How to read Level 2 data
How to read Level 2 data
Level up with moomoo' s FREE Level 2 data.
使用 Moomoos 的免費級別 2 數據進行升級。
First things first,
What is Level 2 data?
什麼是等級 2 資料?
Level 1 data shows the best bid and ask price for a security. Level 2 data takes this to the next level by showing market depth or a range of the best bid and ask prices, and volumes being traded at each price level, in real time.
1 級數據顯示了安全性的最佳買入價和賣出價。Level 2 數據通過實時顯示市場深度或最佳買入價和賣出價範圍,以及在每個價格水平交易的交易量,將其提升到一個新的水平。
The best part? Unlike other trading platforms, moomoo offers free level 2 data.
最好的部分?與其他交易平台不同,moomoo 提供免費的 2 級數據。
Why is Level 2 data important?
為什麼 2 級數據很重要?
● Market depth and intraday shifts in momentum. Since level 2 data shows pending orders that haven’t been executed yet, it shows market sentiment throughout the day as price and volume shifts from the left side of the order book (bid) to the right (ask) or vice versa.
● 市場深度和日內動力變化。 由於 2 級數據顯示尚未執行的掛單,因此當價格和交易量從訂單簿的左側(出價)向右(賣出)轉移,反之亦然,它顯示了全天的市場情緒。
● Stock liquidity which determines how quickly you can open or close positions. A large market cap and high trading volume signal stock liquidity. And generally, the smaller the spread between the bid and ask prices, the more liquid the stock is.
● 股票流動性決定了您可以多快開倉或平倉。 市值大,交易量高信號股票流動性。通常,買入價和賣出價之間的價差越小,股票的流動性就越高。
How to use Level 2 data?
L2 data shows market demand (bids on the left) and supply (asks on the right). As L2 data represents orders that are waiting to be executed, it may signal future price movements. A bid for a large number of shares tends to push the stock price higher as it signals higher demand. Conversely, an ask for a large number of shares tends to push the stock price lower as it signals that supply > demand.
L2 數據顯示市場需求(左側出價)和供應(問右側)。由於 L2 數據表示正在等待執行的訂單,因此可能表明未來價格走勢。由於需求增加,大量股票的出價往往會推高股票價格。相反,大量股票的要求往往會推低股票價格,因為它表示供應 > 需求。
The key to using L2 data is lots of practice, so let's get started.
使用 L2 數據的關鍵是很多練習,所以讓我們 開始使用。
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