HEICO's Sunshine Avionics Acquires Boeing 777 AIMS & 737NG/P-8/E-7 VIA Assets From Honeywell; Terms Not Disclosed
HEICO's Sunshine Avionics Acquires Boeing 777 AIMS & 737NG/P-8/E-7 VIA Assets From Honeywell; Terms Not Disclosed
HEICO Corporation (NYSE:HEI, HEI))) today announced its Sunshine Avionics subsidiary entered into an exclusive license agreement and acquired key assets for the Boeing 777 AIMS (Airplane Information Management System) and Boeing 737NG/P-8/E-7 VIA (Versatile Integrated Avionics) product lines from Honeywell. The transaction was structured as an exclusive perpetual license and asset purchase. Sunshine Avionics is part of HEICO's Flight Support Group. Transaction terms and financial details were not disclosed.
海科航空公司(紐交所:HEI,HEI)今天宣佈其世紀陽光航空子公司簽署了一項獨家許可協議,並從霍尼韋爾收購了波音777 AIMS(飛機信息管理系統)和波音737NG/P-8/E-7 VIA(多功能集成航空電子)產品線的關鍵資產。該交易被結構化爲獨家的永久許可和資產購買。世紀陽光航空是海科航空飛行支持集團的一部分。交易條款和財務細節未披露。
HEICO stated that it expects the license and asset acquisition to be accretive to its earnings in the year following closing.