS (as Person Acting in Concert with the Offerors for the purpose of the Offer) following the completion of the Procedure to Comply with the Obligation to Purchase under Art. 108, Par. 2, of the CFA ( the "Further Remaining Shares"), further to the press release concerning the preliminary results of the Joint Procedure issued on 30 December 2024, the Offerors announce the following.
關於根據1998年2月24日第58號法令第111條規定行使擠出權的聯合程序(以下簡稱「CFA」)和根據CFA第108條第1款的購買義務的履行(以下簡稱「聯合程序」),該程序由Fnac Darty SA(「Fnac Darty」)和RUBY Equity Investment S.a r.l.(「Ruby」,與Fnac Darty共同稱爲「要約方」)於2024年12月19日針對687,663股Unieuro S.p.A.(「Unieuro」或「發行人」)的普通股開始,排除Unieuro持有的庫存股,不包括由要約方和Fnac Darty V SAS(作爲與要約方爲本次要約目的共同行動的人)持有的股份,完成根據CFA第108條第2款的購買義務程序(以下簡稱「進一步剩餘股份」)後,針對2024年12月30日發佈的關於聯合程序初步結果的新聞稿,要約方宣告如下。
All terms not defined in this press release shall have the same meaning given to them in the offer document, approved by Consob with resolution no. 23231 of 23 August 2024, and published on 24 August 2024 (the "Offer Document") among others, on the website of Unieuro () and on the website of Fnac Darty (), as well as in the notice published on 12 December 2024 concerning the final results of the Procedure to Comply with the Obligation to Purchase under Art. 108, Par. 2, of the CFA and information on the terms and conditions of the Joint Procedure (the "Notice of 12 December 2024").
本新聞稿中未定義的所有術語應具有與2024年8月23日經意大利證券市場監督委員會批准並於2024年8月24日發佈的報價文件("報價文件")中賦予它們的相同含義,其他相關信息可在Unieuro(),Fnac Darty()的網站上以及2024年12月12日發佈的有關根據CFA第108條第2款購買義務遵循程序的最終結果和聯合程序的條款和條件的通知("2024年12月12日通知")中查閱。
The Joint Procedure carried out by the Offerors targeted the 687,663 Further Remaining Shares, equal to 3.30% of the share capital of the Issuer. The period during which the holders of the Further Remaining Shares were able to exercise their right to choose the type of the Consideration for the Joint Procedure pursuant to Article 108, Paragraph 5 and Article 111, Paragraph 2 of the CFA, namely between the Consideration for the Offer and the Full Cash Alternative Consideration, began on 19 December 2024 and ended on 30 December 2024 (the "Period of the Joint Procedure").
Based on the final results communicated by Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A., in its capacity as Intermediary Responsible for Coordinating the Collection of Tenders, in the context of the Joint Procedure, Requests for Sale Concerning the Joint Procedure were submitted for no. 139,558 Further Remaining Shares. Such Further Remaining Shares represent: (i) 0.67% of the share capital of the Issuer, and (ii) 20.29% of the Further Remaining Shares subject of the Joint Procedure.
根據意大利聯合銀行(Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A.)以協調招標收集的中介責任人的身份所傳達的最終結果,關於聯合程序的賣出請求提交了139,558股進一步剩餘股份。這樣的進一步剩餘股份代表:(i) 發行人股本的0.67%,和 (ii) 聯合程序所涉及的進一步剩餘股份的20.29%。
These final results are the same as the preliminary results of the Joint Procedure announced on 30 December 2024.
In connection with the 139,558 Further Remaining Shares for which Requests for Sale Concerning the Joint Procedure were submitted in the context of the Joint Procedure:
(i) the Consideration for the Offer (namely, for each Unieuro Share, Euro 9.00, as Cash Portion, and no. 0.1 newly issued Fnac Darty shares, as Share Portion) will be paid to the holders of no. 124,481 Further Remaining Shares (representing 89.20% of the shares tendered during the Period of the Joint Procedure); and
(i) 提議的對價(即每股Unieuro股票9.00歐元現金部分,以及0.1股新發行的Fnac Darty股票作爲股份部分)將支付給124,481股進一步剩餘股份的持有者(這佔在聯合程序期間投標的股份的89.20%);和
(ii) the Full Cash Alternative Consideration (namely, 11.67208 Euro per each Unieuro Share) will be paid to the holders of no. 15,077 Further Remaining Shares (representing 10.80% of the shares tendered during the Period of the Joint Procedure).
(ii) 全部現金替代對價(即每股Unieuro股票11.67208歐元)將支付給15,077股進一步剩餘股份的持有者(這佔在聯合程序期間投標的股份的10.80%)。
For the remaining no. 548,105 Further Remaining Shares, the relevant shareholders (the "Non-Requesting Shareholders") did not submit any Requests for Sale Concerning the Joint Procedure and therefore on the Payment Date of the Joint Procedure they will receive only the Consideration for the Offer (namely, for each Unieuro Share, Euro 9.00, as Cash Portion, and no. 0.1 newly issued Fnac Darty shares, as Share Portion).
對於剩餘的548,105股進一步剩餘股份,相關的股東(「非請求股東」)未提交任何銷售請求與聯合程序相關,因此在聯合程序的支付日期,他們將僅獲得提議的對價(即每股Unieuro股票9.00歐元現金部分,以及0.1股新發行的Fnac Darty股票作爲股份部分)。
Please note, for the sake of clarity, that any holder of Further Remaining Shares that submitted a Request for Sale Concerning the Joint Procedure only for a portion of its Further Remaining Shares will be deemed a Requesting Shareholder with reference to the Further Remaining Shares for which it submitted such request and a Non-Requesting Shareholder with reference to the Further Remaining Shares for which it did not submit a Request for Sale Concerning the Joint Procedure.
請注意,爲了清晰起見,任何提交了關於The Joint程序的賣出請求的進一步剩餘股份持有者,僅針對其提交請求的進一步剩餘股份將被視爲請求股東,而未提交關於The Joint程序的賣出請求的進一步剩餘股份將被視爲非請求股東。
In order to deliver the Consideration for the Offer to the Requesting Shareholders as well as to the Non-Requesting Shareholders, Fnac Darty, in execution of the Offer Capital Increase, will issue no. 67,260 Fnac Darty shares, representing 0.23% of the share capital of the Fnac Darty following such issuance, as of the Payment Date of the Joint Procedure. Following such issuance, the subscribed and paid-up share capital of Fnac Darty will be represented by 29,682,146 ordinary shares. The aggregate amount of the Cash Portion due to the Requesting Shareholders and the Non-Requesting Shareholders is equal to Euro 6,053,280.75, while the aggregate amount of the Full Cash Alternative Consideration due to the Requesting Shareholders that so requested in their Requests for Sale Concerning the Joint Procedure is equal to Euro 175,979.95.
爲了向請求股東以及非請求股東提供此項要約的對價,Fnac Darty在執行要約資本增加時,將發行67,260股Fnac Darty股份,代表在聯合程序的支付日期後,該發行時Fnac Darty的股本的0.23%。在此之後,Fnac Darty的已認購和已支付股本將由29,682,146股普通股組成。應向請求股東和非請求股東支付的現金部分總額爲6,053,280.75歐元,而應向在他們的聯合程序賣出請求中請求現金全額替代對價的請求股東支付的現金全額替代對價總額爲175,979.95歐元。
Pursuant to Article 111 of the CFA, the Joint Procedure will result in the transfer to the Offerors of the ownership of each of the Further Remaining Shares, including, for the sake of clarity, the above-mentioned no. 548,105 Further Remaining Shares for which no Request for Sale Concerning the Joint Procedure was submitted.
根據《CFA》第111條,The Joint程序將導致進一步剩餘股份的每一項所有權轉移給要約人,包括爲了清晰起見,前述的548,105股進一步剩餘股份,其中未提交關於The Joint程序的賣出請求。
The Joint程序的結算
The settlement of the Joint Procedure, consisting in the transfer to the Offerors of the ownership of all the Further Remaining Shares (including, for the sake of clarity, the no. 548,105 Further Remaining Shares for which no Request for Sale Concerning the Joint Procedure was submitted, and excluding the treasury shares held by Unieuro) and the payment to the shareholders of Unieuro of the Consideration for the Joint Procedure will occur on the Payment Date of the Joint Procedure, i.e. on 8 January 2025, being the fifth Trading Day following the end of the Period of the Joint Procedure.
In particular, on the Payment Date of the Joint Procedure:
(i) the Share Portion due to the Requesting Shareholders will be paid through the transfer of the Fnac Darty shares due in the securities accounts at the Responsible Intermediaries or the Depositary Intermediaries owned by the Requesting Shareholders;
(i) 要求股東應得的股份部分將通過向要求股東在責任中介或存託中介的證券賬戶中轉移應得的Fnac Darty股票進行支付;
(ii) the Cash Portion and the Full Cash Alternative Consideration due to the Requesting Shareholders will be paid through the transfer of the relevant amount to the Responsible Intermediaries, which shall transfer the funds to the Depositary intermediaries, which in turn shall credit such funds to the Requesting Shareholders in accordance with the instructions issued by the Requesting Shareholders (or their representatives) in the Requests for Sale Concerning the Joint Procedure,
(ii) 要求股東應得的現金部分和全部現金替代對價將通過將相關金額轉移到責任中介進行支付,責任中介將把資金轉移到存託中介,存託中介將根據要求股東(或其代表)在聯合程序出售請求中發出的指示,將資金記入要求股東的賬戶。
all in compliance with the procedures set forth in the Requests for Sale Concerning the Joint Procedure.
完全符合關於The Joint程序的銷售請求中所規定的程序。
No interest will be paid by the Offerors or any other person on the Cash Portion and on the Full Cash Alternative Consideration.
With respect to the remaining no. 548,105 Further Remaining Shares for which no Requests for Sale Concerning the Joint Procedure have been submitted (excluding the treasury shares held by Unieuro), pursuant to Article 111, Paragraph 3, of the CFA, on the Payment Date of the Joint Procedure, the Offerors will notify Unieuro that:
關於剩餘的548,105股進一步剩餘股份,尚未提交任何關於The Joint程序的銷售請求(不包括Unieuro持有的庫存股),根據CFA第111條第3款的規定,在The Joint程序的付款日,出價人將通知Unieuro:
(i) irrevocable instructions were given by Fnac Darty (a) to Euroclear France, through Uptevia SA, for the creation of the no. 54,811 Fnac Darty shares necessary for the payment of the Share Portion due to Non-Requesting Shareholders and (b) to the Intermediary Responsible for Coordinating the Collection of Tenders to make such Fnac Darty shares available to Non-Requesting Shareholders at the centralized clearing system at Monte Titoli S.p.A. for collection through the relevant Depositary Intermediaries members of Monte Titoli S.p.A. as well as
(i) Fnac Darty給予了不可撤回的指示,(a) 通過Uptevia SA向Euroclear France,創建54,811股Fnac Darty股份,以便支付應付給非請求股東的股份部分,以及(b) 向負責協調招標收集的中介,使這些Fnac Darty股份可供非請求股東在Monte Titoli S.p.A集中清算系統中收集,通過相關的存託中介來完成。
(ii) the total amount required for the payment of the Cash Portion to the Non-Requesting Shareholders has been deposited on restricted bank accounts opened by the Offerors with the Intermediary Responsible for Coordinating the Collection of Tenders.
(ii) 現金部分支付給非請求股東所需的總額已經存入承諾人與協調招標收集的中介機構開設的限制銀行賬戶。
Once such notification is made, the transfer of title of all the Further Remaining Shares to the Offerors will be effective and will thus be recorded on the Issuer's shareholders ledger.
Any Fractional Parts due to the holders of Further Remaining Shares will be aggregated and sold by the Intermediary Responsible for Coordinating the Collection of Tenders and the resulting Cash Amount of Fractional Part will subsequently be distributed to the relevant holders of Further Remaining Shares, in compliance with the terms and according to the timing described in the Notice of 12 December 2024.
The obligation of the Offerors to pay the Consideration for the Joint Procedure will be deemed fulfilled when the exact number of Fnac Darty shares due as Share Portion and the exact Cash Amount of the Fractional Part (if any) as well as the exact amount of the Cash Portion, or, if the Full Cash Alternative Consideration was requested or due, the exact amount of the Full Cash Alternative Consideration will be transferred to the Responsible Intermediaries or the Depositary Intermediaries, as the case may be. The Requesting Shareholders and the Non-Requesting Shareholders will bear the risk that the Responsible Intermediaries or the Depositary Intermediaries will not transfer them the Fnac Darty shares due as Share Portion, the Cash Amount of the Fractional Part (if any), the Cash Portion or the Full Cash Alternative Consideration due to them, or delay such transfer.
當應支付的Fnac Darty股份數量、分數部分的現金金額(如果有)、現金部分的確切金額,或者如果請求或到期的全現金替代對價的確切金額被轉移到負責中介或保管中介時,承諾人支付聯合程序的對價的義務將被視爲已履行。請求股東和非請求股東將承擔負責中介或保管中介未能向他們轉移Fnac Darty股份、分數部分的現金金額(如果有)、現金部分或全現金替代對價或延遲轉移的風險。
The Consideration for the Joint Procedure is intended to be net of any Italian stamp duty, registration tax or financial transaction tax, to the extent due, and of fees, commissions and expenses, which will be borne by the Offerors, while any income, withholding or substitute tax on capital gains, if due, will be borne by the holders of the Further Remaining Shares.
The holders of Further Remaining Shares will not incur any cost or fee for the delivery of the Fnac Darty shares due as Share Portion (and the payment of the related Cash Amount of the Fractional Part, if any) and the payment of the Cash Portion or the payment of the Full Cash Alternative Consideration, as applicable.
進一步剩餘股份的持有者在交付應作爲股份部分的Fnac Darty股票(以及相關的部分現金金額的支付,如有)和現金部分的支付或全額現金替代對價的支付時,無須承擔任何費用或費用。
By means of decision no. 9031 issued on 13 December 2024, Borsa Italiana S.p.A. ordered the delisting of the Issuer's shares from the Euronext STAR Milan organized and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A. as from 8 January 2025, after suspending the trading of Unieuro shares during the sessions of 6 and 7 January 2025.
根據2024年12月13日發佈的第9031號決議,意大利證券交易所(Borsa Italiana S.p.A.)決定自2025年1月8日起將發行人的股票從由意大利證券交易所組織和管理的Euronext STAR米蘭中退市,並在2025年1月6日和7日的交易會議期間暫停了Unieuro股票的交易。
Legal Disclaimer
The Offer, the Procedure to Comply with the Obligation to Purchase under Art. 108, Par. 2, of the CFA and the Joint Procedure are being launched exclusively in Italy and will be made on a non-discriminatory basis and on equal terms to all holders of Unieuro shares, as set out in the notice published pursuant to Article 102 of Italian Legislative Decree No. 58 of February 24, 1998 and as further described in the Offer Document published in accordance with the applicable regulations.
The Offer, the Procedure to Comply with the Obligation to Purchase under Art. 108, Par. 2, of the CFA and the Joint Procedure have not been and will not be made in the United States of America (including its territories and possessions, any state of the United States of America and the District of Columbia) (the "United States"), Canada, Japan, Australia and any other jurisdictions where making them or tendering therein would not be in compliance with the securities or other laws or regulations of such jurisdiction or would require any registration, approval or filing with any regulatory authority (such jurisdictions, including the United States, Canada, Japan and Australia, the "Excluded Countries"), by using national or international instruments of communication or commerce of the Excluded Countries (including, by way of illustration, the postal network, fax, telex, e-mail, telephone and internet), through any structure of any of the Excluded Countries' financial intermediaries or in any other way. No actions have been taken or will be taken to make the Offer and/or the Procedure to Comply with the Obligation to Purchase under Art. 108, Par. 2, of the CFA and/or the Joint Procedure possible in any of the Excluded Countries.
此項要約、遵守法典第108條第2款購買義務的程序和聯合程序未在美利堅合衆國(包括其領土和屬地、美國的任何州和哥倫比亞特區)("美國")、加拿大、日本、澳洲及任何其他不符合該管轄區的證券或其他法律或法規或將需要向任何監管機構進行註冊、批准或提交文件的管轄區進行,也不會這樣做(這些管轄區,包括美國、加拿大、日本和澳洲,統稱爲"被排除國家"),通過使用被排除國家的國家或國際通信或商業工具(包括郵政網絡、傳真、電傳、電子郵件、電話和Internet Plus-related),通過被排除國家的任何金融中介的任何結構或以任何其他方式進行。沒有采取或將採取任何行動使得在任何被排除國家進行此項要約和/或遵守法典第108條第2款購買義務的程序和/或聯合程序變得可能。
Copies, full or partial, of any documents relating to the Offer and/or the Procedure to Comply with the Obligation to Purchase under Art. 108, Par. 2, of the CFA and/or the Joint Procedure, including this press release, are not and should not be sent, or in any way transmitted, or otherwise distributed, directly or indirectly, in the Excluded Countries. Any person receiving any such documents shall not distribute, send or dispatch them (whether by post or by any other mean or device of communication or international commerce) in the Excluded Countries. Any document relating to the Offer and/or the Procedure to Comply with the Obligation to Purchase under Art. 108, Par. 2, of the CFA and/or the Joint Procedure, including this press release, do not constitute and shall not be construed as an offer of financial instruments addressed to persons domiciled and/or resident in the Excluded Countries. No securities may be offered or sold in the Excluded Countries without specific authorization in accordance with the applicable provisions of the local law of the Excluded Countries or a waiver thereof.
Copies, full or partial, of any documents relating to the Offer and/or the Procedure to Comply with the Obligation to Purchase under Art. 108, Par. 2, of the CFA and/or The Joint Procedure, including this press release, are not and should not be sent, or in any way transmitted, or otherwise distributed, directly or indirectly, in the Excluded Countries. Any person receiving any such documents shall not distribute, send or dispatch them (whether by post or by any other mean or device of communication or international commerce) in the Excluded Countries. Any document relating to the Offer and/or the Procedure to Comply with the Obligation to Purchase under Art. 108, Par. 2, of the CFA and/or The Joint Procedure, including this press release, do not constitute and shall not be construed as an offer of financial instruments addressed to persons domiciled and/or resident in the Excluded Countries. No securities may be offered or sold in the Excluded Countries without specific authorization in accordance with the applicable provisions of the local law of the Excluded Countries or a waiver thereof.
This press release is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of offers to purchase or subscribe for shares.
This press release is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of offers to purchase or subscribe for shares.
This press release and the information contained herein are not for distribution in or into the United States. This press release does not constitute, or form part of, an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to purchase, any securities in the United States. The securities of Fnac Darty have not been and will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act and may not be offered or sold within the United States absent registration or an applicable exemption from, or in a transaction not subject to, the registration requirements of the Securities Act. There is no intention to register any securities referred to herein in the United States or to make a public offering of the securities in the United States.
This press release and the information contained herein are not for distribution in or into the United States. This press release does not constitute, or form part of, an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to purchase, any securities in the United States. The securities of Fnac Darty have not been and will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act and may not be offered or sold within the United States absent registration or an applicable exemption from, or in a transaction not subject to, the registration requirements of the Securities Act. There is no intention to register any securities referred to herein in the United States or to make a public offering of the securities in the United States.
About Fnac Darty
About Fnac Darty
Operating in 13 countries, Fnac Darty is a European leader in the retail of entertainment and leisure products, consumer electronics and domestic appliances. The Group, which has almost 25,000 employees, has a multi-format network of more than 1,000 stores at the end of December 2023, and is ranked as a major e-commerce player in France (more than 27 million unique visitors per month on average) with its three merchant sites, fnac.com, darty.com and natureetdecouvertes.com. A leading omnichannel player, Fnac Darty's revenue was around €8 billion in 2023, 22% of which was realized online. For more information: .
Fnac Darty在13個國家運營,是歐洲娛樂和休閒產品、消費電子以及家電零售的領導者。該集團擁有近25,000名員工,截至2023年12月底,擁有超過1,000家多種格式的商店,並在法國被評選爲主要的電子商務參與者(平均每月超過2700萬獨特訪客),運營着三個商業網站:fnac.com、darty.com和natureetdecouvertes.com。作爲領先的全渠道參與者,Fnac Darty的營業收入在2023年約爲80億歐元,其中22%來自線上。更多信息: .
Domitille Vielle – Head of Investor Relations – domitille.vielle@fnacdarty.com – +33 (0)6 03 86 05 02
Laura Parisot – Investor Relations Manager – laura.parisot@fnacdarty.com – +33 (0)6 64 74 27 18
Domitille Vielle – 投資者關係負責人 – domitille.vielle@fnacdarty.com – +33 (0)6 03 86 05 02
勞拉·巴黎索 – 投資者關係經理 – laura.parisot@fnacdarty.com – +33 (0)6 64 74 27 18
Marianne Hervé – mherve@image7.fr – +33 (0)6 23 83 59 29
Marianne Hervé – mherve@image7.fr – +33 (0)6 23 83 59 29
- 20250103_PR Final Results of the Joint Procedure (ENG)_final
- 20250103_PR 最終結果的聯合程序 (ENG)_final