
Richard Branson lands after Virgin Galactic space trip

Richard Branson lands after Virgin Galactic space trip

Dow Jones Newswires ·  2021/07/11 23:36

By Micah Maidenberg and Doug Cameron


TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES, N.M. -- Richard Branson reached the edge of space and landed successfully after a flight aimed at spurring a new, multibillion-dollar space-tourism industry.

真相還是後果,新墨西哥州--理查德·布蘭森(Richard Branson)在一次旨在刺激價值數十億美元的新太空旅遊產業的飛行後,到達了太空邊緣,併成功着陸。

The British entrepreneur and five crew members crossed the threshold on a test flight of the spacecraft developed by $Virgin Galactic Holdings Inc(SPCE.US)$, which climbed more than 50 miles above the Earth's surface.


The spacecraft VSS Unity landed back at the Spaceport America facility in New Mexico on Sunday after a flight lasting about an hour. It successfully separated from the launch plane VMS Eve, which took off after a weather delay, before its onboard rocket fired and sent it higher.

VSS Unity號航天器經過大約一個小時的飛行後,於週日降落在新墨西哥州的美國太空港(Spaceport America)設施。它成功地與發射飛機VMS Eve分離,VMS Eve在天氣延誤後起飛,然後機載火箭發射並將其送得更高。

At the peak, Mr. Branson and other crew members unbuckled and experienced weightlessness and peered at Earth and into space from a dozen windows in the cabin.


The flight is part of a broader push from companies and investors to develop viable businesses based on human space flight, long dominated by government space agencies with scientific and policy missions. There have been instances of private space-tourist trips in the past, such as the investor Dennis Tito's 2001 visit to the International Space Station, but building a private industry around such travel has proved elusive for commercial enterprises so far.

此次飛行是公司和投資者發展以載人航天為基礎的可行業務的更廣泛努力的一部分,長期以來,載人航天一直由肩負科學和政策任務的政府航天機構主導。過去也有過私人太空旅行的例子,比如投資者丹尼斯·鐵託(Dennis Tito)2001年訪問國際空間站(International Space Station),但到目前為止,商業企業一直難以圍繞這種旅行建立私人產業。

A number of entrepreneurs aim to change that. $Amazon.Com Inc(AMZN.US)$'s founder, Jeff Bezos, has been investing in his space company, Blue Origin LLC, which plans to take him and three others to space on a company rocket later this month. Elon Musk's Space Exploration Technologies Corp., or SpaceX, plans to fly the chief executive of a payments company to space this year.

一些企業家的目標是改變這一點。$ Inc.(AMZN.US)$該公司創始人傑夫·貝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)一直在投資他的太空公司Blue Origin LLC,該公司計劃在本月晚些時候用公司火箭將他和其他三人送上太空。埃隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk)的太空探索技術公司(Space Explore Technologies Corp.,簡稱SpaceX)計劃今年將一家支付公司的首席執行官送上太空。

On Friday, Blue Origin took aim at Virgin Galactic, posting a graphic on Twitter that said its New Shepard rocket has the largest windows in space, in contrast to those available on Virgin Galactic's "high altitude airplane."


Blue Origin said it is flying to the Karman Line, a boundary some 62 miles above Earth considered to be the start of space by many. The Federal Aviation Administration defines space as starting at 50 miles, the so-called Armstrong Line.

藍色起源説,它正在飛往卡曼線,這是一條距離地球約62英里的邊界,許多人認為這是太空的開始。美國聯邦航空管理局(Federal Aviation Administration)將太空定義為從50英里開始,即所謂的阿姆斯特朗線(Armstrong Line)。

"New Shepard flies above both boundaries. One of the many benefits of flying with Blue Origin," Blue Origin said in another tweet. A Virgin Galactic spokeswoman declined to comment about the tweets.


Mr. Bezos on Saturday used his Instagram account to wish Mr. Branson "and the whole team a successful and safe flight. Best of luck!" On Twitter, Mr. Musk said he would be on site in New Mexico for the Virgin Galactic trip.


Mr. Branson on Sunday posted a photo on Twitter of himself standing with Mr. Musk, the Tesla Inc. chief executive. "Feeling good, feeling excited, feeling ready," Mr. Branson said.

布蘭森週日在Twitter上發佈了一張他與特斯拉公司(Tesla Inc.)首席執行長馬斯克站在一起的照片。布蘭森説,“感覺很好,感覺很興奮,感覺準備好了。”

On Sunday morning ahead of takeoff, the Spaceport America facility had the feel of a festival, with guests of Virgin Galactic eating food and listening to a DJ, who at one point tried to get a dance contest started and reminded people to put on sunscreen. Some guests, wearing purple "Unity 22" T-shirts -- Sunday's flight is the 22nd for the VSS Unity----milled in and out of a building for the event and near a stage set up outside. A band occasionally warmed up. Later, the musician Khalid is scheduled to perform. Around 500 guests are in attendance, including Mr. Musk and New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, a company spokeswoman said.

週日上午,在起飛前,美國航天港的設施有一種節日的感覺,維珍銀河的客人們吃着食物,聽着一名DJ的表演,這名DJ一度試圖開始一場舞蹈比賽,並提醒人們塗上防曬霜。一些客人穿着紫色的“Unity 22”T恤--週日的航班是VSS Unity的第22次-在活動大樓和外面搭建的舞臺附近進進出出。一支樂隊偶爾會熱身。稍後,音樂家哈立德將進行演出。該公司發言人説,大約有500名嘉賓出席,其中包括馬斯克和新墨西哥州州長米歇爾·盧詹·格里沙姆(Michelle Lujan Grisham)。

Space tourism could generate close to $4 billion in annual revenue by 2030, according to an estimate last year from UBS. Human space flight carries risks, and the vehicles developed by private space companies have been tested a fraction of the number of times compared with the planes used by airlines.


Virgin Galactic has said it plans to initiate commercial space flights that generate sales in 2022. The company founded by Mr. Branson has reported 600 reservations for future flights backed by $80 million in deposits. It reported a loss of $273 million for last year and, compared with Blue Origin and SpaceX, has a business model that is more deeply tied to the emergence of a space-tourism sector.

維珍銀河表示,計劃啟動商業太空飛行,在2022年產生銷售額。布蘭森創立的公司報告説,有8000萬美元的押金支持,預訂了600個未來航班。該公司報告去年虧損2.73億美元,與Blue Origin和SpaceX相比,它的商業模式與太空旅遊部門的出現更緊密地聯繫在一起。

The company hasn't disclosed what it will charge for tickets when it starts selling them again, but prices are likely to be out of reach for most people for some time. Mr. Musk is one of the ticket holders, according to a spokesman for Virgin Galactic. In the past, the company has sold tickets for up to $250,000 each, according to its latest annual report. Virgin Galactic interrupted marketing efforts in 2014 after a pilot died testing a company space plane.


Kerrianne Flynn, a Virgin Galactic customer who attended the event, said she signed up in December 2011 for a space flight. She is unsure when she will eventually get to make the trip but added the wait has been worth it. "There's going to be nothing like going up there," she said.

參加此次活動的維珍銀河客户克里安·弗林(Kerrianne Flynn)説,她在2011年12月報名參加了一次太空飛行。她不確定自己最終什麼時候能去旅行,但她補充説,等待是值得的。“不會有什麼比登上那裏更好的了,”她説。

The Spaceport Facility, which was constructed using funds from New Mexico and local tax dollars, should help foster the state's economy, Gov. Lujan Grisham said. "We're on the map," she said.

州長盧揚·格里沙姆(Lujan Grisham)説,太空港設施是用新墨西哥州的資金和當地税收建造的,應該有助於促進該州的經濟。“我們在地圖上,”她説。

Virgin Galactic has described Sunday's flight as part of its testing program. Now the company is focused on thinking through the experience of private astronauts it brings to space, Chief Executive Michael Colglazier said in a recent interview.

維珍銀河將週日的飛行描述為其測試計劃的一部分。該公司首席執行長科拉齊爾(Michael Colglzier)在最近的一次採訪中説,現在該公司正專注于思考它帶到太空的私人宇航員的經歷。

Sunday's flight will include Mr. Branson; Beth Moses, chief astronaut instructor at Virgin Galactic; Colin Bennett, a lead operations engineer at the company; and Sirisha Bandla, a Virgin Galactic vice president focused on government affairs and research.

週日的飛行將包括布蘭森、維珍銀河首席宇航員教練貝絲·摩西(Beth Mosse)、該公司首席運營工程師科林·貝內特(Colin Bennett),以及維珍銀河負責政府事務和研究的副總裁西里莎·班德拉(Sirisha Bandla)。

"Richard's got this long history of creating transformative consumer experiences," Mr. Colglazier said. "He's been dreaming about this for years, and we needed one of the members of this four-person crew in the back to really just absorb and focus on the experience side of it. He was perfectly suited to that."


Dave Mackay and Michael Masucci will fly the VSS Unity, while CJ Sturckow and Kelly Latimer will fly the VMS Eve plane, according to the company.

據該公司稱,戴夫·麥凱(Dave Mackay)和邁克爾·馬蘇奇(Michael Masucci)將駕駛VSS Unity,而CJ Sturckow和Kelly Latimer將駕駛VMS Eve飛機。

During a trip in May, the spacecraft reached 55.5 miles of altitude and met the company's technical objectives. Last month the FAA approved a full commercial space-launch license for the company.


Mr. Branson, 70 years old, is behind a business empire that includes airlines, cruise ships, hotels and gyms. In recent years, Mr. Branson has made his space businesses, which include the satellite-launch company Virgin Orbit, his main focus.

現年70歲的布蘭森是一個商業帝國的幕後黑手,這個帝國包括航空公司、遊輪、酒店和健身房。近年來,布蘭森把包括衞星發射公司維珍軌道(Virgin Orbit)在內的太空業務作為自己的主要業務。

Write to Micah Maidenberg at and Doug Cameron at

寫信給Micah Madenberg(和Doug Cameron(

(END) Dow Jones Newswires


July 11, 2021 11:55 ET (15:55 GMT)


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