Zepp Clarity Introduces "Try Before You Buy" OTC Hearing Aids Program at CES 2025, Empowering Consumers With Confidence and Convenience
Zepp Clarity Introduces "Try Before You Buy" OTC Hearing Aids Program at CES 2025, Empowering Consumers With Confidence and Convenience
MILPITAS, Calif., and LAS VEGAS, Jan. 6, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Zepp Clarity, the smart hearing solutions brand owned by Zepp Health (NYSE: ZEPP), a health technology company, today unveiled its innovative "Try Before You Buy" program at CES 2025. This initiative addresses a critical gap in hearing aid adoption by encouraging the older population to explore hearing solutions in a low-pressure, hands-on environment.
加州米爾皮塔斯和拉斯維加斯,2025年1月6日 /PRNewswire/ -- Zepp Clarity是由Zepp Health(紐交所:ZEPP)擁有的智能聽力解決方案品牌,今天在2025年國際消費電子展(CES 2025)上推出了其創新的「先試後買」計劃。該舉措旨在解決老年人採用助聽器的關鍵障礙,鼓勵他們在無壓力、動手操作的環境中探索聽力解決方案。
Despite the widespread prevalence of disabling age-related hearing loss, industry surveys and epidemiological studies have consistently documented that only 15% to 30% of adults with mild-to-moderate hearing loss obtain hearing aids. Many cite uncertainty about their effectiveness or discomfort with the commitment as barriers to adoption.
The "Try Before You Buy" model empowers individuals to experience the transformative benefits of Zepp Clarity's advanced hearing solutions firsthand, boosting confidence and encouraging greater utilization of hearing aids.
「先試後買」模式使個人能夠親身體驗Zepp Clarity先進聽力解決方案的變革性益處,增強信心,鼓勵更多人使用助聽器。
With three state-of-the-art models—Clarity Omni, Clarity One, and Clarity Pixie — Zepp Clarity is redefining hearing care by offering consumers the opportunity to experience advanced hearing solutions through a trial period in their homes.
Zepp Clarity提供三款先進的產品——Clarity Omni、Clarity One和Clarity Pixie——通過提供消費者在家中試用期間體驗先進聽力解決方案的機會,正在重新定義聽力護理。
Zepp Clarity provides a lifetime customer support guarantee and access to certified audiologists to its users, ensuring professional guidance and peace of mind for every customer.
Zepp Clarity爲其用戶提供終身客戶支持保證和認證聽力學家的支持,確保每位客戶都能獲得專業指導和安心。
Zepp Clarity Pixie, A Nearly Invisible Hearing Aid Providing A Leap Forward in Technology
Zepp Clarity Pixie,幾乎隱形的助聽器,技術上實現了飛躍
At the forefront of Zepp Clarity's offerings is the Zepp Clarity Pixie, a next-generation hearing aid solution designed for individuals with mild to moderate hearing impairment. The Pixie redefines the hearing aid experience with a nearly invisible design, seamless wireless connectivity, and a lightweight titanium alloy shell. Additional features include IPX7 water resistance, an impressive 17-hour battery life, and the ability to customize settings through the Zepp Clarity App, offering eight unique programs tailored to individual preferences.
Zepp Clarity的明星產品是Zepp Clarity Pixie,這是一款爲輕度到中度聽力障礙人士設計的下一代助聽器解決方案。Pixie通過幾乎隱形的設計、無縫的無線連接和輕量化的鈦合金外殼重新定義了助聽器體驗。其他功能包括IPX7防水性能、令人印象深刻的17小時電池壽命,以及通過Zepp Clarity應用程序自定義設置的能力,提供八個獨特的程序,以滿足個人偏好。
The Pixie also includes innovative functionalities such as Clarity Boost, Smart Phone Call support, and a handy Find Device feature, ensuring users can navigate their daily routines with confidence and convenience. With a suggested retail price of $1,499, the Zepp Clarity Pixie is now available at .
Empowering Hearing Health for All
Hearing loss impacts 48 million Americans and nearly 430 million people worldwide, yet adoption rates for hearing aids remain low. Zepp Clarity's mission is to address this critical health challenge by combining cutting-edge wearable technology with expert audiology insights.
Registered as FDA-Exempt Class II medical devices, Zepp Clarity's hearing aids are meticulously designed to offer discreet, high-performance solutions for adults aged 18 and older, enhancing both their hearing and overall wellness.
About Zepp Clarity
Zepp Clarity, a smart hearing solutions brand under Zepp Health, empowers individuals to live their healthiest lives. Guided by the belief that hearing health is integral to total wellness, Zepp Clarity leverages advanced hearable technologies, AI healthcare algorithms, and the expertise of leading audiologists to create personalized, high-performance hearing systems.
For more information about Zepp Clarity, visit .
SOURCE Zepp Health