McDonald's New McValue Platform Is Finally Here
McDonald's New McValue Platform Is Finally Here
The brand marks the moment by partnering with John Cena and gifting fans millions of dollars in entertainment, lifestyle promos
CHICAGO, Jan. 7, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- The wait is over – because savings are here to stay at the Golden Arches. Starting today, customers can get even more than they expect with McDonald's new McValue menu, which features all-day savings, every day at U.S. restaurants nationwide.
芝加哥,2025年1月7日 /PRNewswire/ -- 期待已久的時刻終於來臨 – 在黃金拱門的節省活動將持續不斷。從今天開始,客戶可以通過麥當勞新的McValue菜單得到超出預期的更多優惠,每天在美國的餐廳都能享受到全天的折扣。
ICYMI – the new McValue platform offers more variety, choice and flexibility - for every occasion. Fans can mix and match with the new Buy One, Add One for $1* offer and fuel up for less with the popular $5 Meal Deal**. Plus, we're dropping even more offers in the App courtesy of McValue – including free medium fries with a $1 purchase every Friday in 2025 and a free McCrispy TM chicken sandwich for new App users.***
ICYMI – 新的McValue平台提供了更多的選擇、多樣性和靈活性 - 適合每一個場合。粉絲們可以與新的買一贈一$1*優惠進行混搭,並以熱門的$5套餐**來節省開支。此外,我們還將在應用中推出更多優惠,得益於McValue - 包括2025年每週五購買$1商品即可獲得免費的中號薯條以及新用戶可享免費的McCrispy Tm雞肉三明治。***
Local franchisees across the country are also serving up special deals in their communities on fan-favorites like the McGriddle, and App-exclusive offers like 20% off $10 or more**** And they have their own hot takes on which Buy One, Add One for $1 pairings are must-try's – like Nick Valluzzo in Birmingham who chooses two Double Cheeseburgers every time, or Stephen Patula in Columbus who thinks the two McChicken combo is the way to go, or even Matt Dodd in Louisville who can't decide between his top three breakfast items.
全國各地的當地特許經營商在他們的社區也正在推出粉絲最愛的特別優惠,如McGriddle,以及應用獨家優惠,如滿$10減20%****他們對哪些買一贈一$1的搭配是必試之選有自己的熱評——例如在伯明翰的Nick Valluzzo每次都會選擇兩個雙層奶酪漢堡,或者在哥倫布的Stephen Patula認爲兩個McChicken組合最爲合適,甚至在路易斯維爾的Matt Dodd則難以決定他最愛的三款早餐商品。
A Value Champion
Hungry for more? We're celebrating this major news by partnering with lifelong McDonald's fan John Cena. From iconic movie roles to impromptu motivational riffs, Cena is always delivering more than what fans expect, making him the perfect McValue ambassador.
"I always talk about 'earning my sunset' and there's nothing like heading to McDonald's after completely crushing your day," Cena says. "I'll admit – it's tough to choose between some of my favorites sometimes, but now I don't have to. The fact that fans can mix and match with the new McValue menu to get great deals on the food they love is going to be an absolute game-changer."
Cena is ready to show you the McValue ropes – follow along on McDonald's social channels to see how he gets the most out of McValue and his go-to Buy One, Add One for $1 combo (spoiler: it's a Sausage McMuffin and Hash Browns).
Cena準備向你展示麥當勞的McValue技巧 – 關注麥當勞的社交頻道,看看他如何最大限度地利用McValue以及他首選的買一贈一$1組合(劇透:是香腸麥滿分和薯餅)。
Unlock McValue Beyond the Menu
McValue at McDonald's is all about getting more than you expect, so we're celebrating the launch of the platform by offering fans MORE all month long. During the first few weeks of 2025, we're partnering with 16 different brands to roll out more than $3 million in promotional offers. From one free month of YouTube TV to 20 minutes of free wi-fi on American Airlines to a Tinder Gold Premium Access subscription, fans can go big with a McValue mindset for a limited time – our treat! Simply interact with McValue ads when you spot them on your favorite platforms for the potential to unlock free credits, upgrades and ad-free entertainment while supplies last.*****
麥當勞的McValue就是要獲得超出預期的體驗,因此我們將慶祝這一平台的推出,整個一個月爲粉絲提供更多。在2025年前幾周,我們將與16個不同品牌合作推出超過300萬元的促銷優惠。從一個月的免費YouTube TV到在美國航空上享受20分鐘的免費Wi-Fi,再到Tinder Gold高級訂閱,粉絲們可以在有限的時間內以McValue的心態盡情享受-這次我們請客!只需在你喜歡的平台上看到McValue廣告時進行互動,就有機會解鎖免費積分、升級和無廣告娛樂,數量有限,先到先得。*****
So, if you're manifesting savings this year, watch out for our content on your favorite platforms and head to your local restaurant to see how much you can get more with McValue, today.
*Valid for item of equal or lesser value.
**Prices and participation may vary. McDouble meal options may be priced at $6 at select restaurants.
***Local deals & offers will vary, as McDonald's franchisees are independent business owners who set their own pricing.
****$1 minimum purchase necessary. Offer valid 1x/new App customer
*****Offers and accessibility vary based on individual brand partner.
McDonald's USA
McDonald's USA, LLC, serves a variety of menu options made with quality ingredients to millions of customers every day. Ninety-five percent of McDonald's approximately 13,500 U.S. restaurants are owned and operated by independent business owners. For more information, visit , and follow us on social: X, Instagram, TikTok and Facebook.
麥當勞美國有限責任公司每天爲數百萬客戶提供以優質食材製作的多樣化菜單選項。 麥當勞約13,500家美國餐廳中有95%由獨立企業主擁有和經營。欲了解更多信息,請訪問,並在社交媒體上關注我們:X、Instagram、TikTok和Facebook。
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