
AI's Journey to NOW: S4's Monks and Adobe Take the C Space Stage at CES 2025 to Deliver What's Next

AI's Journey to NOW: S4's Monks and Adobe Take the C Space Stage at CES 2025 to Deliver What's Next

PR Newswire ·  01/08 02:08

Delta Air Lines, HP, Paramount+, NVIDIA, AWS, Meta, come together to discuss "AI Now: Marketing's Journey from Hype to How"


LAS VEGAS, Jan. 7, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Monks, the global, purely digital, data-driven, unitary operating brand of S4 Capital plc., will partner with Adobe to headline a series of panels and fireside chats as part of C Space at CES 2025, showcasing how AI is already reshaping the future of marketing and creativity. Together, Monks and Adobe will join brand leaders for "AI Now: Marketing's Journey from Hype to How," a half-day event exploring practical strategies for harnessing generative AI to transform marketing outcomes.

拉斯維加斯,2025年1月7日 /PRNewswire/ -- Monks作爲S4 Capital plc.的全球純數字數據驅動統一運營品牌,Monks將與Adobe合作,主辦一系列座談會和爐邊談話,作爲CES 2025中C Space的一部分,展示人工智能如何重新塑造營銷和創意的未來。Monks與Adobe將與品牌領導者共同舉辦「人工智能現在:營銷從炒作到實施的旅程」,這是一個半天的活動,探討利用生成性人工智能轉變營銷成果的實際策略。

The event will kick off on Wednesday, January 8, 10:00 AM-11:40 AM PST, with a full lineup designed to inspire marketers, technologists and business leaders to embrace AI as more than a buzzword—and instead, as a tangible driver of growth, efficiency and creative inspiration. Sessions will include––


Empowering Creativity in the Enterprise with NextGen Tech


  • Spike Huang, VP Product Management, Workstation & Data Science - HP
  • Denise Colella, VP Head of Digital Strategy Group - Adobe
  • Spike Huang,產品管理副總裁,工作站及數據科學 - 惠普
  • Denise Colella,數字策略組副總裁 - Adobe

GenAI Personalization: Advancing the Promise of Digital


  • Jake Abel, Head of Marketing Strategy, Operations, & Planning - Delta Air Lines
  • Michelle Garcia, SVP Marketing - Paramount +
  • Sam Garfield, Head of Digital Strategy, Communications, Media and Travel - Adobe
  • Linda Cronin - EVP, Global Media - Monks
  • 傑克·阿貝爾,達美航空市場營銷策略、運營與規劃負責人
  • 米歇爾·加西亞,派拉蒙+市場營銷高級副總裁
  • 薩姆·加菲爾德,Adobe數字策略、通信、媒體與旅行負責
  • 琳達·克羅寧 - 媒體全球副總裁 - Monks

AI-Powered Transformation: Reimagine the Creative Enterprise


  • Bianca Pryor, Director of Data Science for Media & Entertainment - NVIDIA
  • Chris Blandy, Global Leader, Strategy & Business Development for Media & Entertainment - AWS
  • Jimmie Stone, VP Global Head of Creative Shop - Meta
  • Varun Parmar, General Manager, GenStudio and Firefly Enterprise - Adobe
  • Henry Cowling, CIO - Monks
  • 比安卡·普賴爾,英偉達媒體與娛樂數據科學總監
  • 克里斯·布蘭迪,AWS媒體與娛樂策略及業務發展全球負責人
  • 吉米·石材石料,全球創意部門副總裁 - Meta
  • 瓦倫·帕爾馬,GenStudio和Firefly Enterprise總經理 - Adobe
  • 亨利·考林,首席信息官 - Monks

AI and the Future of Marketing – A Fireside Chat

人工智能與市場營銷的未來 – 一場爐邊對話

  • Sir Martin Sorrell, Founder & Executive Chairman - S4 Capital
  • Greg Stuart, CEO - MMA Global
  • 馬丁·索雷爾爵士,創始人兼執行董事 - S4 Capital
  • 格雷格·斯圖爾特,首席執行官 - MMA Global

"While everyone's talking about the potential of AI, few have made it a reality for marketers," said Justin Billingsley, Chief Growth Officer at Monks. "At CES, we'll share how our partnership with Adobe has helped brands move beyond the hype to implement AI solutions that deliver tangible, real-world impact and enable them to stay connected at the speed of culture."

"雖然每個人都在談論人工智能的潛力,但很少有人真正將其變爲現實," Monks的首席增長官賈斯汀·比林斯利表示。 "在CES上,我們將分享與Adobe的合作如何幫助品牌超越炒作,實施能夠帶來切實的現實影響的人工智能解決方案,並使他們能夠在文化的快速變化中保持聯繫。"

"2023 was about 'WOW.' 2024 is about 'HOW.' And 2025 will be 'NOW,'" said Sir Martin Sorrell, Executive Chairman at S4 Capital. "The shift to AI-first marketing requires agencies and brands to rethink workflows, partnerships and strategies. At Monks, we're working closely with Adobe and other key platforms to drive this transformation, helping our clients navigate an increasingly AI-driven marketing landscape."

"2023年是關於'WOW'。2024年是關於'HOW'。而2025年將是'NOW'," S4 Capital的執行董事馬丁·索雷爾爵士表示。"向以人工智能爲先的營銷轉型需要機構和品牌重新思考工作流程、合作伙伴關係和策略。在Monks,我們與Adobe和其他關鍵平台密切合作,推動這一轉型,幫助我們的客戶在日益以人工智能驅動的營銷環境中導航。"

The joint CES appearance underscores Monks' commitment to driving innovation through collaboration with industry leaders like Adobe. Together, both are setting the standard for how brands can use AI to reimagine creativity, deliver measurable outcomes, and build meaningful connections with consumers through consistent and timely touchpoints.


Six months ago, Monks announced that Monks.Flow—a service automating workflows by linking talent, software and microservices—would integrate with Adobe solutions including Adobe GenStudio and Adobe Firefly to enhance its capabilities. In the intervening time, these generative AI-driven solutions have already begun transforming how marketers approach content creation and personalization, turning AI's potential into measurable results: reducing costs, streamlining collaboration and enhancing creativity at scale. As a trusted Orchestration Partner, Monks is helping brands solve the complexity of modern marketing by connecting ideas, technology, and talent to ensure relevance and scale in a fragmented, fast-moving world.

六個月前,Monks宣佈 Monks.Flow——一種通過連接人才、軟體和微服務來自動化工作流程的服務——將與Adobe解決方案集成,包括Adobe GenStudio和Adobe Firefly,以增強其能力。在這段時間裏,這些由人工智能驅動的生成解決方案已經開始改變營銷人員在內容創作和個性化方面的方式,將人工智能的潛力轉化爲可衡量的成果:降低成本、簡化協作並大規模提升創意。作爲值得信賴的協調合作夥伴,Monks正在幫助品牌解決現代營銷的複雜性,通過連接創意、技術和人才,確保在快速變化且分散的世界中保持相關性和規模。

Named Adweek's first-ever AI Agency of the Year, a three-time winner of the 2024 Business Intelligence AI Excellence Awards, and a Runner-Up for the Adobe Firefly Partner Award, Monks has been recognized for its leadership in harnessing AI to drive creativity, efficiency and outcomes at scale. Now, as the rest of the industry shifts from exploring potential toward delivering results, Monks is focused on helping brands navigate this transformation through the practical applications of AI.

Monks被評選爲Adweek首個年度人工智能代理商,三次獲得2024年業務智能人工智能卓越獎,並被評爲Adobe Firefly合作伙伴獎的亞軍,因其在利用人工智能推動創意、效率和大規模成果方面的領導力而獲得認可。現在,隨着行業其他部分從探索潛力轉向交付結果,Monks專注於幫助品牌通過人工智能的實際應用來應對這一轉型。

For more information about Monks and Adobe at CES 2024, find the schedule here.

有關Monks和Adobe在CES 2024的信息,請在此查看 日程安排.

About Monks
Monks is the global, purely digital, data-driven, unitary operating brand of S4 Capital plc. With a legacy of innovation and specialised expertise, Monks combines an extraordinary range of global marketing and technology services to accelerate business possibilities and redefine how brands and businesses interact with the world. Its integration of systems and workflows delivers unfettered content production, scaled experiences, enterprise-grade technology and data science fueled by AI—managed by the industry's best and most diverse digital talent—to help the world's trailblazing companies outmaneuver and outpace their competition.

Monks是S4 Capital plc的全球純數字、數據驅動、統一運營品牌。憑藉創新的傳統和專業的知識,Monks結合了豐富的全球營銷和科技服務,來加速業務可能性,並重新定義品牌與企業如何與世界互動。它的系統和工作流程的整合提供了無障礙的內容生產、規模化體驗、企業級科技和由人工智能推動的數據科學——由行業內最佳和最多樣化的數字人才管理——以幫助全球領先公司超越其競爭對手。

Monks was named a Contender in The Forrester Wave: Global Marketing Services. It has remained a constant presence on Adweek's Fastest Growing lists (2019-23), ranks among Cannes Lions' Top 10 Creative Companies (2022-23) and is the only partner to have been placed in AdExchanger's Programmatic Power Players list every year (2020-24). In addition to being named Adweek's first AI Agency of the Year (2023), Monks has been recognized by Business Intelligence in its 2024 Excellence in Artificial Intelligence Awards program in three categories: the Individual category, Organizational Winner in AI Strategic Planning and AI Product for its service Monks.Flow. Monks has also garnered the title of Webby Production Company of the Year (2021-24), won a record number of FWAs and has earned a spot on Newsweek's Top 100 Global Most Loved Workplaces 2023.

Monks被評爲《Forrester Wave:全球營銷服務》的競爭者。它在Adweek的快速增長榜單上保持了不變的存在(2019-23),在戛納國際創意節的十大創意公司(2022-23)中名列前茅,並且是唯一每年均被列在AdExchanger的程序化權力玩家名單中的合作伙伴(2020-24)。除了被評爲Adweek首個年度人工智能代理商(2023)外,Monks還在其2024年人工智能卓越獎評選中獲得商業智能的認可,涵蓋了三個類別:個人類別、人工智能戰略規劃的組織獲獎者和人工智能產品,針對其服務Monks.Flow。Monks還獲得了2021-24年Webby年度製作公司稱號,贏得了創紀錄的FWA,並在2023年Newsweek的全球百大最受歡迎工作場所中名列前茅。

About S4 Capital
S4Capital plc (SFOR.L) is the tech-led, new age/new era digital advertising, marketing and technology services company, established by Sir Martin Sorrell in May 2018.

關於S4 Capital
S4Capital plc(SFOR.L)是由Sir Martin Sorrell於2018年5月成立的科技主導的新時代數字廣告、營銷和科技服務公司。

Our strategy is to build a purely digital advertising and marketing services business for global, multinational, regional, and local clients, and millennial-driven influencer brands. This will be achieved by integrating leading businesses in two synchronised practices: Marketing services and Technology services, along with an emphasis on 'faster, better, cheaper, more' execution in an always-on consumer-led environment, with a unitary structure.


The Company now has approximately 7,300 people in 33 countries with approximately 80% of net revenue across the Americas, 15% across Europe, the Middle East and Africa and 5% across Asia-Pacific. The longer-term objective is a geographic split of 60%:20%:20%. At the Group's last full year results, Content accounted for approximately 60% of net revenue, Data&Digital Media 24% and Technology Services 16%. The long-term objective for the practices is a split of 50%:25%:25%.


Sir Martin was CEO of WPP for 33 years, building it from a £1 million 'shell' company in 1985 into the world's largest advertising and marketing services company, with a market capitalisation of over £16 billion on the day he left. Prior to that Sir Martin was Group Financial Director of Saatchi & Saatchi Company Plc for nine years.

馬丁爵士擔任WPP首席執行官長達33年,將其從1985年的100萬英鎊的「空殼」公司發展成爲全球最大的廣告和營銷服務公司,離職時市值超過160億英鎊。在此之前,馬丁爵士在Saatchi & Saatchi Company Plc擔任集團財務總監長達九年。

Media Contact:
Sarah Murray
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