Renovus Capital Partners Announces Strategic Partnership With Superior Health Holdings
Renovus Capital Partners Announces Strategic Partnership With Superior Health Holdings
Enables Superior to expand its reach in home health and hospice services within Louisiana and into neighboring states
WAYNE, Pa., Jan. 7, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Renovus Capital Partners ("Renovus") today announced a strategic partnership with Superior Health Holdings, Inc. ("Superior" or the "Company"), a leading provider of home health and hospice services throughout Louisiana.
賓夕法尼亞州韋恩,2025年1月7日 /PRNewswire/ -- Renovus Capital Partners("Renovus")今天宣佈與Superior Health Holdings, Inc.("Superior"或"公司")建立戰略合作關係,該公司是路易斯安那州領先的家庭健康和臨終關懷服務提供商。
Superior offers skilled nursing care, therapy services and home health aides within the comfort of its clients' homes. Demand for Superior's services is robust and growing, driven by the aging US population, while there has been a push from payors to move costs out of hospitals to home health and hospice care. The Company's staff consists of highly skilled nurses, aides, social workers, and physical, occupational and speech therapists. Superior was formed in 2021 as an aggregation of several agencies providing similar services throughout Louisiana and has since grown both organically and through strategic acquisitions, led by Chief Executive Officer, David Martin.
Superior在客戶的舒適家中提供專業護理、治療服務和家庭健康助手。由於美國人口老齡化,Superior的服務需求強勁且不斷增長,同時支付方也推動將成本從醫院轉移到家庭健康和臨終關懷服務。公司的員工由高技能的護士、助手、社工以及物理治療、職業治療和語言治療師組成。Superior成立於2021年,是多個提供類似服務的機構的整合,自那時起,通過自然增長和戰略收購實現增長,由首席執行官David Martin領導。
"We are excited to partner with the seasoned and accomplished team at Renovus as we look forward to bringing Superior's high-quality and compassionate care to more patients and families across the region," said David Martin.
"我們很高興與經驗豐富、成就卓越的Renovus團隊合作,期待將Superior高質量和富有同情心的護理帶給更多患者和家庭,覆蓋更廣泛的地域板塊,"David Martin說。
"David and his team have established a strong leadership position in the growing home health and hospice care space in Louisiana with a unique focus on compassion for the people they serve," said Jesse Serventi, Founding Partner at Renovus. "We are proud to support a dedicated team as we seek to advance the important impact Superior is making for people who choose to receive care in the comfort of their homes, while also growing to reach new communities in Louisiana and neighboring states."
"David及其團隊在路易斯安那州不斷增長的家庭健康和臨終關懷服務領域建立了強大的領導地位,特別關注所服務的人的福祉,"Renovus的創始合夥人Jesse Serventi說。"我們很自豪能夠支持一個專注的團隊,尋求進一步推動Superior對選擇在家中接受護理的人的重要影響,同時也擴大覆蓋新社區,覆蓋路易斯安那州及周邊州。"
Edgemont Partners served as exclusive financial advisor and Polsinelli as legal counsel to Superior. Brentwood Capital Advisors served as financial advisor and DLA Piper as legal counsel to Renovus. Financial terms of the transaction were not disclosed.
Edgemont Partners作爲獨家財務顧問,Polsinelli作爲Superior的法律顧問。Brentwood Capital Advisors作爲財務顧問,DLA Piper作爲Renovus的法律顧問。交易的財務條款未披露。
About Superior Health Holdings
Superior Health Holdings, Inc., based in Baton Rouge, LA, is a full-service family of agencies offering hospice and home health services utilizing registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, medical social workers, as well as, home health aides. Superior covers a large portion of southern Louisiana as well as northwest Louisiana. To learn more, please visit:
About Renovus Capital Partners
Founded in 2010, Renovus Capital Partners is a lower middle-market private equity firm specializing in the Knowledge and Talent industries. From its base in the Philadelphia area, Renovus manages over $2 billion of assets across its several sector focused funds. The firm's current portfolio includes over 30 U.S. based businesses specializing in education and workforce development and services companies in the technology, healthcare, and professional services markets. Renovus typically makes control buyout investments in founder owned businesses, leveraging its industry expertise and operator network to make operational improvements, recruit top talent and pursue add-on acquisitions. Visit us at and follow us on LinkedIn.
SOURCE Renovus Capital Partners LLC