
Warby Parker, Olaplex and Allvue Are Among This Week's IPOs --

Warby Parker, Olaplex and Allvue Are Among This Week's IPOs --

Warby Parker、Olaplex和Allvue是本週的
Dow Jones Newswires ·  2021/09/27 15:56

By Luisa Beltran
路易莎·貝爾特蘭(Luisa Beltran)著

Roughly seven businesses are expected to list their shares this week, as the IPO market continues to churn out newly public companies.


A dozen companies made their public equities market debuts last week, including Toast (ticker: TOST), Freshworks (FRSH) and Brilliant Earth Group (BRLT).

上週,十幾家公司首次公開上市,包括Toast(股票代碼:TOST)、FreshWorks(FRSH)和Brilliant Earth Group(BRLT)。

"Seven listings is by no means an inactive week, though the market has experienced some choppiness over the past month," said Matt Kennedy, senior IPO market strategist at Renaissance Capital. Several IPOs last week priced below their expected ranges while one deal, the IPO of Knowlton Development, was postponed, Kennedy said. "This feels like normal ebb & flow. We're not alarmed about any major slowdown yet," he said.

復興資本(Renaissance Capital)高級IPO市場策略師馬特·肯尼迪(Matt Kennedy)表示:“七宗IPO絕不是不活躍的一週,儘管過去一個月市場經歷了一些震盪。”肯尼迪表示,上週有幾宗IPO的定價低於預期區間,而諾爾頓發展(Knowlton Development)的IPO被推遲。“這感覺像是正常的潮起潮落。我們還沒有對任何重大放緩感到恐慌,”他説。

This week's seven debuts include direct listings from Amplitude and Warby Parker. Amplitude, a data analytics company, will go public Tuesday on the Nasdaq under the ticker AMPL. In a direct listing, companies do not raise fresh capital; instead shareholders sell stock. Amplitude's stockholders have registered to offer 35,398,389 shares, a prospectus said.

本週的七家公司首次亮相,包括AMPLATE和Warby Parker的直接上市。數據分析公司Amplest將於週二在納斯達克(Nasdaq)上市,股票代碼為Ampl。在直接上市中,公司不會籌集新資本;相反,股東會出售股票。一份招股説明書稱,Amplay的股東已登記發行35,398,389股。

Warby Parker, the trendy eyewear brand, is slated to open for trading on Wednesday on the New York Stock Exchange. Its ticker is WRBY. Stockholders have registered 77,741,942 shares, according to a prospectus.

時尚眼鏡品牌沃比派克(Warby Parker)定於週三在紐約證券交易所(New York Stock Exchange)開盤交易。它的股票代碼是WRBY。招股説明書顯示,股東已登記77,741,942股。

Allvue Systems Holdings is also kicking off life as a public company Wednesday. Allvue is offering 15.3 million shares at $17 to $19 each, a prospectus said. It will trade under the ticker ALVU on the NYSE.

Allvue Systems Holdings週三也將開啟上市生活。招股説明書稱,Allvue將以每股17美元至19美元的價格發行1,530萬股票。它將在紐約證券交易所以ALVU的股票代碼交易。

Allvue provides technology for investment managers in the private capital and credit markets. Vista Equity Partners acquired AltaReturn in 2019 and merged it with portfolio company Black Mountain Systems to form Allvue. Vista will own nearly 66% of combined voting power after the IPO, the prospectus said.

Allvue為私人資本和信貸市場的投資經理提供技術。Vista Equity Partners於2019年收購了AltaReturn,並將其與投資組合公司Black Mountain Systems合併,成立了Allvue。招股説明書稱,IPO後,Vista將擁有近66%的總投票權。

Olaplex, the hair care brand backed by Advent International, is also trading this week. The company is offering 67 million shares at $14 to $16 each, the S-1 said. It will list on the Nasdaq under the symbol OLPX.

由Advent International支持的護髮品牌Olaplex本週也在交易。S-1稱,該公司將以每股14美元至16美元的價格發行6,700萬股票。它將在納斯達克上市,代碼為OLPX。

Founded in 2014, Olaplex is a beauty company known for creating the bond-building category. Advent, the private equity firm, acquired Olaplex in January 2020; it will own 78.2% of the company after the IPO, a prospectus said. Olaplex is scheduled to make its debut on Thursday, a person familiar with the situation said.


On Friday is Healthcare Triangle, which is offering 8 million shares at $4.50 to $5.50 each. Healthcare will trade under the Nasdaq ticker HCTI. Healthcare Triangle provides software and services for hospitals and health systems, payers, life sciences, and biotech organizations, a prospectus said.

週五是Healthcare Triangle,將以每股4.50美元至5.50美元的價格發行800萬股票。醫療保健將以納斯達克股票代碼HCTI進行交易。一份招股説明書稱,醫療保健三角為醫院和醫療系統、付款人、生命科學和生物技術組織提供軟件和服務。

Also Friday, First Watch Restaurant Group is slated to make its debut. The Bradenton, Florida, company is offering 9.5 million shares at $17 to $20 each. It will trade on the Nasdaq under the ticker FWRG. First Watch is a restaurant chain known for serving breakfast, lunch and brunch. It is also backed by Advent, which will own 79.2% of common stock after the IPO, a prospectus said.

同樣在週五,第一手錶餐飲集團(First Watch Restaurant Group)將首次亮相。這家位於佛羅里達州布拉登頓的公司將以每股17美元至20美元的價格發行950萬股票。它將在納斯達克交易,股票代碼為FWRG。First Watch是一家以供應早餐、午餐和早午餐而聞名的連鎖餐廳。招股説明書稱,該公司還得到了Advent的支持,IPO後,Advent將擁有79.2%的普通股。

TDCX is trading Friday. The Singapore company is offering 18.8 million American Depositary Shares, or ADSs, at $16 to $18 each, a prospectus said. (Each ADS represents one class A share.) Its NYSE ticker is TDCX.

多倫多證券交易所(TDCX)週五交易。招股説明書稱,這家新加坡公司將以每股16美元至18美元的價格發行1880萬股美國存托股票(American Depositary Share,簡稱ADS)。(每隻ADS代表一股A股。)它在紐約證券交易所的股票代碼是TDCX。

Founded in 1995, TDCX r eportedly began as an outsourced call center that handled calls, emails and faxes for companies. TDCX currently offers sales and digital marketing, as well as content monitoring for companies.


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