
Bill Ackman's SPAC drops 9.98% premarket after merger announcement

Bill Ackman's SPAC drops 9.98% premarket after merger announcement

比爾·阿克曼(Bill Ackman)的SPAC在合併宣佈後盤前下跌9.98%
Dow Jones Newswires ·  2021/06/04 09:26  · 異動

Bill Ackman's SPAC in talks to buy 10% of Universal Music for $4 Billion. The Stock is falling. 

比爾·阿克曼(Bill Ackman)的SPAC正在洽談以40億美元收購環球音樂(Universal Music)10%的股份。股票在下跌。


Bill Ackman's SPAC $Pershing Square Tontine Holdings Ltd(PSTH.US)$ drop 9.98% during premarket after announcing merge with Universal Music


Hedge-fund billionaire William Ackman's special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) is in talks with Vivendi to buy a 10% stake in Universal Music Group, the record label for artists including Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga and Billie Eilish. Vivendi said it had entered discussions with Ackman's blank-check company Pershing Square Tontine Holdings and that the potential deal would give Universal Music an enterprise value of EUR35 billion ($42.4 billion).

對衝基金億萬富翁威廉·阿克曼(William Ackman)的特殊目的收購公司(SPAC)正在與威望迪(Viveni)就收購環球音樂集團(Universal Music Group)10%的股份進行談判。環球音樂集團是泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)、Lady Gaga和比莉·艾利什(Billie Eilish)等藝人的唱片公司。威望迪表示,已與阿克曼的空白支票公司潘興廣場通廷控股(Pershing Square Tontle Holdings)展開談判,這筆潛在交易將使環球音樂的企業價值達到350億歐元(合424億美元)。

The deal would be the largest ever SPAC transaction, according to The Wall Street Journal, which first reported the talks late on Thursday. If completed, it would eclipse the $35 billion valuations of Singapore-based ride-hailing company Grab Holdings following a similar deal earlier this year. Shares in Pershing Square Tontine Holdings fell 7% in premarket trading on Friday following confirmation of the talks. Pershing Square Tontine also confirmed the discussions to acquire a 10% stake for approximately $4 billion, setting out the rationale behind the move. "Universal Music Group is one of the greatest businesses in the world," Ackman said, adding that it met all of his company's acquisition criteria as the world's leading music company with a "royalty on the growing global demand for music."

據週四晚些時候最先報道談判的《華爾街日報》(Wall Street Journal)報道,這筆交易將是SPAC有史以來最大的一筆交易。如果完成,這將使新加坡叫車公司Grab Holdings的350億美元估值相形見絀。今年早些時候,Grab Holdings進行了一筆類似的交易。在談判得到確認後,潘興廣場唐廷控股公司(Pershing Square Tontle Holdings)的股價在週五盤前交易中下跌了7%。潘興廣場唐廷還證實了以約40億美元收購10%股份的討論,闡述了此舉背後的理由。阿克曼説:“環球音樂集團是世界上最偉大的企業之一。”他補充説,環球音樂集團符合他的公司作為世界領先音樂公司的所有收購標準,“對日益增長的全球音樂需求擁有版税”。

"We are delighted to work with Vivendi on this iconic transaction and look forward to its consummation," he added. Unlike other SPAC deals, Ackman's Pershing Square will remain a publicly traded company and retain $1.5 billion in cash to seek a new business combination partner, the company said. French media conglomerate Vivendi plans to distribute 60% of Universal Music's share capital and list the company in Amsterdam, subject to shareholder approval next month. Chinese internet giant Tencent Holdings owns about 20% of the music label. Looking ahead. Ackman attempting a duet with the music industry may come as a surprise to some. Investors certainly seem unsure as shares in Pershing Square Tontine were 7% lower in premarket trading on Friday.

他補充説:“我們很高興能與威望迪公司在這項標誌性的交易上展開合作,並期待交易的圓滿完成。”該公司表示,與SPAC的其他交易不同,阿克曼旗下的潘興廣場仍將是一家上市公司,並保留15億美元現金,以尋求新的業務合併合作伙伴。法國傳媒集團威望迪(Viveni)計劃分配環球音樂60%的股本,並將該公司在阿姆斯特丹上市,但下個月還需得到股東的批准。中國互聯網巨頭騰訊控股(Tencent Holdings)擁有這家音樂品牌約20%的股份。展望未來。阿克曼嘗試與音樂界進行二重唱可能會讓一些人感到驚訝。投資者似乎當然不確定,因為潘興廣場唐廷的股價在週五的盤前交易中下跌了7%。

However, Universal Music's revenue has been on the up due to subscription and streaming growth. Revenue climbed 9.4% to EUR1.8 billion in the first quarter of 2021, while earnings rose 62% to EUR136 million. The planned IPO is designed to capitalize on the music industry's resurgence in recent years and Universal Music certainly has some high-profile backers coming along for the ride.

然而,由於訂閲和流媒體的增長,環球音樂的收入一直在上升。2021年第一季度營收增長9.4%,至18億歐元,收益增長62%,至1.36億歐元。計劃中的IPO旨在利用音樂行業近年來的復甦,環球音樂(Universal Music)肯定有一些知名的支持者參與其中。

Perhaps more interestingly, Pershing Square Tontine is keeping $1.5 billion for another potential deal in the future.


(END) Dow Jones Newswires


June 04, 2021 08:13 ET (12:13 GMT)


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