
Amazon's profit-run poised to continue

Amazon's profit-run poised to continue

Dow Jones Newswires ·  2021/07/29 08:10

By Sebastian Herrera

塞巴斯蒂安·埃雷拉(Sebastian Herrera)

$Amazon.Com Inc(AMZN.US)$ is expected to report strong profits Thursday after its midyear Prime Day event boosted sales, and its cloud computing and advertising units continued to grow.

$ Inc.(AMZN.US)$預計週四將公佈強勁的利潤,此前其年中黃金週活動提振了銷售額,其雲計算和廣告部門繼續增長。

The Seattle-based e-commerce giant's success in the pandemic comes as U.S. consumers increasingly meet their shopping, entertainment and work needs online, strengthening the power of the world's largest technology companies.


Using its size and leverage, Amazon this year has looked to increase its foothold in non-retail industries, even as federal regulators continue to circle the company and scrutinize its growth and business plans.


Amazon is set to post second-quarter earnings after markets close Thursday. Analysts polled by FactSet on average predict $115.4 billion in quarterly revenue and per-share earnings of $12.28. The company in April said it expected second-quarter sales to be between $110 billion and $116 billion and operating income between $4.5 billion and $8 billion.


The retailer has been exceeding financial expectations since the start of the pandemic, which brought a flood of shoppers and new growth to the company's e-commerce operations that it has been able to sustain. Still, analysts predict Amazon's tremendous growth will slow down, as the economy reopens from the height of the pandemic, when it saw earnings nearly double.


"That's something we expect to happen because of the extraordinary circumstances of last year," said Ron Josey, an analyst with JMP Securities. "As long as top line growth is there, I think (results) will be well-received."

JMP證券(JMP Securities)分析師羅恩·喬西(Ron Josey)表示:“鑑於去年的特殊情況,我們預計會出現這種情況。”“只要營收增長還在,我認為(業績)就會受到歡迎。”

Amazon's second-quarter earnings will be aided by its annual Prime Day shopping event, which the company this year moved up from its typical third-quarter date.


The April-to-June stretch marked Amazon's last quarter under Jeff Bezos, the company's founder, who left the chief executive role on July 5 to become executive chairman. Andy Jassy -- an Amazon lifer who headed its cloud-computing unit, Amazon Web Services -- is expected to bring an ultra-detail-oriented management style to the company's top position, The Wall Street Journal reported earlier this month.

4月至6月是亞馬遜創始人傑夫·貝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)領導下的最後一個季度,貝佐斯於7月5日辭去首席執行官一職,成為執行董事長。據“華爾街日報”本月早些時候報道,安迪·雅西(Andy Jassy)--亞馬遜雲計算部門亞馬遜網絡服務部門的負責人--預計將把一種極其注重細節的管理風格帶到公司的最高職位。

Amazon's results Thursday come after a strong showing by other large tech companies this week. Microsoft Corp. on Tuesday reported record quarterly revenue, as its Azure cloud-computing segment saw year-over-year sales growth of 51%. Fueled by strong iPhone sales, Apple Inc. posted its biggest spring-quarter profit, while Google parent Alphabet Inc. reported its highest quarter ever for sales, as businesses continued to rely heavily on its advertising services.

亞馬遜週四的業績是在本週其他大型科技公司表現強勁之後發佈的。微軟公司(Microsoft Corp.)週二公佈了創紀錄的季度營收,其Azure雲計算部門的銷售額同比增長了51%。在iPhone強勁銷售的推動下,蘋果公司(Apple Inc.)公佈了春季季度最大的利潤,而谷歌母公司Alphabet Inc.公佈了有史以來最高的季度銷售額,因為企業仍然嚴重依賴其廣告服務。

Demand for computing power has long bolstered Amazon's earnings. Such needs have grown during the pandemic, as more companies look to boost server capacity and software tools. Amazon Web Services, which offers such tools, generates a significant portion of Amazon's operating income. Its sales, which had been slowing in recent quarters, picked back up to start the year.

長期以來,對計算能力的需求一直支撐着亞馬遜的收益。隨着越來越多的公司尋求提高服務器容量和軟件工具,這種需求在疫情期間有所增長。提供此類工具的亞馬遜網絡服務(Amazon Web Services)創造了亞馬遜運營收入的很大一部分。最近幾個季度一直在放緩的銷售額在今年年初有所回升。

Amazon has also become a dominant force in advertising behind Google and Facebook Inc. The ad unit has been expanding at a high double-digit clip.

亞馬遜也已成為僅次於谷歌(Google)和Facebook(Facebook Inc.)的廣告業主導力量。廣告部門一直在以兩位數的速度增長。

Amazon's trillion dollar valuation hasn't stopped it from trying to add businesses to its empire, even as its power has received more scrutiny from policy makers. Amazon in May announced it had agreed to acquire the Hollywood studio MGM in a deal valued at $8.45 billion. The acquisition is being reviewed by the Federal Trade Commission.

儘管亞馬遜的實力受到了政策制定者的更多關注,但其萬億美元的估值並沒有阻止它嘗試為其帝國增加業務。亞馬遜在5月份宣佈,它已經同意以84.5億美元的價格收購好萊塢製片廠米高梅(MGM)。這筆收購正在接受聯邦貿易委員會(Federal Trade Commission)的審查。

The FTC also has an open, wide-ranging antitrust investigation into Amazon's business practices. In addition, Amazon is also battling a broad set of bills in Congress aimed at reining in the market dominance of big tech companies. One bill, named the "Ending Platform Monopolies Act," could make it easier for federal regulators to break up the companies, lawmakers have said. Amazon has defended its competitive practices in part by arguing that it operates products and services to benefit customers.


Aside from regulatory concerns, Mr. Jassy faces internal challenges as Amazon's new CEO. The company last week said it launched an investigation at Amazon Web Services after an employee petition, which garnered hundreds of signatures, alleged that the cloud unit systematically discriminated against women and minority groups. The Washington Post first reported on the investigation and petition.

除了監管方面的擔憂,賈西作為亞馬遜新任首席執行長還面臨着內部挑戰。該公司上週表示,在一份獲得數百人簽名的員工請願書聲稱雲部門系統性地歧視女性和少數羣體後,它在亞馬遜網絡服務公司(Amazon Web Services)啟動了一項調查。《華盛頓郵報》最先報道了調查和請願。

In an email to the petitioner's authors reviewed by the Journal, AWS Chief Executive Adam Selipsky said Amazon had hired an outside investigation firm and that he would review its findings.

在《華爾街日報》審閲的一封發給請願人作者的電子郵件中,AWS首席執行官亞當·塞利普斯基(Adam Selipsky)表示,亞馬遜已經聘請了一家外部調查公司,他將審查調查結果。

Labor unions also continue to put pressure on the retailer, which has the second-largest U.S. workforce. Earlier this year, Amazon employees at a warehouse in Bessemer, Ala., voted not to unionize. The International Brotherhood of Teamsters, one of America's largest labor unions, passed a resolution in June designed to aid Amazon workers in eventually achieving a union contract in part by creating a special division to organize workers there. Amazon has said that a union is unnecessary because its workers already receive competitive pay and benefits.

工會還繼續向這家擁有美國第二大勞動力的零售商施壓。今年早些時候,阿拉巴馬州貝塞默(Bessemer)一家倉庫的亞馬遜員工投票決定不成立工會。美國最大的工會之一國際卡車司機兄弟會(International Brotherhood Of Teamsters)在6月份通過了一項決議,旨在幫助亞馬遜的工人最終達成工會合同,方法之一是成立一個專門的部門來組織那裏的工人。亞馬遜表示,沒有必要成立工會,因為它的工人已經獲得了有競爭力的工資和福利。

Write to Sebastian Herrera at

寫信給Sebastian Herrera,電子郵件

(END) Dow Jones Newswires


July 29, 2021 05:30 ET (09:30 GMT)


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