
Bitcoin Could Drop As Low As $75,000 If It Fills This Liquidity Gap, Expert Warns

Bitcoin Could Drop As Low As $75,000 If It Fills This Liquidity Gap, Expert Warns

Benzinga ·  01/08 22:05

A significant gap in the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (NASDAQ:CME) Bitcoin futures contract near $75,000, suggests a potential downside move for Bitcoin (CRYPTO: BTC) in the short-term, according to Joe McCann, founder of Asymmetric.


What Happened: McCann's analysis from Tuesday paints a bearish picture, shifting away from previous bullish sentiments, as he notes a confluence of technical and macroeconomic indicators pointing toward a near-term price correction.


McCann highlighted several factors supporting his short-term bearish outlook, including technical patterns, market liquidity and broader economic conditions.


"The month of December printed a shooting star candle," McCann noted, a technical signal that historically indicates bearish sentiment.

麥肯指出:「12月印出了一支流星蠟燭,」 從歷史上看,這一技術信號表明了看跌情緒。

"There is a massive gap to be filled in the CME Bitcoin futures product...down near $75,000," he added.

他補充說:「芝加哥商品交易所比特幣期貨產品有巨大的缺口需要填補... 跌幅接近75,000美元。」

According to McCann, Bitcoin's recent price action has shown weakness, with Tuesday's movement described as "a classic rejection beneath a multi-month regression channel."

根據麥肯的說法,比特幣最近的價格走勢表現出疲軟,週二的走勢被描述爲 「數月回歸通道下的典型拒絕」。

He sought to highlight the significance of the 10-month moving average, which has historically acted as a pullback level during bull markets.


"In this case, the 10 MA is right around...$75,000," McCann stated.

麥肯說:「在這種情況下,10均線在... 75,000美元左右。」

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The bearish narrative isn't solely rooted in technical indicators. McCann also flagged a contraction in global liquidity, noting that "nearly $1 trillion in nominal terms" was drained last week alone.


This tightening liquidity, compounded by a recent contraction in Tether's outstanding supply, adds to the uncertainty in the crypto market.


"Tether's supply peaked the day after the FOMC crashed the markets," McCann observed, marking a potential shift in sentiment.

麥肯觀察到:「Tether的供應在聯邦公開市場委員會使市場崩潰的第二天達到頂峯,」 這標誌着市場情緒的潛在轉變。

On the macroeconomic front, McCann drew attention to the U.S. dollar's unexpected strength, which he labeled a "problem for risk assets, especially Bitcoin."

在宏觀經濟方面,麥肯提請注意美元意想不到的走強,他稱之爲 「風險資產,尤其是比特幣的問題」。

He elaborated on the peculiar market dynamics: "The $DXY actually moved up on a day the Fed cut interest rates...smashing through a multi-year resistance level that is now turning into support."

他詳細闡述了奇特的市場動態:「美元實際上是在聯儲局減息的那一天上漲的... 突破了多年阻力位,該阻力位現已轉化爲支撐。」

What's Next: Despite his current bearish stance, McCann remains optimistic about Bitcoin's long-term trajectory.


"Higher is my meme forever," he said, suggesting that Bitcoin's upward march to new all-time highs would resume in due time. However, for now, he emphasized a tactical approach. "The easy money is over. It's time to be tactical, and for now, I'm tactically bearish."

他說:「走高永遠是我的模因,」 他暗示比特幣將在適當的時候恢復向歷史新高的上漲勢頭。但是,就目前而言,他強調的是戰術方法。「輕鬆賺錢已經結束了。現在是採取戰術的時候了,就目前而言,我在戰術上持看跌態度。」

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