
Renforth drills 21.85m of 3.06 g/t gold at wholly owned Parbec open pit gold deposit in Malartic, Quebec

Renforth drills 21.85m of 3.06 g/t gold at wholly owned Parbec open pit gold deposit in Malartic, Quebec

倫福斯在魁北克馬拉提克全資擁有的帕貝克露天金礦開採21.85m 3.06克/噸黃金
Benzinga Real-time News ·  2021/10/11 08:22

TheNewswire - October 6, 2021 - Renforth Resources Inc. (CNSX:RFR.CN) (OTC:RFHRF) (FSE:9RR) ("Renforth" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the final results from our 2020/21 drill program at our wholly owned Parbec open pit gold deposit located in Malartic, Quebec, adjacent to the Canadian Malartic Mine, Canada's largest gold mine. Assay results highlights appear below, including 21.85m of 3.06 g/t gold drilled in PAR-21-141, which was drilled as an "infill" drill hole, in an area which had not previously been drilled.  At the end of the program the field geologists decided to follow up on the visual results of PAR-21-141, which terminated at a vertical depth of ~250m as can be seen in the vertical section below, with a shallow "overcut", PAR-21-145.  

英國《每日電訊報》--2021年10月6日-Renforth Resources Inc.(CNSX:RFR.氯化萘)(場外交易:RFHRF)(證券交易所:9RR)雷福斯公司(“Renforth”或“公司”)很高興地宣佈我們在加拿大魁北克省馬拉蒂克(Malartic)的全資擁有的Parbec露天金礦的2020/21年度鑽探計劃的最終結果,該金礦毗鄰加拿大最大的金礦--加拿大馬拉蒂克金礦(Canada Malartic Mine)。化驗結果亮點顯示在下面,包括21.85米3.06克/噸黃金在PAR-21-141鑽探,該鑽探被稱為“填充”鑽孔,位於以前沒有鑽探過的區域。在項目結束時,野外地質學家決定對PAR-21-141的目測結果進行追蹤。PAR-21-141在垂直深度約250米處終止,如下面的垂直剖面所示,帶有一個淺的“過切”,PAR-21-145。

As seen in the section PAR-21-141 delivered new mineralization outside of the conceptual pit shell.  PAR-21-145, also delivering new mineralization, terminated at approximately 150m vertical depth, delivering highlights of 33m of 0.748 g/t gold, 19.5m of 1.09 g/t gold and 9.9m of 1.38 g/t gold. All of the assay data in these two holes is new mineralization, demonstrating continuity of mineralization at Parbec and extending mineralization to some depth.


Click Image To View Full Size



Assay intervals are as measured in the core box, not true width


Vertical Section 5075NW

垂直剖面5075 NW

Click Image To View Full Size



With the receipt of all assay data Renforth can now update the deposit database and update the deposit model.  In addition, a structural interpretation will be carried out, all of the drilling to date, and the resource modelling, has been on the basis of grade, as opposed to a structural interpretation.  With the >15,000m of new data Renforth believes an initial structural interpretation can now be completed.



"I am very happy to release the final Parbec drill results, after unprecedent lab delays caused by the impact of COVID on local labour.  I am thrilled that this final press release contains excellent results from drilling in a previously undrilled area, demonstrating that there is still lots to be learned at Parbec, and offering an immediate drill target for the future, an undercut of the 21.85m of an average grade above the current resource grade. Parbec's future is bright" states Nicole Brewster, President and CEO of Renforth.

Renforth總裁兼首席執行官妮可·布魯斯特(Nicole Brewster)表示:“在COVID對當地勞動力造成前所未有的實驗室延誤之後,我非常高興能公佈帕貝克鑽探的最終結果。我很高興這份最終新聞稿包含了在以前未鑽探的地區鑽探的出色結果,表明帕貝克仍有很多東西需要學習,併為未來提供了一個直接的鑽探目標,比目前資源品位高出21.85m的平均品位有所降低。帕貝克的未來是光明的。”


Samples referred to in this press release were bagged, tagged, and sealed in the field and transported directly to the facilities of AGAT Laboratories in Val d'Or, Quebec where they underwent Fire Assay – Trace Au, AAS finish (Code 202-051) for gold analysis.

本新聞稿中提到的樣品在現場被裝袋、貼標籤和密封,然後直接運往魁北克省Val d‘Or的AGAT實驗室,在那裏它們接受了火焰分析-痕量Au,AAS Finish(代碼202-051)進行金分析。


Technical disclosure in this press release has been reviewed and approved by Francis R. Newton P.Geo (OGQ#2129), a "qualified person" pursuant to NI 43-101

本新聞稿中的技術披露已由弗朗西斯·R·牛頓P.Geo(OGQ#2129),符合NI 43-101的“合格人員”


For further information please contact:


Renforth Resources Inc.


Nicole Brewster


President and Chief Executive Officer






#269 – 1099 Kingston Road, Pickering ON L1V 1B5

#269-1099金斯頓路,L1V 1B5上的皮克林


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About Renforth


Renforth holds the Parbec open pit constrained gold deposit in Malartic Quebec, contiguous to the Canadian Malartic mine, with a 2020 resource estimate of 104,000 indicated ounces of gold at a grade of 1.78 g/t Au and 177,000 inferred ounces of gold at a grade of 1.78 g/t Au. This resource estimate is now considered by Renforth to be out of date due to the results received in a 15,569m drill program which has been recently completed. This program was planned to twin, infill and undercut existing drill holes at Parbec, to support a rebuild of the geological model and a resource estimate restatement. In addition to this Renforth wholly owns the 260 km2 Surimeau District Property with several areas of historically identified polymetallic and gold mineralization.  This includes the Victoria West occurrence, Renforth's current focus, interpreted to be a nickel-containing ultramafic unit,  juxtaposed with VMS-style copper-zinc mineralization which occurs over ~5km of strike in the western end of the 20km central anomaly at Surimeau. Renforth also holds the Malartic West property, the site of a copper/silver discovery, and Nixon-Bartleman, west of Timmins Ontario, with gold present on surface over a strike length of ~500m.  Renforth is well funded, with ~$5 million in cash and securities on hand (*as at 05/14/21), in addition to the gold contained in our gold deposit.

Renforth擁有與加拿大Malartic礦毗鄰的魁北克Malartic礦的Parbec露天受限金礦,2020年資源估計為104,000指示盎司黃金,品位為1.78克/噸Au,推斷黃金為177,000盎司,品位為1.78 g/t Au。由於最近完成的15569米鑽探計劃收到的結果,Renforth現在認為這一資源估計已經過時。該項目計劃對帕貝克現有的鑽孔進行翻轉、填塞和挖方,以支持地質模型的重建和資源估算的重述。除此之外,Renforth全資擁有260公里2蘇里莫地區擁有幾個歷史上已確定的多金屬礦化和金礦化區域。這包括雷福斯目前的焦點維多利亞西礦體,解釋為含鎳超鎂鐵質單元,與VMS式銅鋅礦化並列在蘇里莫20公里中心異常西端超過5公里的走向上。Renforth還擁有馬拉蒂克西部(Malartic West)和尼克松-巴特爾曼(Nixon-Bartleman),馬拉蒂克西部是發現銅/銀的地點,尼克松-巴特爾曼位於安大略省蒂明斯以西,地表金礦的走向長度超過500米。瑞福斯公司資金雄厚,除了我們的黃金儲備外,手頭還有大約500萬美元的現金和證券(*截至5月14日)。


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Forward Looking Statements



This news release contains forward-looking statements and information under applicable securities laws.  All statements, other than statements of historical fact, are forward looking. Forward-looking statements are frequently identified by such words as ‘may', ‘will', ‘plan', ‘expect', ‘believe', ‘anticipate', ‘estimate', ‘intend' and similar words referring to future events and results. Such statements and information are based on the current opinions and expectations of management. All forward-looking information is inherently uncertain and subject to a variety of assumptions, risks and uncertainties, including the speculative nature of mineral exploration and development, fluctuating commodity prices, the risks of obtaining necessary approvals, licenses and permits and the availability of financing, as described in more detail in the Company's securities filings available at Actual events or results may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements and the reader is cautioned against placing undue reliance thereon. Forward-looking information speaks only as of the date on which it is provided and the Company assumes no obligation to revise or update these forward-looking statements except as required by applicable law.



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