
After Apple tightens tracking rules, advertisers shift spending toward Android devices

After Apple tightens tracking rules, advertisers shift spending toward Android devices

Dow Jones Newswires ·  2021/07/06 09:28

Advertisers have begun shifting their spending patterns in the months since Apple Inc. began requiring apps to gain iPhone and iPad users' permission to track them.

自從蘋果公司(Apple Inc.)開始要求應用程序獲得iPhone和iPad用户的許可才能跟蹤它們以來的幾個月裏,廣告商已經開始改變他們的消費模式。

After the tracking change took effect in April, many users of Apple's iOS operating system have received a high volume of prompts from apps asking permission to track them -- requests that most have declined. Less than 33% of iOS users opt in to tracking, according to ad-measurement firm Branch Metrics Inc.

蘋果iOS操作系統的許多用户在4月份跟蹤更改生效後,收到了大量應用程序的提示,要求允許他們跟蹤他們--大多數人都拒絕了這些請求。根據廣告測量公司Branch Metrics Inc.的數據,選擇追蹤的iOS用户不到33%。

As a result, the prices for mobile ads directed at iOS users have fallen, while ad prices have risen for advertisers seeking to target Android users. Those shifts come after many in the digital-ad industry warned that Apple's changes, which the tech giant framed as part of a broader user-privacy crackdown, would limit advertisers' access to data about consumers and hurt their business.


Digital advertisers say they have lost much of the granular data that made mobile ads on iOS devices effective and justified their prices. In recent months, ad-buyers have deployed their iOS ad spending in much less targeted ways than were previously possible, marketers and ad-tech companies say. The shortage of user data to fuel Facebook Inc.'s suite of powerful ad-targeting tools reduces their effectiveness and appeal among some advertisers, ad agencies say.

數字廣告商表示,他們已經失去了很多讓iOS設備上的移動ADS變得有效並證明其價格合理的細粒度數據。營銷人員和廣告技術公司説,近幾個月來,廣告購買者用iOS廣告支出的方式遠沒有以前那麼有針對性。廣告公司説,缺乏用户數據來支持Facebook Inc.強大的廣告定向工具套件,降低了這些工具的有效性和對一些廣告商的吸引力。

$Apple Inc(AAPL.US)$, for its part, sells ads only in a handful of its own apps and doesn't take a cut of ad revenue in third-party iOS apps. While advertisers have shifted their spending habits across the ad products of Apple's large rivals Facebook and Google -- which depend much more heavily on ad revenue -- it isn't clear yet how the change has affected overall spending across the digital-ad giants.


The effects of Apple's change were slow to appear in marketers' data after the company mandated compliance with its new tracking rules in April. The delay was in part because users wouldn't see the prompts until they upgraded their devices to a recent version of Apple's operating system. As of June 22, more than 70% of iOS devices had been upgraded to a version that requires the tracking prompt, according to Branch Metrics, allowing advertisers to begin assessing the impact.

蘋果公司在4月份強制要求遵守其新的跟蹤規則後,其變化的影響在營銷人員的數據中顯示得很慢。延遲的部分原因是用户在將設備升級到最新版本的蘋果操作系統之前不會看到提示。根據Branch Metrics的數據,截至6月22日,超過70%的iOS設備已經升級到需要跟蹤提示的版本,從而允許廣告商開始評估影響。

As more of that information has emerged, advertisers have adjusted their buying strategies. Spending on iOS mobile advertising has fallen by about one-third between June 1 and July 1, according to ad-measurement firm Tenjin Inc. Android spending rose 10% over the same period, Tenjin said.

隨着越來越多的信息浮出水面,廣告商已經調整了他們的購買策略。根據廣告測量公司Tenjin Inc.的數據,從6月1日到7月1日,iOS手機廣告支出下降了約三分之一,而安卓系統的廣告支出同期增長了10%。

An Apple spokesman declined to comment.


Digital-ad agency Tinuiti Inc. has seen a similar pattern in its clients' spending, research director Andy Taylor said. When iOS users opted out of tracking, Tinuiti advertisers couldn't bid on them, he said. That dearth of iOS users drove up demand -- and ad prices -- for Android users. About 72.8% of smartphones world-wide use the Android operating system, and about 26.4% use iOS, according to Statcounter.

數字廣告公司Tinuiti Inc.的研究總監安迪·泰勒(Andy Taylor)説,該公司的客户支出也出現了類似的模式。他説,當iOS用户選擇退出追蹤時,Tinuiti的廣告商就不能競標了。IOS用户的匱乏推高了安卓用户的需求和廣告價格。根據StatCounter的數據,全球約72.8%的智能手機使用Android操作系統,約26.4%的智能手機使用iOS。

Tinuiti's $Facebook Inc(FB.US)$ clients went from year-over-year spend growth of 46% for Android users in May to 64% in June. The clients' iOS spending saw a corresponding slowdown, from 42% growth in May to 25% in June. Android ad prices are now about 30% higher than ad prices for iOS users, Mr. Taylor said. Tinuiti clients' overall spending on Facebook increased -- Android users gained a greater share of it, Mr. Taylor said.

蒂努伊蒂氏症$Facebook Inc.(FB.US)$安卓用户的消費同比增長了46%,從5月份的46%上升到6月份的64%。客户的iOS消費相應放緩,從5月份的42%增長到6月份的25%。泰勒説,安卓系統的廣告價格現在比iOS用户的廣告價格高出約30%。泰勒説,Tinuiti客户在Facebook上的總體支出增加了,安卓用户獲得了更大的份額。

When iOS users opt out of tracking, it restricts the flow of data Facebook gets from apps to build user profiles. Those profiles allow Facebook's advertisers to target their ads efficiently, both for ads in Facebook's own apps and in third-party apps.


Tinuiti said it saw an even steeper slide in spending for Facebook's Audience Network tool, which lets advertisers buy ads in non-Facebook apps using Facebook user data, where Tinuiti clients spend about 1% of their Facebook budgets.


Tinuiti advertisers were allocating about 50% of their Audience Network spending to iOS users at the start of April. By the end of June, they were spending about 20% on iOS users, Mr. Taylor said. Advertisers have typically spent more per iOS user, seeing them as bigger spenders than Android users.


Facebook has been among the most vocal critics of Apple's new tracker-blocking and warned in August 2020 that the change could lead it to shut down Audience Network. Facebook doesn't disclose the size of the Audience Network business within its nearly $70 billion digital-ad empire. Ad-tech consulting firm Jounce Media has estimated that Audience Network would bring in $3.4 billion in 2021.

Facebook一直是對蘋果新的追蹤器屏蔽最直言不諱的批評者之一,並在2020年8月警告稱,這一變化可能導致其關閉Audience Network。Facebook沒有披露其價值近700億美元的數字廣告帝國中觀眾網絡(Audience Network)業務的規模。廣告技術諮詢公司Joss Media估計,Audience Network在2021年將帶來34億美元的收入。

"Third-party data tends to be unreliable and not representative of our business," a Facebook spokesman said. "While we expect iOS 14.5 to be a headwind for the remainder of the year, the impact on our business will be manageable. What's most concerning is the impact to the smaller developers and businesses who rely on personalized advertising."

“第三方數據往往不可靠,不能代表我們的業務,”Facebook的一位發言人説。“雖然我們預計iOS 14.5將成為今年剩餘時間的逆風,但對我們業務的影響將是可控的。最令人擔憂的是對依賴個性化廣告的較小開發商和企業的影響。”

Facebook Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg said in March that "it's possible that we may even be in a stronger position" after Apple's change, particularly if it encourages "more businesses to conduct commerce on our platforms, by making it harder for them to basically use their data in order to find the customers that would want to use their products outside of our platforms."

Facebook首席執行官馬克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)在3月份表示,蘋果的改變之後,“我們甚至有可能處於更強大的地位”,特別是如果它鼓勵“更多的企業在我們的平台上開展商業活動,讓他們更難基本上使用他們的數據,以便找到想要在我們平台之外使用他們產品的客户。”

In many foreign countries, most Facebook users are Android users, according to a person familiar with the matter, so Facebook could benefit from higher Android ad prices.


Many advertisers have also shifted their spending on Facebook's owned-and-operated apps -- Instagram and its namesake social network, which form the core of its business, Mr. Taylor said. Spending to reach iOS users on Instagram and Facebook also slid since Apple's change, he said, but by less than on third-party apps.


Since the switch, Facebook has significantly altered its Audience Network, which has relied heavily on device identifiers. The company told advertisers in an email last week that it was adding the capability to place contextual ads -- which consider factors like time of day and the app's content -- as a way to continue providing relevant ads when certain identifiers aren't available.

自更換以來,Facebook對其嚴重依賴設備標識符的受眾網絡(Audience Network)進行了重大改變。該公司上週在一封電子郵件中告訴廣告商,它正在增加放置上下文ADS的功能,該功能會考慮一天中的時間和應用程序的內容等因素,作為一種在某些標識不可用時繼續提供相關ADS的方式。

"Showing contextual ads in addition to personalized ads is part of our efforts to help support publishers" amid Apple's change, the email said.


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July 05, 2021 05:30 ET (09:30 GMT)


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