Talos Energy Has Identified A Candidate For Permanent CEO Role After Joseph A. Mills Resigned As Interim Chief To Pursue Other Opportunities, Reiterated 2024 Production Guidance
Talos Energy Has Identified A Candidate For Permanent CEO Role After Joseph A. Mills Resigned As Interim Chief To Pursue Other Opportunities, Reiterated 2024 Production Guidance
Talos Energy Inc. ("Talos" or the "Company") (NYSE:TALO) today announced that Mr. Joseph A. Mills has resigned as Interim President and Chief Executive Officer and a member of the Board to pursue other opportunities, with immediate effect. At the same time, the Company announced that it has identified a finalist candidate to serve as the Company's permanent Chief Executive Officer and is in the final stages of the process with this candidate.
Talos Energy Inc.("Talos"或"公司")(紐交所:TALO)今天宣佈,約瑟夫·A·米爾斯先生已辭去臨時總裁兼首席執行官及董事會成員職務,以追求其他機會,立即生效。與此同時,公司宣佈已確定一名候選人作爲公司的常任首席執行官,並已進入與該候選人的最後階段。
Talos's Board, in partnership with an external search firm, has conducted a search for a new permanent Chief Executive Officer. Talos expects that the finalist candidate will join the Company by the end of the first quarter of 2025.
"We are pleased with the progress we have made in identifying a CEO candidate," said Neal P. Goldman, chairman of Talos's Board of Directors. "After a thorough search process, we believe we have identified a strong candidate for the position. We will announce the appointment once details have been finalized. What has been most important to us in this search process is finding a permanent CEO who shares the Board's strategic vision for the business and has the experience and ability to build upon Talos's strong current position. We feel confident this search process is close to that outcome."
In addition, Talos reiterates its 2024 full year production guidance issued on November 11, 2024. The Company continues to expect average daily production of 91.0 – 94.0 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day.
此外,Talos重申了2024年全年生產指引,該指引於2024年11月11日發佈。公司繼續預計平均日生產量爲91.0 – 9.4萬桶油當量。
Talos confirms that Mr. Mills's departure is unrelated to any operational issues or accounting matters. The Company has no other material financial or operational updates at this time.