Ondas' American Robotics Secures Its Latest FAA BVLOS Waiver for Expanded Drone Operations Over People and Moving Vehicles From a Remote Operations Center
Ondas' American Robotics Secures Its Latest FAA BVLOS Waiver for Expanded Drone Operations Over People and Moving Vehicles From a Remote Operations Center
Significant progress for the industry and American Robotics as the Optimus System-the only FAA Type Certified uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV) developed for security and inspection - integrated with Kestrel airspace management and C-UAS solution, enables expanded BVLOS operations at Ondas' Baltimore Global Operations Control Center
Optimus 系統是唯一一款專爲安全和檢查而開發的 FAA 型號認證的無人駕駛飛行器 (UAV),與 Kestrel 空域管理和C-UAS解決方案相結合,可擴大奧達斯巴爾的摩全球運營控制中心的 BVLOS 運營,該行業和美國機器人取得了重大進展
Ondas prepares for FAA Part 108 framework, scaling industry operations
Ondas 爲 FAA 第 108 部分框架做準備,擴大行業運營
American Robotics is hosting a Drone as First Responder (DFR) event at its Baltimore Headquarters on January 16th
American Robotics將於1月16日在其巴爾的摩總部舉辦無人機作爲急救人員(DFR)活動
SPARKS, MD / ACCESSWIRE / January 3, 2025 / Ondas Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ:ONDS) ("Ondas" or the "Company"), a leading provider of private industrial wireless networks and commercial drone and automated data solutions, announced today that its Ondas Autonomous Systems Inc. ("OAS") business unit's American Robotics subsidiary has secured an additional Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) waiver. Securing this additional FAA BVLOS waiver reflects the safety and strength of American Robotics' technology platforms, reinforcing its position at the forefront of autonomous drone operations and its positive partnering with the FAA. The waiver further demonstrates leadership with respect to scaling within a complex aviation regulatory environment.
馬里蘭州斯帕克斯/ACCESSWIRE/2025年1月3日/私有工業無線網絡和商用無人機和自動化數據解決方案的領先提供商昂達斯控股公司(納斯達克股票代碼:ONDS)(「OAS」)(「OAS」)(「OAS」)業務部門的美國機器人子公司已獲得額外的超越視覺視線(BVLOS)的聯邦航空管理局(FAA)豁免。獲得這項額外的FAA BVLOS豁免反映了American Robotics技術平台的安全性和實力,鞏固了其在自主無人機運營前沿的地位以及與美國聯邦航空局的積極合作。該豁免進一步表明了在複雜的航空監管環境中擴大規模方面的領導地位。
"Securing this FAA BVLOS waiver is a testament to the strength of our technology and the trust we continue to build with regulators. This achievement enhances the operational capabilities of our Optimus System, enabling us to better serve defense, government, and commercial customers with advanced solutions for DFR, critical asset inspection, and more," Eric Brock, Chairman and CEO of Ondas Holdings, commented.
「獲得美國聯邦航空局的BVLOS豁免證明了我們的技術實力以及我們繼續與監管機構建立的信任。這一成就增強了我們的擎天柱系統的運營能力,使我們能夠通過先進的DFR、關鍵資產檢查等解決方案,更好地爲國防、政府和商業客戶提供服務。」 Ondas Holdings董事長兼首席執行官埃裏克·布羅克評論道。
"This waiver is not just a regulatory achievement - it's a validation of our commitment to advancing the drone industry at scale," Timothy "T3" Tenne, CEO of American Robotics, added. "As we complete the build-out of our global Operations Control Center (OCC), we're not only enhancing our ability to provide worldwide operational services but also preparing for the FAA's forthcoming Part 108 framework. This includes enabling one Remote Pilot in Command (RPIC) to oversee multiple UAS, paving the way for greater scalability across the industry."
美國機器人首席執行官蒂莫西· 「T3」 Tenne補充說:「這項豁免不僅是監管方面的成就,也是對我們大規模推進無人機行業的承諾的驗證。」「隨着我們完成全球運營控制中心(OCC)的建設,我們不僅增強了提供全球運營服務的能力,而且還在爲美國聯邦航空局即將發佈的第108部分框架做準備。這包括允許一名遠程指揮飛行員 (RPIC) 監督多個無人機,爲提高整個行業的可擴展性鋪平道路。」
The newly awarded BVLOS waiver marks significant progress for the industry as it allows American Robotics' Optimus System to conduct true BVLOS operations. This FAA waiver permits flights over people and moving vehicles from a centralized remote operations center. The permissions granted in this waiver highlights the safety and efficiency provided by Kestrel, American Robotics' advanced airspace management and Counter-UAS (C-UAS) solution. Kestrel, along with the Optimus System, the only FAA Type Certified uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV) developed for security and inspection, is a key component of the operational capabilities provided to customers.
新授予的BVLOS豁免標誌着該行業的重大進步,因爲它使美國機器人公司的擎天柱系統能夠進行真正的BVLOS運營。美國聯邦航空局的這項豁免允許從中央遠程操作中心飛越人員和行駛的車輛。該豁免中授予的許可突顯了美國機器人公司的先進空域管理和反無人機(C-UAS)解決方案Kestrel提供的安全性和效率。Kestrel以及Optimus System是唯一一款爲安全和檢查而開發的FAA型號認證的無人駕駛飛行器(UAV),是提供給客戶的作戰能力的關鍵組成部分。
The OCC will empower American Robotics to monitor and manage its systems globally, offering a new level of service for its customers while ensuring compliance with evolving regulatory frameworks. By integrating these capabilities, American Robotics is positioned to meet diverse requirements across sectors, from defense and public safety to critical infrastructure inspection.
OCC將授權American Robotics在全球範圍內監控和管理其系統,爲其客戶提供更高水平的服務,同時確保遵守不斷變化的監管框架。通過整合這些能力,American Robotics有能力滿足從國防和公共安全到關鍵基礎設施檢查等各個領域的不同需求。
American Robotics invites those interested in learning more to attend its Drone as a First Responder (DFR) Day on January 16, 2025, where the full capabilities of its sUAS platforms and products will be showcased. Attendees will have the opportunity to see live demonstrations of our advanced drone capabilities, including real-world scenarios where the Optimus System and Kestrel solution are deployed. For more information or to reserve your spot, please contact American Robotics directly at contact@american-robotics.com.
American Robotics邀請有興趣了解更多信息的人蔘加其2025年1月16日的 「無人機作爲急救人員(DFR)日」,屆時將展示其SuaS平台和產品的全部功能。與會者將有機會觀看我們先進的無人機能力的現場演示,包括部署擎天柱系統和紅隼解決方案的真實場景。欲了解更多信息或預訂座位,請直接通過 contact@american-robotics.com 與美國機器人公司聯繫。
About Ondas Holdings Inc
Ondas Holdings Inc. ("Ondas") is a leading provider of private wireless data solutions via Ondas Networks Inc. ("Ondas Networks") and commercial drone solutions through Ondas Autonomous Holdings Inc. via its wholly-owned subsidiaries American Robotics, Inc. ("American Robotics" or "AR") and Airobotics LTD ("Airobotics"), which we operate as a separate business unit called Ondas Autonomous Systems.
昂達斯控股公司(「Ondas」)是通過昂達斯網絡公司(「昂達斯網絡」)提供私人無線數據解決方案的領先提供商,也是通過昂達斯自治控股公司通過其全資子公司美國機器人公司(「美國機器人」 或 「AR」)和Airobotics LTD(「Airobotics」)提供商用無人機解決方案的領先提供商,我們作爲一個名爲昂達斯自主系統的獨立業務部門運營。
Ondas Networks is a developer of proprietary, software-based wireless broadband technology for large established and emerging commercial and government markets. Ondas Networks' standards-based (802.16s), multi-patented, software-defined radio FullMAX platform enables Mission-Critical IoT (MC-IoT) applications by overcoming the bandwidth limitations of today's legacy private licensed wireless networks. Ondas Networks' customer end markets include railroads, utilities, oil and gas, transportation, aviation (including drone operators) and government entities whose demands span a wide range of mission critical applications.
Ondas Networks是專有的、基於軟體的無線寬帶技術的開發商,面向大型成熟和新興的商業和政府市場。Ondas Networks基於標準(802.16s)、多項專利、軟體定義的無線電FullMax平台通過克服當今傳統私人許可無線網絡的帶寬限制,支持任務關鍵型物聯網(MC-IoT)應用程序。Ondas Networks的客戶終端市場包括鐵路、公用事業、石油和天然氣、交通、航空(包括無人機運營商)和需求涵蓋各種關鍵任務應用的政府實體。
Our Ondas Autonomous Systems business unit designs, develops, and markets commercial drone solutions via the Optimus System - the world's first FAA certified small UAS (sUAS) developed for aerial security and data capture and the Iron Drone Raider (the "Autonomous Drone Platforms"). The Autonomous Drone Platforms are highly automated, AI-powered drone systems capable of continuous, remote operation and are marketed as "drone-in-a-box" turnkey data solution services. They are deployed for critical industrial and government applications where data and information collection and processing are required. The Autonomous Drone Platforms are typically provided to customers under a Data-as-a-Service (DaaS) business model. American Robotics and Airobotics have industry leading regulatory successes which include a first of its kind FAA Type Certification for the Optimus System and having the first drone system approved by the FAA for automated operation beyond-visual-line-of-sight (BVLOS) without a human operator on-site.
我們的昂達斯自主系統業務部門通過擎天柱系統設計、開發和銷售商用無人機解決方案。擎天柱系統是世界上第一個經美國聯邦航空局認證的小型無人機(SUAs),專爲空中安全和數據採集而開發,還有Iron Drone Raider(「自主無人機平台」)。自主無人機平台是高度自動化、人工智能驅動的無人機系統,能夠進行持續的遠程操作,並作爲 「盒中無人機」 一站式數據解決方案服務進行銷售。它們用於需要收集和處理數據和信息的關鍵工業和政府應用程序。自主無人機平台通常在數據即服務 (DAaS) 業務模式下提供給客戶。American Robotics和Airobotics在監管方面取得了業界領先的成功,其中包括美國聯邦航空局首次對擎天柱系統進行了類型認證,以及第一個經美國聯邦航空局批准的無人機系統,無需人工操作員在場即可實現視覺超視距(BVLOS)的自動操作。
Ondas Networks, American Robotics and Airobotics together provide users in oil & gas, rail, mining, agriculture, public safety and other critical infrastructure and government markets with improved connectivity and data collection and information processing capabilities.
Ondas Networks、American Robotics和Airobotics共同爲石油和天然氣、鐵路、採礦、農業、公共安全和其他關鍵基礎設施和政府市場的用戶提供了更好的連接、數據收集和信息處理能力。
Ondas Networks, American Robotics and Airobotics together provide users in oil & gas, rail, mining, agriculture, public safety and other critical infrastructure and government markets with improved connectivity and data collection and information processing capabilities.
Ondas Networks、American Robotics和Airobotics共同爲石油和天然氣、鐵路、採礦、農業、公共安全和其他關鍵基礎設施和政府市場的用戶提供了更好的連接、數據收集和信息處理能力。
For additional information on Ondas Holdings, visit or follow Ondas Holdings on X formerly known as Twitter and LinkedIn. For additional information on Ondas Networks, visit or follow Ondas Networks on X and LinkedIn. For additional information on American Robotics, visit or follow American Robotics on X and LinkedIn. For additional information on Airobotics, visit or follow Airobotics on X and LinkedIn.
有關昂達斯控股的更多信息,請在X上訪問或關注昂達斯控股公司(前身爲Twitter和LinkedIn)。有關 Ondas Networks 的更多信息,請在 X 和 LinkedIn 上訪問或關注 Ondas Networks。有關美國機器人的更多信息,請在 X 和 LinkedIn 上訪問或關注美國機器人。有關 Airobotics 的更多信息,請在 X 和 LinkedIn 上訪問或關注 Airobotics。
Information on our websites and social media platforms is not incorporated by reference in this release or in any of our filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
Forward-Looking Statements
Statements made in this release that are not statements of historical or current facts are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. We caution readers that forward-looking statements are predictions based on our current expectations about future events. These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict. Our actual results, performance, or achievements could differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements as a result of a number of factors, including the risks discussed under the heading "Risk Factors" discussed under the caption "Item 1A. Risk Factors" in Part I of our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K or any updates discussed under the caption "Item 1A. Risk Factors" in Part II of our Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and in our other filings with the SEC. We undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise that occur after that date, except as required by law.
根據1995年《私人證券訴訟改革法》,在本新聞稿中發表的不是歷史或當前事實陳述的陳述是 「前瞻性陳述」。我們提醒讀者,前瞻性陳述是基於我們當前對未來事件的預期的預測。這些前瞻性陳述不能保證未來的表現,並且受難以預測的風險、不確定性和假設的影響。由於多種因素,包括在 「第1A項」 標題下討論的 「風險因素」 標題下討論的風險,我們的實際業績、業績或成就可能與前瞻性陳述所表達或暗示的業績、業績或成就存在重大差異。我們最新的10-k表年度報告第一部分中的風險因素” 或在 「第1A項」 標題下討論的任何更新。風險因素” 載於我們的10-Q表季度報告的第二部分以及我們向美國證券交易委員會提交的其他文件中。除非法律要求,否則我們沒有義務公開更新或修改任何前瞻性陳述,無論是由於新信息、未來事件還是該日期之後發生的其他情況。
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888.350.9994 x1019
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888.350.9994 x1019
Media Contact for Ondas
Escalate PR
Preston Grimes
Marketing Manager, Ondas Holdings Inc.
Ondas 媒體聯繫人
SOURCE: Ondas Holdings Inc.