
What will the stock market do today? 3 big stories to watch.

What will the stock market do today? 3 big stories to watch.

InvestorPlace ·  2021/07/21 11:32

The Senate will meet today to vote on the long-awaited infrastructure bill. Meanwhile, crypto begins to bounce back ahead of Jack Dorsey’s big ‘B Word’ Conference. So what will the stock market do today?

參議院將於今天開會,就期待已久的基礎設施法案進行投票。與此同時,在傑克·多爾西(Jack Dorsey)的B字大會之前,密碼開始反彈。那麼,今天股市將會做些什麼呢?

  • The S&P 500 is up 1.52%

  • The Dow Jones Industrial Average is up 1.62%

  • The Nasdaq Composite is up 1.57%

  • 這個標準普爾500指數上漲1.52%

  • 這個道瓊斯工業平均指數上漲了1.62%

  • 這個納斯達克綜合指數上漲了1.57%

So what else will the stock market do today? Here are some of the top stories.


What Will the Stock Market Do Today? Watch the Senate.


President Joe Biden has his fingers crossed today, and you should, too. The president is at the will of the Senate today as it moves to vote on his long-awaited infrastructure bill. The bill will tackle a number of different facets of American life — from energy to transportation, from pollution to clean drinking water — and will be a major marker of success as we evaluate Biden’s first term as voters in 2024.

美國總統喬·拜登(Joe Biden)今天祈禱,你也應該祈禱。今天,總統聽命於參議院,就他期待已久的基礎設施法案進行投票。該法案將解決美國生活的許多不同方面-從能源到交通,從污染到清潔飲用水-在我們評估拜登2024年作為選民的第一個任期時,這將是一個成功的主要標誌。

And if you’re an investor, you want to be tuned in to this vote. Shareholders in both the non-renewable and renewable sectors will see some major movement in their portfolios as the bill moves along, since these industries are hot points of the bill’s framework. Today is a catalyst for that movement, especially since we really don’t know which way things will go.


The bill is being touted by lawmakers as bipartisan. However, the closer we get to the actual Senate vote, the less apparent this bipartisanship seems. In fact, it seems like today, Republicans could very well tank the vote en masse. Republican Rob Portman of Ohio told CNBC today that GOP lawmakers don’t think the bill is at all close to ready for voting, considering the fact that it’s more of a general framework than a detailed document accounting for all the proposed changes.


While many on the conservative side of the aisle don’t want to vote ‘yes’ on the bill without seeing it, Democrats are trying to make known that passing the bill doesn’t mean finalized support for everything that will end up within. As Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer says, “All a ‘yes’ vote … means is simply that the Senate is ready to begin debating a bipartisan infrastructure bill.” Hopefully, the bill passes today, and lawmakers will get the ball rolling on this package.

雖然許多保守派人士不想在看不到法案的情況下對該法案投贊成票,但民主黨人試圖表明,通過該法案並不意味着最終支持最終達成的一切。正如參議院多數黨領袖查克·舒默(Chuck Schumer)所説,“所有人都投了贊成票”…簡單地説,這意味着參議院已經準備好開始辯論一項兩黨合作的基礎設施法案。“希望這項法案能在今天獲得通過,立法者將着手實施這項一攬子計劃。

Bitcoin Bounces Back


Bitcoin is having a rough go of it lately. The cryptocurrency, representing the largest share of the entire asset class, erased all of its 2021 gains yesterday — something to the tune of $35,000. Since reaching its highs of nearly $65,000, the coin has tumbled and tumbled to a year-to-date low of under $29,000. But today, it’s up 7%. Cryptos have fallen out of relevancy in the last couple of weeks. However, some savvy crypto influencers and celebrity investors are bringing it back to the limelight with the B Word Conference.

比特幣最近日子不好過。這種加密貨幣在整個資產類別中所佔份額最大,昨日抹去了2021年的所有漲幅--約3.5萬美元。自從達到近65,000美元的高點以來,硬幣已經暴跌,跌至今年以來的最低點,不到29,000美元。但今天,它上漲了7%。在過去的幾周裏,密碼已經失去了相關性。然而,一些精明的密碼影響力人士和名人投資者正在通過B Word Conference讓它重新成為聚光燈下的焦點。

Yes, the B Word Conference — ‘B’ meaning Bitcoin, of course. Jack Dorsey, of $Twitter Inc(TWTR.US)$ and $Square, INC.(SQ.US)$ fame, is heading his own Bitcoin conference to talk about the future of the world’s biggest digital currency. Having Dorsey at the helm of a bullish convention like this is great for the coin, but he’s not alone. Rather, he’s bringing serious heavy-hitters in the space to join him in conversation, including Ark Invest captain Cathie Wood and $Tesla, Inc.(TSLA.US)$ Elon Musk.

是的,B字會議--“B”當然是比特幣的意思。傑克·多爾西(Jack Dorsey),$Twitter Inc.(TWTR.US)$$Square,Inc.(SQ.US)$名氣,正在主持他自己的比特幣會議,討論世界上最大的數字貨幣的未來。有多爾西掌舵這樣的看漲大會對硬幣來説是件好事,但他並不孤單。更確切地説,他帶來了一些重量級人物加入他的對話,包括方舟投資凱西·伍德上尉和$Tesla,Inc.(TSLA.US)$埃隆·馬斯克。

We can expect an obviously bullish day, as Dorsey is making it his life’s goal to spur widespread adoption of Bitcoin by the mainstream. In fact, his company Square has two new crypto products in the pipeline: a crypto hardware wallet and an infrastructure platform for building financial services around Bitcoin. The day will be spent talking particularly about institutional adoption of the coin. The conference is certainly a big deal; the names involved with this meeting are far too valuable within the crypto space for the event to not cause a stir. In fact, the whole crypto market is moving in anticipation of the event.


What Else We’re Watching


  • $Netflix Inc(NFLX.US)$ is announcing today its move into the mobile game space. Whispers about this shift have been discussed for some days now as the company hired EA (NASDAQ:EA) ex-pat Mike Verdu.

  • $Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc(CMG.US)$ is gearing up for the Olympics and hoping for some gold medals from Team U.S.A. The company is selling their burritos wrapped in gold foil for the special occasion.

  • The Milwaukee Bucks took home their first NBA championship in 50 years after beating the Phoenix Suns in game 6. Soon to come: lots of mispronunciations of “Giannis Antetokounmpo.”

  • $Netflix Inc.(NFLX.US)$今天宣佈進軍手機遊戲領域。隨着公司招聘,關於這一轉變的傳言已經討論了好幾天了。電子藝界(納斯達克:電子藝界)前帕特·邁克·維爾杜(Mike Verdu)。

  • $Chipotle墨西哥燒烤公司(CMG.US)$正在為奧運會做準備,並希望美國隊獲得一些金牌。該公司正在出售他們的金箔玉米煎餅,以備特殊的場合使用。

  • 密爾沃基雄鹿在第六場比賽中擊敗菲尼克斯太陽後,50年來首次奪得總冠軍。不久的將來:“詹尼斯·安特託昆博”的發音會有很多錯誤。

On the date of publication, Brenden Rearick did not have (either directly or indirectly) any positions in the securities mentioned in this article. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the writer, subject to the Publishing Guidelines.

在出版之日,布倫登·裏裏克(Brenden Rearick)沒有(直接或間接)持有本文所述證券的任何頭寸。本文表達的觀點是作者的觀點,以InvestorPlace.com為準出版指南.

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