
Logistics Report: Growing Supply Chain Contagion; Chartering Around Logjams; More Seafarers Abandoned

Logistics Report: Growing Supply Chain Contagion; Chartering Around Logjams; More Seafarers Abandoned

Dow Jones Newswires ·  2021/10/11 07:10

DJ Logistics Report: Growing Supply Chain Contagion; Chartering Around Logjams; More Seafarers Abandoned


Supply Chain Contagion; Chartering Around Logjams; Seafarers Abandoned By Paul Page


The bottlenecks locking down supply chains around the world are starting to choke off economic recovery in some regions. The logjams are triggering shortages of components and surging prices of critical raw materials that are squeezing manufacturers, the WSJ's Chuin-Wei Yap, William Boston and Alistair MacDonald write, as signs grow that the supply chain networks that enable economic activity now are creating headwinds from factories to retail floors. Part of the problem is a global economy that has been thrown out of sync because of the pandemic. Companies in recovering Western countries are pressing for finished products and industrial components, while suppliers in Asia and elsewhere are in the throes of Covid-19 lockdowns and facing restrictions such as quarantine mandates for ships arriving in China.

鎖定全球供應鏈的瓶頸正開始扼殺一些地區的經濟復甦。“華爾街日報”的Chuin-wei Yap、威廉·波士頓(William Boston)和阿利斯泰爾·麥克唐納(Alistair MacDonald)寫道,僵局正在引發零部件短缺和關鍵原材料價格飆升,對製造商造成擠壓,因為越來越多的跡象表明,推動經濟活動的供應鏈網絡現在正在製造從工廠到零售店的逆風。問題的一部分是因為大流行導致全球經濟失去了同步。正在復甦的西方國家的公司正在催促獲得成品和工業零部件,而亞洲和其他地方的供應商正處於新冠肺炎封鎖的陣痛中,並面臨着抵達中國的船舶必須接受檢疫等限制。

Labor shortages are adding to the disconnect, and some countries already are showing signs of economic contraction heading into the critical fourth quarter. Around the world, sectors from mining to the automotive business are struggling to find parts and workers. With some 497 large container ships anchored off ports in Asia, Europe and North America waiting for berth space last week, relief before the end of the year looks increasingly unlikely.


Supply Chain Strategies


Some of the biggest U.S. retailers are trying to buy their way around the delays that are bottling up supply chains. Merchants including Walmart, Home Depot, Costco and Target have been paying to charter ships, the WSJ's Sarah Nassauer and Costas Paris report, in a stopgap tactic aimed at keeping shelves stocked heading into the holiday season . The strategy is an expensive effort that signals the pain that supply-chain bottlenecks are inflicting on the retailers' distribution strategies and the high stakes for stores this fall following a year of pandemic-driven turmoil in sales. The chartered vessels are generally small, with capacity for the equivalent of only about 1,000 containers each, and they are going for many tens of thousands a day. The effort also adds complications as companies have to scale up inland transportation links in trucking and rail markets that can be as strained as the maritime sector. Transportation

美國一些最大的零售商正試圖通過購買來繞過阻礙供應鏈的延誤。“華爾街日報”(WSJ)的莎拉·納索爾(Sarah Nassauer)和Costas Paris報道稱,沃爾瑪(Walmart)、家得寶(Home Depot)、好市多(Costco)和塔吉特(Target)等商家一直在付錢租船,這是一種權宜之計,目的是在進入假日季節之前保持貨架庫存。這一戰略是一項代價高昂的努力,表明供應鏈瓶頸正在給零售商的分銷戰略帶來痛苦,以及在經歷了一年由流行病引發的銷售動盪之後,今年秋季門店面臨的高風險。租用的船隻一般都很小,每艘只能容納相當於1000個集裝箱的容量,每天可容納數萬個集裝箱。這一努力還增加了複雜性,因為企業不得不在卡車和鐵路市場擴大內陸運輸聯繫,這些市場可能與海運部門一樣緊張。交通運輸

Seafarers can't buy their way out of the stresses in ocean-going transport. The shipping industry has left in its wake what appears to be a record number of cargo-ship castaways, the WSJ's Drew Hinshaw and Joe Parkinson report, as cases of abandonment grow even as earnings at the sector's biggest operators skyrocket to record levels . Cases of abandoned crews and sailors more than doubled to 85 last year, and this year is on track to be worse. The incidents leave behind human suffering as seafarers like the 14 workers on the bulk carrier MV Aizdihar wait for months as food and fuel run out. A transport workers' union official calls it "a global humanitarian crisis," with some 1,000 seafarers abandoned on container ships and bulk carriers. Sailors face strains even on working vessels as ships keep goods moving amid extensive pandemic restrictions at ports.

遠洋運輸中的壓力,海員們是買不到的。據《華爾街日報》的德魯·欣肖(Drew Hinshaw)和喬·帕金森(Joe Parkinson)報道,儘管航運業最大運營商的利潤飆升至創紀錄水平,但被遺棄的貨船數量似乎達到了創紀錄的水平。去年,被遺棄的船員和水手的案件增加了一倍多,達到85起,今年的情況可能會更糟。這些事件留下了人類的痛苦,像散貨船MV Aizdihar上的14名工人一樣的海員們在食物和燃料耗盡的情況下等待了幾個月。一名運輸工人工會官員稱這是一場“全球人道主義危機”,約1000名海員被遺棄在集裝箱船和散裝貨船上。即使在工作船隻上,水手們也面臨着壓力,因為在港口大流行的廣泛限制下,船隻保持貨物的移動。

Number of the Day In Other News


U.S. crude rose in early trading today to a seven-year high of $81.50 a barrel. (WSJ)


The U.S. added a below-expectations 194,000 jobs last month as the labor force shrank by 183,000. (WSJ)


Nearly 140 countries agreed to a sweeping overhaul of global tax rules in a bid to curtail tax avoidance. (WSJ)


Employment in Canada returned to a pre-pandemic level with the addition of 157,100 jobs in September. (WSJ)


The number of active oil and gas rigs in the U.S. rose to 533, more than double the level of a year ago. (MarketWatch)


U.S. wholesale inventories rose 1.2% in August after a 0.6% rise the month before. (Dow Jones Newswires)


A unit of India's Tata Group took control of money-losing Air India for $2.4 billion. (WSJ)

印度塔塔集團(Tata Group)的一個部門以24億美元控制了虧損的印度航空(Air India)。(《華爾街日報》)

The Biden administration's trade-policy engagement with China kicked off with a virtual meeting. (WSJ)


Authorities investigating a California oil spill ended their probe of a Hapag-Lloyd container ship but are still looking at other vessels. (WSJ)


China fined food-delivery giant Meituan more than $533 million for anticompetitive practices. (WSJ)


A gauge of commodities spot prices soared to an all-time high. (Bloomberg)


China ordered dozens of coal mining companies to boost production. (Financial Times)


Attorneys general in 19 states and the District of Columbia are seeking to block a 10-year budget-cutting plan at the U.S. Postal Service. (National Public Radio)

19個州和哥倫比亞特區的總檢察長正在尋求阻止美國郵政服務公司(U.S.Postal Service)的一項為期10年的預算削減計劃。(國家公共廣播電台)

Third-quarter revenue at Orient Overseas Container Line more than doubled to $4.3 billion despite slipping volumes. (Shipping Watch)


China's Cosco Shipping Holdings is projecting a third-quarter profit of about $4.7 billion. (CGTN)


Authorities are investigating allegations of rape and sexual harassment of trainees at the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy. (Splash 247)


Tesla CEO Elon Musk says the semiconductor shortage will likely push production of its electric Semi truck to 2023. (Commercial Carrier Journal)

特斯拉首席執行官埃隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk)表示,半導體短缺可能會將其電動半卡車的生產推到2023年。(商業運營商雜誌)

Electric truck maker Nikola and Canadian pipeline operator TC Energy will work together to build and operate hydrogen fuel hubs. (Reuters)

電動卡車製造商尼古拉和加拿大管道運營商TC Energy將合作建設和運營氫燃料樞紐。(路透社)

Trucker Old Dominion Freight Line is adding a $1,000 surcharge for oversize freight. (Journal of Commerce)

卡車司機Old Dominion Freight Line對超大運費增加了1000美元的附加費。(《商業週刊》)

The overseas freight unit of the U.K.'s Royal Mail is buying Canadian trucker Rosenau Transport for about $286 million. (Evening Standard)

英國皇家郵政(Royal Mail)的海外貨運部門將以2.86億美元收購加拿大卡車公司Rosenau Transport。

Nissan is aiming to eliminate carbon dioxide emissions from its global manufacturing sites by 2050. (Nikkei Asia)


U.K. grocery-automation company Ocado is investing the equivalent of $13.6 million in self-driving startup Wayve. (TechCrunch)


Walmart plans to cut its use of virgin plastic in packaging by 15% in the next four years. (Progressive Grocer)


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Paul Page is editor of WSJ Logistics Report. Write to him at [].


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This article is a text version of a Wall Street Journal newsletter published earlier today.


(END) Dow Jones Newswires


October 11, 2021 07:08 ET (11:08 GMT)


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