
Press Release: CubicFarm Systems Names Sandy Gerber Chief Marketing Officer

Press Release: CubicFarm Systems Names Sandy Gerber Chief Marketing Officer

新聞稿:CudicFarm Systems任命Sandy Gerber為首席營銷官
Dow Jones Newswires ·  2021/10/18 09:02

CubicFarm Systems Names Sandy Gerber Chief Marketing Officer


Canada NewsWire


VANCOUVER, BC, Oct. 18, 2021


VANCOUVER, BC, Oct. 18, 2021 /CNW/ - CubicFarm(R) Systems Corp. ("CubicFarms" or the "Company") (TSX: CUB), a local chain agricultural technology company, today announced the appointment of Sandy Gerber as Chief Marketing Officer ("CMO"), effective immediately.

温哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省温哥華,2021年10月18日/cnw/-當地連鎖農業技術公司CudicFarm(R)Systems Corp.(以下簡稱“Cubi Farm”或“公司”)(多倫多證券交易所市場代碼:CUB)今天宣佈任命桑迪·格伯(Sandy Gerber)為首席營銷官(CMO),立即生效。

As CMO, Gerber will lead the Company's global marketing programs as CubicFarms continues its mission to create and deliver indoor farming technologies to feed a changing world. An award-winning strategist and executive, Gerber created and launched a global marketing strategy positioning CubicFarms in the market and driving lead generation and sales of the Company's CubicFarm System and HydroGreen Grow System indoor growing technologies.

作為首席營銷官,Gerber將領導該公司的全球營銷計劃,因為CudicFarm將繼續其創造和提供室內農業技術的使命,以滿足不斷變化的世界的需求。作為一名屢獲殊榮的戰略家和高管,Gerber創建並推出了一項全球營銷戰略,將Cubi Farm定位在市場上,並推動該公司的Cubi Farm系統和Water Green Growth系統室內種植技術的領先產生和銷售。

"I believe in the unlimited potential of CubicFarms' indoor growing technologies to truly make a difference in the world," said Sandy Gerber, CMO, CubicFarms. "CubicFarms possesses a winning combination of industry-leading technologies and growing expertise. I'm thrilled to lead our impressive teams within this fast-paced culture of innovation. We're equipping new generations of farmers with the innovative technology they need to continue growing profitably and sustainably."

Cubi Farm首席營銷官桑迪·格伯(Sandy Gerber)説:“我相信Cubi Farm室內種植技術的無限潛力將真正改變世界。”CudicFarm擁有行業領先的技術和不斷增長的專業知識的成功結合。我很高興能在這種快節奏的創新文化中領導我們令人印象深刻的團隊。我們正在為新一代農民配備他們繼續盈利和可持續增長所需的創新技術。“

An accomplished leader, Gerber launched CubicFarms as a category leader in local chain ag-tech, culminating in the highly anticipated virtual CubicFarms AMPLIFIED event on October 21, 2021. This impressive event with powerhouse speakers and special guest experts has over 1,200 registered attendees including institutional investors, research analysts, stakeholders, media, as well as current and future customers and ag-tech industry dealers.

作為一名成就卓著的領導者,Gerber推出了Cubi Farm,作為當地連鎖農業技術領域的類別領導者,最終在2021年10月21日備受期待的虛擬Cubi Farm放大活動中達到頂峯。這一令人印象深刻的活動有強大的演講者和特邀專家,有1200多名註冊與會者,包括機構投資者、研究分析師、利益相關者、媒體以及當前和未來的客户和農業技術行業經銷商。

Gerber most recently served as Vice President of Marketing and Communications at CubicFarms and will continue delivering strategic marketing initiatives and accelerate the Company's digital marketing, advertising, sponsorships, promotions, awards, and international commercial scale opportunities for growth. Her marketing and communications expertise includes differentiation strategy, brand development, customer experience, business development, social media, and digital content marketing.

Gerber最近擔任Cubi Farm的營銷和公關副總裁,他將繼續提供戰略營銷計劃,並加快公司的數字營銷、廣告、贊助、促銷、獎勵和國際商業規模的增長機會。她的營銷和溝通專長包括差異化戰略、品牌開發、客户體驗、業務開發、社交媒體和數字內容營銷。

"Sandy's a driving force at CubicFarms, taking ownership and bringing incredible initiatives to life," said Dave Dinesen, Chief Executive Officer, CubicFarms. "Sandy has significantly accelerated the Company's growth over the past year. We're thrilled to name Sandy Gerber as our Chief Marketing Officer because her expertise has been instrumental in amplifying how our technology enables farmers to keep growing sustainably. Her dedication to our mission, combined with her authentic ability to build connections has strengthened our teams and we look forward to continuing with more exciting developments and opportunities."

Cubi Farm首席執行官戴夫·迪內森(Dave Dinesen)説:“桑迪是CudicFarm的推動力,擁有所有權,並將令人難以置信的倡議付諸實踐。”在過去的一年裏,桑迪大大加速了公司的發展。我們很高興任命桑迪·格伯為我們的首席營銷官,因為她的專業知識在放大我們的技術如何使農民保持可持續增長方面發揮了重要作用。她對我們使命的奉獻,加上她建立聯繫的真正能力,加強了我們的團隊,我們期待着繼續取得更令人興奮的發展和機會。“

A highly sought-after executive, Gerber previously held marketing and communications leadership positions for companies of all sizes in a wide range of industries including advertising, consumer goods, heavy equipment, and non-profit. She successfully executed programs for some of Canada's most beloved brands, including Molson Canada, Appleton Estate, BC Lottery Corp, the University of British Columbia, and St. John Ambulance.

作為一名備受追捧的高管,Gerber之前曾在廣告、消費品、重型設備和非營利組織等廣泛行業的各種規模的公司擔任營銷和溝通領導職位。她成功地執行了一些加拿大最受歡迎的品牌的項目,包括Molson Canada、Appleton Estate、BC彩票公司、不列顛哥倫比亞大學和聖約翰救護車。

Prior to joining CubicFarms, Gerber's innovative marketing programs included Molson Canada's online community, ""; Canada's first e-gaming platform, "PlayNow"; the revitalization of St. John Ambulance's iconic 900-year-old brand; and Wesgroup Equipment's successful "G.R.I.T." customer service program.

在加入Cubi Farm之前,Gerber的創新營銷項目包括Molson Canada的在線社區“”、加拿大第一個電子遊戲平台“PlayNow”、重振聖約翰救護車(St.John Ambulance)具有900年曆史的標誌性品牌以及Wesgroup Equipment成功的“G.R.I.T.”。客户服務計劃。

Gerber is the author of three books and the founder of three successful companies. As the CEO of NEXT Marketing Agency, Gerber set a new standard for B2C and B2B innovative marketing, growing the agency into one of British Columbia's Top 100 Fastest Growing Companies.

格伯是三本書的作者,也是三家成功公司的創始人。作為Next Marketing Agency的首席執行官,Gerber為B2C和B2B創新營銷設定了新的標準,使該機構成為不列顛哥倫比亞省增長最快的100家公司之一。

About CubicFarms

關於Cubi Farm

CubicFarms is a local chain agricultural technology company developing and deploying technology to feed a changing world. Its proprietary ag-tech solutions enable growers to produce high quality, predictable produce and fresh livestock feed with HydroGreen Nutrition Technology, a division of CubicFarm Systems Corp. The CubicFarms(TM) system contains patented technology for growing leafy greens and other crops onsite, indoors, all year round. CubicFarms provides an efficient, localized food supply solution that benefits our people, planet, and economy.

Cubi Farm是一家當地連鎖農業技術公司,開發和部署技術以滿足不斷變化的世界。該公司專有的農業技術解決方案使種植者能夠利用Cubi Farm Systems Corp.的一個部門--Water Green Nutrition Technology生產高質量、可預測的農產品和新鮮牲畜飼料。Cubi Farm(TM)系統包含一項專利技術,可在現場、室內和全年種植綠葉蔬菜和其他作物。Cubi Farm提供了一種高效、本地化的食品供應解決方案,造福於我們的人民、地球和經濟。

For more information, please visit


On behalf of the Board of Directors


"Dave Dinesen"

“戴夫·迪納森”(Dave Dinesen)

Dave Dinesen, Chief Executive Officer

首席執行官戴夫·迪內森(Dave Dinesen)

This release may contain certain "forward-looking statements" or "forward-looking information" under applicable securities laws. Forward-looking terms such as "may," "will," "could," "should," "would," "plan," "potential," "intend," "anticipate," "project," "target," "believe," "plan," "outlook," "estimate," or "expect" and other words, terms and phrases of similar nature are often intended to identify forward-looking statements, although not all forward-looking statements contain these identifying words. Forward-looking statements are based on certain key expectations and assumptions made by the Company. Although management of the Company believes that the expectations and assumptions on which such forward-looking statements are based are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on the forward-looking statements because the Company can give no assurance that they will prove to be correct.


SOURCE CubicFarm Systems Corp.


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Media Contact: Andrea Magee, T: 236.885.7608, E:; Investor Contact: Tom Liston, T: 416.721.9531, E:

媒體聯繫人:安德里亞·馬吉(Andrea Magee)電話:236.885.7608電子郵件:andrea.magee@cucuicfarms.com投資者聯繫人:湯姆·利斯頓(Tom Liston)電話:416.721.9531電子郵件

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