GoPro Named Official Camera of the 2025 Freeride World Tour, the World's Biggest Freeride Ski and Snowboard Competition
GoPro Named Official Camera of the 2025 Freeride World Tour, the World's Biggest Freeride Ski and Snowboard Competition
The World's Top Freeride Skiers and Snowboarders Compete Wearing GoPro Cameras to Deliver Thrilling POV and Action Content
世界頂級自由式滑雪運動員和單板滑雪運動員佩戴 GoPro 攝像頭競爭,提供激動人心的 POV 和動作內容
SAN MATEO, Calif., Feb. 25, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, GoPro, Inc. (NASDAQ: GPRO) announced its continued partnership for the 2025 season with the Freeride World Tour by Peak Performance, the ultimate ski and snowboard freeriding competition. Known for showcasing some of the world's most thrilling freeride content, the first three rounds of the 2025 Freeride World Tour have already generated more than 60 million video views across all Freeride World Tour and GoPro channels. On every stop of the tour, more than 50 athletes will wear helmet-mounted HERO13 Black cameras to capture their runs, including Ross Tester's winning run at the Baqueria Beret Pro last month.
加利福尼亞州聖馬特奧,2025年2月25日 /PRNewswire/ — 今天,GoPro公司(納斯達克股票代碼:GPRO)宣佈在2025賽季繼續與終極滑雪和單板滑雪自由滑雪比賽Peak Performance的Freeride世界巡迴賽建立合作伙伴關係。2025年自由騎行世界巡迴賽的前三輪以展示一些世界上最刺激的自由騎行內容而聞名,已經在所有自由騎行世界巡迴賽和GoPro頻道上產生了超過6000萬的視頻觀看次數。在巡迴賽的每一站,超過50名運動員將佩戴頭盔上的 HERO13 Black 攝像機捕捉他們的跑步情況,包括羅斯·特斯特上個月在 Baqueria Beret Pro 上的勝利。
"We're excited to select GoPro as the official camera of the Freeride World Tour and to continue our partnership for the 12th consecutive year," said Nicolas Hale-Woods, Freeride World Tour's founder. "GoPro raises the bar for capturing immersive content, bringing Freeride World Tour viewers into the action from every tour stop."
自由騎行世界巡迴賽創始人尼古拉斯·黑爾-伍茲表示:「我們很高興選擇GoPro作爲自由騎行世界巡迴賽的官方攝像機,並連續第12年繼續我們的合作伙伴關係。」「GoPro 提高了捕捉沉浸式內容的標準,讓 Freeride 世界巡迴賽的觀衆從每個巡迴演出站都參與其中。」
The Freeride World Tour runs from January 17 – March 30, 2025, with six events scheduled across North America and Europe. Throughout the series, GoPro content will be broadcast live on the Freeride World Tour's social media channels, featured on the GoPro Snow YouTube channel and distributed through select third-party platforms.
自由騎行世界巡迴賽將於2025年1月17日至3月30日舉行,計劃在北美和歐洲舉辦六場賽事。在整個系列中,GoPro的內容將在Freeride世界巡迴賽的社交媒體頻道上直播,在GoPro Snow YouTube頻道上精選,並通過部分第三方平台分發。
"The Freeride World Tour is the ultimate proving ground for our products," said GoPro's founder and CEO, Nicholas Woodman. "We're excited to help fans experience freeriding from the athlete's perspective—sharing what it's like to feel the speed and the flow of a world-class skier or rider shredding the world's most challenging terrain."
When paired with HERO13 Black, GoPro's premium HB-Series Ultra Wide Lens Mod boosts the flagship camera's field of view (FOV) to 177°—36% wider and 48% taller than shots captured with its standard lens. It also maximizes HyperSmooth performance for unbreakable in-camera video stabilization with stunning 4K60 video resolution. With GoPro, skiers and riders can easily capture more in every shot with the highest level of video stabilization by simply attaching the lens and letting the camera adjust its setting accordingly.
與 HERO13 Black 搭配使用時,GoPro 的優質 HB 系列超廣角鏡頭模組可將旗艦相機的視野 (FOV) 擴大到 177° — 36%,比使用標準鏡頭拍攝的照片高 48%。它還可以最大限度地提高 HyperSmooth 性能,以驚人的 4K60 視頻分辨率實現牢不可破的攝像機內視頻穩定性。藉助 GoPro,滑雪者和騎手只需安裝鏡頭並讓攝像機相應地調整其設置,即可輕鬆捕捉到每張照片中的更多內容,實現最高水平的視頻防抖效果。
Tune in to the GoPro Snow and Freeride World Tour channels for the most up-to-date Freeride World Tour news and GoPro content.
收看 GoPro Snow 和 Freeride 世界巡迴賽頻道,了解最新的 Freeride 世界巡迴賽新聞和 GoPro 內容。
About GoPro, Inc. (NASDAQ: GPRO)
GoPro helps the world capture and share itself in immersive and exciting ways.
關於 GoPro, Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:GPRO)
GoPro 幫助世界以身臨其境和令人興奮的方式捕捉和分享自我。
GoPro has been recognized as an employer of choice by both Outside Magazine and U.S. News & World Report for being among the best places to work. Open roles can be found on our careers page. For more information, visit
GoPro 被《外部雜誌》和《美國新聞與世界報道》評爲首選僱主,因爲它是最佳工作場所之一。空缺職位可以在我們的招聘頁面上找到。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。
Connect with GoPro on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, X, YouTube, and GoPro's blog, The Current. GoPro customers can submit their photos and videos to GoPro Awards for an opportunity to be featured on GoPro's social channels and receive gear and cash awards. Members of the press can access official logos and imagery on our press portal.
在臉書、Instagram、LinkedIn、抖音、X、YouTube 和 GoPro 的博客 The Current 上與 GoPro 聯繫。GoPro 客戶可以將照片和視頻提交給 GoPro 大獎,有機會在 GoPro 的社交頻道上亮相,並獲得裝備和現金獎勵。新聞界成員可以在我們的新聞門戶網站上訪問官方徽標和圖像。
GoPro, HERO and their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of GoPro, Inc. in the United States and other countries.
GoPro、HERO 及其各自的徽標是 GoPro, Inc. 在美國和其他國家的商標或註冊商標。
About the Freeride World Tour
FWT Management SA is based in Verbier, Switzerland, and has been organizing premier sports events globally in mountain resorts since 1996. The company founded the Xtreme Verbier, an iconic event in freeride skiing and snowboarding and, in 2008, it turned this single competition into a prestigious series of worldwide events, called the Freeride World Tour (FWT). The company has since grown to include multiple competition series that fall under the FWT brand – including FWT Challenger, FWT Qualifier and FWT Junior – with events across all formats taking place in Europe, North America, South America and Oceania. Since December 2022, FWT is part of the International Ski and Snowboard Federation (FIS). Discover more at
關於 Freeride 世界巡迴賽
FWT Management SA總部位於瑞士韋爾比耶,自1996年以來一直在全球山地度假勝地組織頂級體育賽事。該公司創立了Xtreme Verbier,這是自由滑雪和單板滑雪的標誌性賽事,並於2008年將這項單項比賽變成了一系列久負盛名的全球賽事,名爲自由滑雪世界巡迴賽(FWT)。此後,該公司發展到包括多個屬於FWT品牌的競賽系列賽——包括FWT挑戰者、FWT預選賽和FWT Junior——所有賽制的賽事都在歐洲、北美、南美和大洋洲舉行。自2022年12月起,FWT成爲國際滑雪和單板滑雪聯合會(FIS)的一部分。在以下網址了解更多
SOURCE GoPro, Inc.
來源 GoPro, Inc.