Canaan Secures US Deal for 2,800 Avalon A15XP Crypto Miners
Canaan Secures US Deal for 2,800 Avalon A15XP Crypto Miners
Canaan Inc. (NASDAQ:CAN) ("Canaan" or the "Company"), a leading high-performance computing solutions provider, today announced that Canaan U.S. Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, has entered into a purchase agreement with a new, strategic United States customer for its Avalon A15XP miners.
領先的高性能計算解決方案提供商迦南公司(納斯達克股票代碼:CAN)(「迦南」 或 「公司」)今天宣佈,該公司的全資子公司迦南美國公司已與一家新的美國戰略客戶簽訂了收購其阿瓦隆 A15XP 礦機的協議。
According to the purchase agreement, Canaan U.S. Inc. will provide the customer with 2800 air-cooled Avalon A15XP miners that will be added to its large mining fleet. The miners, with a benchmark Hash performance of 207 Terahash per second (TH/s), are scheduled to be delivered in the first quarter of 2025.
根據購買協議,迦南美國公司將向客戶提供 2800 颱風冷的 Avalon A15XP 礦機,這些礦機將添加到其大型採礦機隊中。這些礦機的基準哈希性能爲每秒207太哈希(TH/s),計劃於2025年第一季度交付。