
SG Morning Highlights: Stocks rise at Monday's open; STI up 0.6%

SG Morning Highlights: Stocks rise at Monday's open; STI up 0.6%

Moomoo News ·  2021/06/06 22:04  · 重磅


Good morning moomooers! Here are things you need to know about today's Singapore:

  • Singapore stocks rise at Monday's open; STI up 0.6%

  • Hong Lai Huat Group unit disposes Singapore farm resort business to focus on Cambodia operations

  • KrisEnergy submits winding-up petition

  • Stocks to watch: Lendlease Reit, Cromwell E-Reit, ComfortDelGro, Hutchison Port Holdings Trust, Q&M

-Moomoo News SG


  • 新加坡股市週一開盤上漲;STI上漲0.6%

  • 康萊華集團子公司處置新加坡農場度假村業務專注柬埔寨業務

  • KrisEnergy提交清盤申請

  • 值得關注的股票:Lendease Reit,Cromwell E-Reit,ComfortDelGro,Hutchison Port Holdings Trust,Q&M

--Moomoo News SG

Market Trend


Singapore shares opened higher on Monday. The Straits Times Index (STI) gained 0.6 per cent or 17.65 points to 3,168.69 as at 9.01 am. Gainers outnumbered losers 134 to 27, with 62.9 million securities worth S$34.9 million changing hands.


Mercurius was the second most actively traded counter by volume, with 9.3 million shares worth S$650,000 traded within the first minute of market open. Its shares were at 7.2 Singapore cents, up 18 per cent or 1.1 cents from when it last traded on Wednesday.

Breaking News


Mainboard-listed property and real estate developer $Hong Lai Huat(CTO.SG)$'s wholly owned subsidiary HLH Agri International will be disposing its entire equity interest in HLH Agri R&D for an aggregate consideration of S$4.8 million.

在主板上市的房地產和房地產開發商$康麗華(CTO.SG)$HLH Agri International的全資子公司HLH Agri International將出售其在HLH Agri R&D的全部股權,總對價為480萬新元。

HLH Agri R&D is the legal owner of a 20-year leasehold agri-tainment farm resort operating under the name Gallop Kranji Farm Resort. It is located at 10 Neo Tiew Lane 2 and is currently leased by Blue Dolphin, which is the managing agent of the farm resort, from July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2021.

HLH Agri R&D是一家以Gallop Kranji農場度假村為名的20年租賃農業娛樂農場度假村的合法所有者。該度假村位於Neo Tiew 2巷10號,目前由該農場度假村的管理代理商藍海豚租用,租期為2018年7月1日至2021年6月30日。

TROUBLED oil and gas group $KrisEnergy(SK3.SG)$ announced in a regulatory update late on Friday that it has submitted a winding-up petition to the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands.


The firm said that based on actual and contingent liabilities, it is unable to pay its debts and will proceed with liquidation.


Stocks to watch


$Lendlease Reit(JYEU.SG)$: The manager on Monday proposed to raise the real estate investment trust's interest in Jem to up to 31.8 per cent through stake acquisitions in two private funds which jointly own the mall. The purchase consideration is between S$204.1 million and S$337.3 million, subject to relevant post-completion adjustments. The counter closed flat at S$0.77 on Friday.


$ComfortDelGro(C52.SG)$: The transport group will bring its taxi, private bus, car rental and leasing and lifestyle businesses under a new umbrella division, the Private Mobility Group, for a more focused approach in the development of novel and sustainable mobility solutions using digital technology and clean energy, it said on Monday morning. Group chief risk and sustainability officer Jackson Chia will head the new division, holding both positions until a replacement is found for his current role. Shares of ComfortDelGro closed flat at S$1.67 on Friday.

$ComfortDelGro(C52.SG)$:這家運輸集團週一上午表示,將把其出租車、私人巴士、汽車租賃和生活方式業務納入一個新的傘形部門--私人移動集團(Private Mobility Group),以便更有針對性地利用數字技術和清潔能源開發新穎和可持續的移動解決方案。集團首席風險和可持續發展官傑克遜·賈(Jackson Chia)將領導新部門,同時擔任這兩個職位,直到找到接替他目前角色的人選。ComfortDelGro股價週五收盤持平於1.67新元。

$Cromwell Reit EUR(CWBU.SG)$: It has acquired a logistics asset from its sponsor for 10.1 million euros (S$16.4 million). The asset is located in an industrial park within Hradec Kralove in the north-east of the Czech Republic, with long-term leases backed by three "financially strong" tenant-customers. Cromwell E-Reit units closed at 2.27 euros on Friday, down 0.4 per cent or one euro cent.

$Cromwell Reit歐元(CWBU.SG)$:它以1010萬歐元(1640萬新元)的價格從贊助商手中收購了一項物流資產。該資產位於捷克共和國東北部赫拉德剋剋拉洛夫(Hradec Kralove)的一個工業園內,長期租約由三個“財力雄厚”的租户客户支持。克倫威爾E-Reit單位週五收報2.27歐元,下跌0.4%或1歐分。

$HPH Trust USD(NS8U.SG)$: The trustee-manager on Monday said chief executive Lam Hing Man will step down from the position starting June 25 due to health reasons. Succeeding him is Ivor Chow, director of corporate finance, treasury and risk management within the Hutchison Port Holdings group. He has also been an executive of the trustee-manager since 2011. HPHT units closed at 23.5 US cents on Friday, down 0.5 cent or 2.1 per cent.

$HPH Trust USD(NS8U.SG)$:受託經理週一表示,首席執行官林興文將因健康原因從6月25日起辭去首席執行官一職。接替他的是和記黃埔港口控股集團(Hutchison Port Holdings Group)企業財務、財務和風險管理總監周永明(Ivor Chow)。自2011年以來,他還一直擔任受託管理人的高管。HPHT單位週五收報23.5美分,跌0.5%或2.1%。

$Q&M Dental(QC7.SG)$: The healthcare group on Friday evening posted a net profit of S$9.4 millionfor the first quarter ended March 31 - about seven times higher than the year-ago period - largely due to a one-off gain on its divestment of Aidite (Qinhuangdao) Technology earlier in January. Total revenue stood 47 per cent higher at S$43.8 million. Shares of Q&M closed down S$0.01 or 1.5 per cent to S$0.68 on Friday, before the announcement.


$EliteComREIT GBP(MXNU.SG)$: The mainboard-listed real estate investment trust (Reit) has applied for its wholly-owned unit, Elite UK Commercial Holdings Limited (ECHL), to be listed on The International Stock Exchangeas a UK Reit by the third quarter. Post-listing, it will continue to hold 100 per cent of the shares in ECHL, said the manager on Friday evening. The principal tax rate applicable to the Reit is expected to be reduced to 15 per cent from the current 19 per cent. Its units closed unchanged at 66.5 Singapore cents on Friday.

$EliteComREIT GBP(MXNU.SG)$:在主板上市的房地產投資信託基金(Reit)已申請其全資子公司Elite UK Commercial Holdings Limited(ECHL)於第三季度在國際證券交易所(International Stock Exchange)上市,成為英國房地產投資信託基金(UK Reit)。這位經理上週五晚間表示,上市後,該公司將繼續持有ECHL 100%的股份。適用於房地產投資信託基金的基本税率預計將從目前的19%降至15%。其單位週五收盤持平於66.5新加坡元。

$CTO Realty Growth Inc(CTO.US)$: The property and real estate developer's wholly-owned subsidiary HLH Agri International will be disposing of its entire equity interestin HLH Agri R&D for an aggregate consideration of S$4.8 million, it said on Sunday. The sale comes as the group intends to "completely focus on its business in Cambodia", where more than 95 per cent of the group's business operations are focused, with the proposed disposal being part of its efforts to strengthen its financial position. Shares of Hong Lai Huat ended Friday flat at 9.1 Singapore cents.

$CTO Realty Growth Inc(CTO.US)$:這家房地產和房地產開發商的全資子公司HLH Agri International週日表示,將出售其在HLH Agri R&D的全部股權,總對價為480萬新元。此次出售正值該集團打算“完全專注於柬埔寨業務”之際,該集團95%以上的業務都集中在柬埔寨,擬議中的出售是其加強財務狀況努力的一部分。康麗華的股票上週五收盤持平於9.1新加坡元。

$Riverstone(AP4.SG)$: The Malaysian glove maker on Sunday confirmed 75 positive Covid-19 casesamong its factory workers from its manufacturing facilities based in Perak. The temporary closures of its manufacturing facilities in Perak, together with a 60 per cent limit on workforce capacity, will result in an estimated loss of 2 per cent of the group's total annual production capacity of 10.5 billion pieces of gloves, said the group. Shares of Riverstone ended Friday at S$1.38, down S$0.05 or 3.5 per cent.


$Singapore O&G(1D8.SG)$: The women's healthcare service provider has appointed Linda Hoon, chief legal officer of Singapore Post, as its new independent director and chairman of the nominating committee. The company said on Friday that Ms Hoon has over three decades of legal, compliance and company secretarial experience, mostly in-house with major regional listed companies. Its shares closed up 0.5 Singapore cent or 2 per cent higher at 26 cents on Friday, before the announcement.

$新加坡O&G(1D8.SG)$:這家女性醫療保健服務提供商已任命新加坡郵政(Singapore Post)首席法務官琳達·胡恩(Linda Hoon)為新的獨立董事和提名委員會主席。該公司上週五表示,胡恩擁有30多年的法律、合規和公司祕書經驗,主要是在大型地區性上市公司的內部工作。消息公佈前,其股價週五收高0.5新加坡元或2%至0.26美元。

Source: The Business Times


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