
Bell Let's Talk's 15th Annual Day for Mental Health on January 22 to Prioritize Youth Mental Health Crisis

Bell Let's Talk's 15th Annual Day for Mental Health on January 22 to Prioritize Youth Mental Health Crisis

Bell Let's Talk第15屆心理健康日將於1月22日舉行,重點關注青少年心理健康危機。
加拿大貝爾 ·  01/05 21:00
  • Bell Let's Talk invites everyone to join Canada's 15th national day for mental health on Wednesday, January 22, 2025
  • Bell Let's Talk Day will feature a text-to-donate campaign in support of six organizations that are addressing Canada's youth mental health crisis
  • Bell Media showcases a slate of special mental health programming in English and French on Bell Let's Talk Day
  • Bell Let's Talk 邀請所有人蔘加 2025 年 1 月 22 日星期三舉行的加拿大第 15 個全國心理健康日
  • Bell Let's Talk Day將以短信捐贈活動爲特色,以支持六個正在應對加拿大青年心理健康危機的組織
  • 貝爾媒體在 Bell Let's Talk Day 上以英語和法語展示了一系列特別的心理健康節目


MONTRÉAL, Jan. 6, 2025 /CNW/ - Bell Let's Talk Day kicks off its 15th year of action and change on January 22 by putting the spotlight on the growing youth mental health crisis.

蒙特利爾,2025年1月6日 /CNW/-Bell Let's Talk Day將焦點聚焦於日益嚴重的青年心理健康危機,從而拉開了其第15年的行動和變革的序幕。

A first for Bell Let's Talk, Canadians are encouraged on January 22 to support youth mental health providers by participating in a national text-to-donate campaign.

1月22日,鼓勵加拿大人通過參與全國性的短信捐贈活動來支持青年心理健康提供者,這是Bell Let's Talk的首次活動。

On Bell Let's Talk Day, Canadians can donate $5 by text with 100% of the proceeds going to six youth mental health organizations: Integrated Youth Services,, Kids Help Phone, National Association of Friendship Centres, Strongest Families Institute, and Youth In Mind Foundation.

在Bell Let's Talk Day上,加拿大人可以通過短信捐款5美元,其中100%的收益將捐給六個青年心理健康組織:綜合青年服務、、兒童幫助電話、全國友誼中心協會、最強家庭研究所和青年心靈基金會。

Canadians can double their impact as Bell will match all $5 donations up to a total of $1 million.


This year, Canada's annual day for mental health highlights the progress that has been made and discusses what still needs to be done to support those with mental health challenges, including Canada's youth who are facing a growing mental health crisis.


"For 15 years, Canadians have been all-in with supporting Bell Let's Talk, which continues to move mental health forward for people across the country. We invite all Canadians to participate in Bell Let's Talk Day and help support important organizations that are helping Canada's youth in need of mental health supports."

「15年來,加拿大人一直全力支持Bell Let's Talk,它繼續推動全國人民的心理健康向前發展。我們邀請所有加拿大人蔘加 Bell Let's Talk Day,爲幫助需要心理健康支持的加拿大青年的重要組織提供支持。」

- Mary Deacon, Chair of Bell Let's Talk

-Bell Let's Talk 的主席 Mary Deacon

In 2025, Bell will give $10 million towards mental health, bringing its total Bell Let's Talk investment to $184 million since 2010.

2025年,貝爾將爲心理健康捐款1000萬美元,使其自2010年以來對Bell Let's Talk的總投資達到1.84億美元。

New multimedia campaign raises awareness of the crisis facing Canada's youth
Bell Let's Talk today launched a nationwide multimedia campaign – Together, let's support youth mental health – that confronts Canadians with the stark reality of the urgent youth mental health crisis and the need for more mental health supports. Designed to get Canadians focused on the crisis facing young people, the campaign includes the collective call to action: We can't let this be their future.

Bell Let's Talk今天發起了一項全國性的多媒體活動—— 「團結起來,讓我們支持青少年的心理健康」,該活動使加拿大人面對緊迫的青年心理健康危機的嚴峻現實,以及對更多心理健康支持的需求。該活動旨在讓加拿大人關注年輕人面臨的危機,其中包括集體行動呼籲:我們不能讓這成爲他們的未來。



A Generation at Risk: The State of Youth Mental Health in Canada
In consultation with the mental health community, Bell Let's Talk partnered with Mental Health Research Canada to prepare the comprehensive national report, A Generation at Risk: The State of Youth Mental Health in Canada. Released in October 2024, the report uncovers alarming statistics about Canada's growing youth mental health crisis:

經與心理健康界協商,Bell Let's Talk與加拿大心理健康研究中心合作編寫了全面的全國報告《處境危險的一代:加拿大青年心理健康狀況》。該報告於2024年10月發佈,揭示了有關加拿大日益嚴重的青年心理健康危機的令人震驚的統計數據:

  • Suicide is a leading cause of death: Suicide remains a leading cause of death among young people in Canada, accounting for 21% of deaths; 24% of youth (16-24) report suicidal ideation.
  • Priority youth populations: 2SLGBTQ+ communities, newcomers, Black and Indigenous youth have higher rates of poor mental health and experience barriers to accessing care.
  • Early onset of mental health conditions: Youth are considered a vulnerable population with approximately 66% to 75% of mental health issues having an onset before the age of 24.
  • Self-stigma: While young people are generally comfortable discussing mental health as a broad topic, they are less comfortable discussing their own mental health conditions.
  • Contributing factors: Mental health issues increased among youth before the pandemic and have worsened since then due to a combination of social disconnection, excessive screen time (6+ hours daily) and socio-economic challenges.
  • 自殺是主要的死亡原因:自殺仍然是加拿大年輕人的主要死因,佔死亡人數的21%;24%的青年(16-24歲)報告有自殺念頭。
  • 重點青年人群:2SLGBTQ+ 社區、新移民、黑人和土著青年的心理健康狀況不佳的比例更高,獲得醫療服務時遇到障礙。
  • 心理健康狀況的早期發作:青年被視爲弱勢群體,大約66%至75%的心理健康問題是在24歲之前發作的。
  • 自我污名:儘管年輕人通常樂於將心理健康作爲一個廣泛的話題來討論,但他們不太願意討論自己的心理健康狀況。
  • 促成因素:在疫情之前,年輕人的心理健康問題有所增加,此後由於社交中斷、屏幕時間過長(每天超過6小時)和社會經濟挑戰等因素而惡化。

Bell Media programming
As part of the new Bell Let's Talk Day campaign, Bell Media will feature special mental health content in English and French across its TV, radio and digital properties, including a new French language documentary, LES GARS, FAUT QU'ON SE PARLE available on Crave, Canal Vie, Canal D, and later on Noovo.

作爲Bell Let's Talk Day活動的一部分,貝爾媒體將在其電視、廣播和數字資產中以英語和法語播放特別的心理健康內容,包括一部新的法語紀錄片《LES GARS,Faut QU'ON SE PARLE》,可在Crave、Canal Vie、Canal D上播出,隨後在Noovo上播出。

Quotes from Bell Let's Talk Day mental health providers:

Bell Let's Talk Day 心理健康提供者的名言:

Huddle – Part of the Integrated Youth Services movement in Canada
"Meaningfully supporting young people means breaking down barriers and building more culturally safe spaces led by youth. At Huddle, we're seeing what's possible when we reimagine and transform systems to truly meet young people where they are, bringing together all the supports they need under one welcoming roof."
- Pam Sveinson, Executive Director, Huddle (part of the IYS movement in Canada)

Huddle — 加拿大綜合青年服務運動的一部分
"Mental health is the most pressing health challenge young people face today. Bell Let's Talk is making space for vital conversation about how we can and must do better to give young people the tools they need to make it through difficult times. By providing youth with the community support and education they need to reach out for timely, appropriate care, we can end the youth mental health emergency and set young people up with the skills they need to lead healthy, meaningful lives."
- Vivien Glencross, Interim President and CEO,

「心理健康是當今年輕人面臨的最緊迫的健康挑戰。Bell Let's Talk正在爲重要的對話騰出空間,討論我們如何能夠而且必須做得更好,爲年輕人提供度過困難時期所需的工具。通過爲年輕人提供他們需要的社區支持和教育,使他們能夠及時獲得適當的護理,我們可以結束青少年的心理健康緊急情況,讓年輕人掌握過上健康、有意義的生活所需的技能。」 臨時總裁兼首席執行官 Vivien Glencross

Kids Help Phone
"Bell Let's Talk Day is significant in the Canadian mental health landscape and sends ripples globally. It will now put a spotlight on the youth mental health crisis, bringing dialogue and action into the mainstream – in our conversations, our schools, our communities – and in every corner of the country. Sometimes finding the right words can be tough, but that's exactly what the amazing counsellors and crisis responders at Kids Help Phone are here to do: give young folks a safe space to feel out loud, 24/7, without judgement. We are grateful for Bell Let's Talk's unwavering commitment to continually shifting the landscape and for being alongside Kids Help Phone for many years."
- Katherine (Kathy) Hay, President and CEO of Kids Help Phone

「Bell Let's Talk Day在加拿大的心理健康領域具有重要意義,並在全球範圍內引發了波動。現在,它將聚焦青年的心理健康危機,將對話和行動納入主流——在我們的對話、我們的學校、我們的社區中——以及全國的每個角落。有時候,找到正確的詞彙可能很困難,但這正是Kids Help Phone的出色輔導員和危機響應人員要做的:爲年輕人提供一個安全的空間,讓他們可以全天候大聲感受而不做任何判斷。我們感謝Bell Let's Talk堅定不移地致力於不斷改變格局,也感謝Bell Let's Talk多年來一直與Kids Help Phone合作。」
-Kids Help Phone總裁兼首席執行官凱瑟琳(凱西)海

National Association of Friendship Centres
"Friendship Centres provide essential services with the vision of improving the well-being of Indigenous people living in urban environments. The Bell Let's Talk campaign gives us the opportunity to highlight this important work nationally and allows Canadians to support the mental health of Indigenous youth through the Friendship Centre Movement."
- Jocelyn W. Formsma, Chief Executive Office, National Association of Friendship Centres

「友誼中心提供基本服務,其願景是改善生活在城市環境中的土著人民的福祉。Bell Let's Talk活動使我們有機會在全國範圍內重點介紹這項重要工作,並使加拿大人能夠通過友誼中心運動支持土著青年的心理健康。」
-Jocelyn W. Formsma,全國友誼中心協會首席執行官

Strongest Families Institute
"Canada is facing a youth mental health crisis, and awareness is just the beginning. Bell Let's Talk Day has sparked vital conversations, but we must turn awareness into action. Strongest Families Institute provides accessible, evidence-based support to youth struggling with their mental health, providing life-changing skills that help to build resilience. By addressing mental health challenges early, we can change the trajectory of young lives and create a healthier, more hopeful future for all. Together, we can ensure every young person gets the help they need to thrive."
- Dr. Patricia Lingley Pottie, President & CEO, Strongest Families Institute

「加拿大正面臨着青年心理健康危機,而認識僅僅是個開始。Bell Let's Talk Day引發了重要的對話,但我們必須將意識轉化爲行動。最強家庭研究所爲在心理健康方面苦苦掙扎的年輕人提供可獲得的、基於證據的支持,提供改變生活的技能,有助於增強抵禦能力。通過儘早應對心理健康挑戰,我們可以改變年輕人的生活軌跡,爲所有人創造一個更健康、更有希望的未來。我們可以共同確保每個年輕人獲得成長所需的幫助。」

Youth In Mind Foundation
"Youth in Mind Foundation is delighted to be associated with this year's Bell Let's Talk campaign. This major annual campaign has helped break down many taboos across the country, but we still have a long way to go. With recent data highlighting the disturbing state of teenagers' mental health, our mission to raise awareness and prevent psychological distress is even more critical than ever. This collaboration is proof that together, we can increase our impact and fill young people's backpacks with the tools they need to successfully meet life's challenges."
- Mélanie Boucher, President & CEO, Youth in Mind Foundation

「Youth in Mind 基金會很高興參與今年的 Bell Let's Talk 活動。這項重大的年度活動幫助打破了全國各地的許多禁忌,但我們還有很長的路要走。最近的數據突顯了青少年令人不安的心理健康狀況,我們提高認識和預防心理困擾的使命比以往任何時候都更加重要。這種合作證明,我們可以共同提高影響力,並在年輕人的揹包中裝滿他們成功應對生活挑戰所需的工具。」
-Youth in Mind 基金會總裁兼首席執行官梅蘭妮·鮑徹

The Bell Let's Talk Day text-to-donate campaign is made possible with the support of The Mobile Giving Foundation Canada (MGFC).

在加拿大移動捐贈基金會(MGFC)的支持下,Bell Let's Talk Day的短信捐贈活動成爲可能。

Visit to download the Bell Let's Talk toolkit and Conversation Guides and share your own actions using #BellLetsTalk.

訪問 下載 Bell Let's Talk 工具包和對話指南,並使用 #BellLetsTalk 分享你自己的行動。

About Bell Let's Talk

關於 Bell 我們來聊一聊

The largest-ever corporate commitment to mental health in Canada, Bell Let's Talk has a vision of a Canada where everyone can get the mental health support they need to flourish – and is a driver of Bell for Better. Since its launch in 2010, Bell Let's Talk has partnered with more than 1,500 organizations providing mental health services throughout Canada, including hospitals, universities, local community service providers and other care and research organizations. To learn more, please visit

Bell Let's Talk是加拿大有史以來對心理健康的最大承諾,其願景是讓每個人都能獲得蓬勃發展所需的心理健康支持,也是Bell for Better的推動者。自2010年推出以來,Bell Let's Talk已與加拿大各地提供心理健康服務的1,500多個組織合作,包括醫院、大學、當地社區服務提供商和其他護理和研究組織。要了解更多信息,請訪問。

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SOURCE Bell Canada (MTL)

來源 Bell Canada (MTL)

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