Enphase Energy IQ8 Microinverters Selected for Belgium Radioactive Waste Facility
Enphase Energy IQ8 Microinverters Selected for Belgium Radioactive Waste Facility
Enphase IQ8 Microinverters selected for safer AC system architecture, emphasis on cybersecurity, and superior reliability and performance
Enphase IQ8微型逆變器被選中用於更安全的交流系統架構,強調網絡安全,以及卓越的可靠性和性能
FREMONT, Calif., Jan. 07, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Enphase Energy, Inc. (NASDAQ: ENPH), a global energy technology company and the world's leading supplier of microinverter-based solar and battery systems, today announced that IQ8 Microinverters were selected for a 2.2 MW solar project at the Belgoprocess radioactive waste facility in Dessel, Belgium. Earth, a leading installer of Enphase's products based in Belgium, will lead the installation and commissioning of the project.
加州弗裏蒙特,2025年1月7日(環球新聞)-- Enphase Energy公司 (納斯達克:ENPH),一家全球能源科技公司和全球領先的基於微型逆變器的太陽能和電池系統供應商,今天宣佈,IQ8微型逆變器被選爲位於比利時Dessel的一個2.2兆瓦太陽能項目 Belgoprocess 比利時的放射性廢物設施。作爲Enphase產品的領先安裝商,Earth將負責項目的安裝和調試。
The project includes 4,000 IQ8HC Microinverters and will span four rooftops of the radioactive waste facility, with plans to expand capacity from 2.2 MW to 6 to 8 MW in the coming years. Enphase's products were selected for safer alternating current (AC)-based system architecture using low-voltage electricity, emphasis on cybersecurity, and superior reliability and performance. Once completed in 2026, this is expected to be the largest Enphase project worldwide.
Belgoprocess is a Belgium-based environmental company dedicated to safe and responsible waste management and nuclear facility decommissioning. It specializes in managing radioactive waste generated from medical, industrial, and scientific applications, as well as nuclear power production. Belgoprocess is committed to operational excellence and takes stringent measures to ensure environmental safety throughout its processes.
"We are thrilled to partner with Enphase and Earth because of their outstanding reputations and commitment to safety and reliability," said Wim Van Laer, chief executive officer of Belgoprocess. "Given the scale and location of this project, Enphase's microinverters provide us with the confidence we need to ensure the safer, long-term operation of this project, as well as the ability to expand easily over time."
「我們很高興與Enphase和Earth合作,因爲他們在安全和可靠性方面享有卓越的聲譽,」Belgoprocess的首席執行官Wim Van Laer說。「鑑於該項目的規模和位置,Enphase的微型逆變器讓我們擁有了確保該項目更安全的長期運營所需的信心,同時也具備隨時間輕鬆擴展的能力。」
"The beauty of having dedicated Enphase microinverters on every panel is that each microinverter operates independently, enhancing system efficiency and safety by converting DC to AC right at the source," said Luc Demeyere, CEO at Earth. "This distributed architecture eliminates the risks associated with high-voltage DC power while providing the sophisticated panel-level monitoring we need. Enphase delivers the operational reliability, safety features, and long-term value that align with the interests of our customers like Belgoprocess."
「在每個面板上配備專用的Enphase微型逆變器的美妙之處在於,每個微型逆變器獨立操作,通過在源頭將直流電轉換爲交流電,提高系統效率和安全性,」Earth的首席執行官Luc Demeyere表示。「這種分佈式架構消除了高壓直流電相關的風險,同時提供我們所需的複雜面板級監控。Enphase提供了運行可靠性、安全特性和與我們客戶(如Belgoprocess)利益一致的長期價值。」
"This project with Earth and Belgoprocess not only highlights our products' capabilities but also paves the way for groundbreaking possibilities for solar across markets," said Sabbas Daniel, senior vice president of sales at Enphase Energy. "We are excited about this project in Belgium, as it showcases our ongoing dedication to safety, security, and reliability."
「這個與Earth和Belgoprocess的項目不僅突顯了我們產品的能力,還爲太陽能在各個市場的突破性可能性鋪平了道路,」Enphase Energy的銷售高級副總裁Sabbas Daniel說。「我們對這個在比利時的項目感到興奮,因爲它展示了我們一直以來對安全、保安和可靠性的承諾。」
In September, Enphase announced the launch of its IQ Battery 5P, its most powerful home battery to date, and IQ Energy Management Software, its new artificial intelligence-based energy management software to enable support for dynamic electricity rates and the integration of third-party EV chargers and heat pumps in Belgium.
在九月,Enphase 宣佈 推出了其迄今爲止最強大的家庭電池IQ Battery 5P,以及基於人工智能的能量管理軟體IQ Energy Management Software,以支持比利時的動態電力費率和第三方電動汽車充電器與熱泵的整合。
For more information on Enphase, please visit its Belgium French and Dutch language websites. For more information on Belgoprocess, please visit its website. For more information about Earth, please visit its website.
有關Enphase的更多信息,請訪問其比利時 法語 和 荷蘭語 語言網站。有關Belgoprocess的更多信息,請訪問其 網站有關地球的更多信息,請訪問其網站。
About Enphase Energy, Inc.
關於Enphase Energy, Inc.
Enphase Energy, a global energy technology company based in Fremont, CA, is the world's leading supplier of microinverter-based solar and battery systems that enable people to harness the sun to make, use, save, and sell their own power—and control it all with a smart mobile app. The company revolutionized the solar industry with its microinverter-based technology and builds all-in-one solar, battery, and software solutions. Enphase has shipped approximately 78.0 million microinverters, and over 4.5 million Enphase-based systems have been deployed in more than 160 countries. For more information, visit .
Enphase Energy是一家總部位於加利福尼亞州弗裏蒙特的全球能源科技公司,是全球領先的基於微型逆變器的太陽能和電池系統供應商,使人們能夠利用陽光來生成、使用、儲存和出售自己的電力,並通過智能手機應用程序控制一切。該公司以其基於微型逆變器的技術革新了太陽能行業,提供一體化的太陽能、電池和軟體解決方案。Enphase已經發貨大約7800萬台微型逆變器,超過450萬臺基於Enphase的系統已在160多個國家部署。有關更多信息,請訪問 .
2025 Enphase Energy, Inc. All rights reserved. Enphase Energy, Enphase, the "e" logo, IQ, and certain other marks listed at are trademarks or service marks of Enphase Energy, Inc. Other names are for informational purposes and may be trademarks of their respective owners.
2025 Enphase Energy, Inc. 版權所有。Enphase Energy、Enphase、"e" 標誌、IQ 及某些其他標誌列在 是 Enphase Energy, Inc. 的商標或服務標誌。其他名稱僅供參考,可能是其各自所有者的商標。
About Earth
Gridlink, the umbrella holding company over energy companies Enbro, Gaele, Earth and Sparki, has been providing comprehensive energy consultancy and solution services to various clients since 2013. Its target market is very broad, from individuals and SMEs to industries and governments.
作爲覆蓋能源公司的控股公司,Gridlink 自 2013 年以來一直爲各類客戶提供全面的能源諮詢和解決方案服務。其目標市場非常廣泛,從個人和中小企業到各行各業和政府。
Hundreds of thousands of European customers rely on Enbro and Gaele as a reliable partner that relieves them of the complexity of energy management, allowing them to concentrate on their core business.
In addition, Gridlink focuses with Earth on renewable energy solutions with solar panels and batteries and with Sparki on charging infrastructure. Gridlink stands for high-quality energy solutions and acts as a reliable partner guiding customers towards a more sustainable future.
In early 2023, the Belgian Government took a stake within Gridlink.
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release may contain forward-looking statements, including statements related to the expected capabilities and performance of Enphase Energy's technology and products, including safety, quality, and reliability; and statements regarding the timing and availability Enphase Energy's products in Belgium. These forward-looking statements are based on Enphase Energy's current expectations and inherently involve significant risks and uncertainties. Actual results and the timing of events could differ materially from those contemplated by these forward-looking statements as a result of such risks and uncertainties including those risks described in more detail in Enphase Energy's most recently filed Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, Annual Report on Form 10-K, and other documents filed by Enphase Energy from time to time with the SEC. Enphase Energy undertakes no duty or obligation to update any forward-looking statements contained in this release as a result of new information, future events or changes in its expectations, except as required by law.
本新聞稿可能包含前瞻性陳述,包括與Enphase Energy的技術和產品的預期能力和性能相關的陳述,包括安全性、質量和可靠性;以及關於Enphase Energy產品在比利時的時間和可用性的陳述。這些前瞻性陳述基於Enphase Energy當前的預期,固有地涉及重大風險和不確定性。實際結果和事件的時間可能會因這些風險和不確定性而與這些前瞻性陳述中考慮的情況有實質性差異,包括在Enphase Energy最近提交的10-Q表格季報、10-K表格年報以及Enphase Energy隨時向SEC提交的其他文件中更詳細描述的那些風險。Enphase Energy沒有義務或責任根據新信息、未來事件或其預期的變化來更新本聲明中包含的任何前瞻性陳述,法律要求的情況除外。
Enphase Energy
來源:Enphase Energy,Inc。
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